Episode 722: BNI Walkabout, Part I/第722集: BNI巡迴展,第一部分
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第722集: BNI巡迴展,第一部分
- 擴大的可能性:由於在線會議和在線網絡,更多的人能夠加入BNI並出席會議。
- 無處不在的關係建設:會員可以在任何時間、任何環境下建立自己的網絡和業務。
- 技術是力量的倍增器:在過去的12個月中,BNI會員完成了近180億美元的業務,並通過BNI在線™傳遞了超過1200萬個引薦人。
- 爆炸性的增長:自疫情開始以來,有700個新的分會成立。
- 重視多樣性和包容性:我們的分會內部越是多元化,他們就越能完成業務。多元化的網絡更強大。
但我有一個旅行者,他一直在旅行,與我們通話。你們大多數人可能記得,他曾在我們的幾個播客中出現過。這就是Graham Weihmiller,他自2014年起擔任BNI的主席和首席執行官。他還擔任BNI基金會的董事,這對我來說是很重要的。在加入BNI之前,Graham Weihmiller是一家有35年曆史的家庭護理服務公司的首席執行官,該公司在美國各地有250個分支機構。在此之前,他曾在美國特許經營公司、美國銀行和美林證券擔任領導職務。Graham在哈佛大學獲得了MBA學位,是特許經營認證的執行者,也是六西格瑪黑帶,他喜歡說這不是那種能在暗巷中幫助你的黑帶。
他在2020年當選為國際特許經營協會(IFA)的董事會成員。而且他與Robert Skrob和你是《連接器效應》一書的共同作者,該書成為亞馬遜上的暢銷書。Graham和他的家人住在北卡羅來納州的夏洛特。他和他的妻子莎拉--一位兒科急診室醫生--有三個年幼的孩子,我曾有機會在多個場合見到他們。最後一次,是在我位於加爾維斯頓的公寓,看到你的孩子們,Graham很開心。他們真的長大了,因為他們有這樣的趨勢。你一定把他們養得很好。
Episode 722: BNI Walkabout, Part I
Today’s guest is BNI’s Chairman and CEO, Graham Weihmiller, who recently visited BNI chapters in 29 US states. Here’s what he has to share about the advances that BNI members and directors have helped to bring about in the last 18 months of BNI.
- Expanded Accessibility: Thanks to online meetings and online networking, more people are able to join BNI and make it to meetings.
- Ubiquitous Relationship Building: Members can network and build their businesses in any environment, at any time.
- Technology as a Force Multiplier: Over the last 12 months BNI members have done nearly $18 billion (USD) in closed business, and passed over 12 million referrals through BNI online™.
- Explosive Growth: ?700 new chapters launched since the start of the pandemic.
- Emphasis on Diversity & Inclusion: The more diversity within our chapters, the more business they can get done. Diverse networks are stronger.
Tune in for Part 2 of this interview next week!
Episodes Mentioned in Today’s Show
- Episode 133, “Networks are Clumpy”
- Episode 672, “Being Intentional About Diversity”
- Episode 694, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”
Complete Transcript of Episode 722
Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner.
Hello Ivan, how are you and where are you?
Oh, I still keep traveling all over the world through Zoom. Recently, I’ve been to the National Conference in Australia, and the National Conference in South Africa, as well as many other places around the world.
But I’ve got literally a traveler, who’s been traveling, on the line with us. And most of you may recall, he’s been on a couple of our podcasts. And that’s Graham Weihmiller, who is the Chairman and CEO of BNI since 2014. He also serves as a Director of the BNI Foundation, which is near and dear to my heart. Prior to joining BNI, Graham was the CEO of a 35-year-old homecare services company with 250 locations around the U.S. And previously to that he worked in leadership roles with American Franchise Company, Bank of America, and Merrill Lynch. Graham received his MBA from Harvard, and is a Certified Franchise Executive, as well as a Six Sigma Blackbelt, which he likes to say is not the kind of blackbelt that will help you in a dark alley.
He was elected to the board of the International Franchise Association (IFA) in 2020. And he’s the co-author, along with Robert Skrob and yours truly, of the book The Connector Effect, which became a best seller on Amazon. Graham lives with his family in Charlotte, North Carolina. He and his wife, Sarah – a pediatric emergency room doctor – have three young children who I’ve had the chance to meet on several occasions. The last time, it was at my condo in Galveston, and it was a blast seeing your kids Graham. They are really growing up as they have a tendency to do. You must be feeding them well.
They do tend to be growing quickly. And they had a complete blast spending time with you in Galveston. Thank you again.
Yeah, it was my pleasure. So you did this walkabout, which I’ll let you talk about, but just to give a quick overview for everyone. You traveled 8000 miles and technically it was a “drive-about” but I like the term walkabout better. But you traveled 8000 miles, you went to 29 U.S. states, 16 stops, you were gone for a month. You ran 92 miles while you were doing it, you caught one fish, and the story behind that is funny. You had tons of fun, lots of learning; and that’s what I really want to talk about. Talk to me about some of the things that you’ve learned in your walkabout. I really think BNI Members around the U.S. and around the world could get a lot from what you learned in your walkabout. Welcome back, by the way.
Thank you, thank you very much, great to be back. And it was a great trip. It was busy and not always easy. But it was such a great amount of learning and fun in family time, reconnecting with nature; and just having a chance to connect with many BNI Members and Directors around the country. So it was great. And so we learned a lot on the trip, I learned a lot. First of all, just how great it is to be, you know, out on the road again, learning and sort of having a chance to continue building relationships. I also was reinvigorated about the idea that business leaders need to lead the way forward, and what leaders they’ve been over the last 18 months has – it’s been incredible.
So many examples of leadership well outside of business, just in their communities. They always play that role, but I think more important than ever right now. And just very heartened by the advances that BNI Members and Directors have made possible around the world, specifically the accessibility of what BNI is all about and what it provides. And so, certainly, very heartened by the idea that, you know, business leaders can connect in-person where it’s appropriate. Now they can connect with BNI Online. They can do One-to-Ones in person or you know, online. So just the blending of our traditions plus innovation that’s really accelerated over the last 18 months means that BNI Members can network in their pajamas and I think many of them do.
Ivan: (laughing)
At least from at least from the waist down.
Right. I prefer cargo pants, I oftentimes get made fun of for that. But I think they’re very handy, but absolutely. So we want people to be able to network and build relationships and build their businesses in any environment, at any time. We really call it ubiquitous relationship building; we want to help in every setting and cater to people’s preferences in their situations.
I was in line just a few years ago at a big conference, I was wearing a BNI badge and someone in front of me mentioned that they had been a part of BNI and they loved it. But she had young children at home and needed to get them to school in the morning so she couldn’t make the BNI meeting. And if it weren’t for that, she’d still be a member today; that was a few years ago. Fast forward, we’re hearing lots of stories of people in that situation now, being able to join BNI, and we’re just really happy that that expanded accessibility is there. And you know, another member I met along the way in California, an immigration attorney, and same situation, and now multiple members of her firm are involved with BNI because of that added flexibility. They don’t need to be in traffic, they can log-on and build relationships and help build their business and strengthen other members businesses along the way. So, accessibility is a big part of what our innovation is about, and blending that with our traditions that, you know, have supported members for 36 years.
You know, I’ve been talking about moving to online for several years now. I certainly didn’t see COVID coming, although you did, and I’ve been telling people that for a long time, you were looking around a corner and started to transition chapters in January of 2020, which was to me amazing. I mean, I just didn’t see it coming. But what I did see coming, was the change in technology. And we’ve got a lot of BNI Members that are still kind of dragging their feet on doing online. But the truth is, that’s the future. And I wrote about this in 2018 for Entrepreneur, that moving to using technology for networking, is it’s coming no matter what. It’s like the people in, you know, horse and carriages saying ‘no, we don’t want the automobile’. It’s like, you can’t stop it. And I think the best thing to do is to embrace it and use it in a way that is as effective as possible, within the context of BNI. Would you agree with that?
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. And BNI Online will continue to develop. And so we’ve seen it be remarkably successful over the last 12 months; nearly $18 billion (USD) in closed business, over 12 million referrals. So it is remarkably effective, and those numbers are growing. We also see it very effective with core groups that are just coming together before they launch formally as a chapter. So there’s lots of benefits.
And we really want to strengthen that model with emerging technology. So we’re starting to get more active and research on something you’ve talked about, which is virtual reality and augmented reality. I think there’ll be a role for blockchain and artificial intelligence in the future. So we want to think about, you know, the emerging technologies as really exciting opportunities for BNI Members to continue building relationships and to continue strengthening that platform that helps their businesses be more successful than ever.
So I want to go back to something you said, $18 billion US dollars in business in the trailing past 12 months, the trailing 12 months. That’s a record for us. I mean, $18 billion in trailing 12 months, I don’t think we’ve ever come close to that, even pre-COVID. And to do it during COVID just blows my mind. You talked about new chapters. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’ve opened I think 600? 700? new chapters during COVID.
Yeah, we’ve seen an acceleration in chapter launch activity. And just with the referrals and the closed business, my sense is that the velocity of referrals and closed business is accelerating through things like BNI’s mobile app, certainly advances in BNI Connect, BNI online™, certainly. So we’re excited to see that overlay of technology on all that has made BNI, you know, successful for years. Which is of course our focus on Givers Gain, the heavy training that we all participate in. So now, it’s an accelerant; the technology is an accelerant over those fundamentals that have been in place for years.
Yeah, it’s a force multiplier, no question about it. When the internet first came out, everyone was telling me “Oh, the internet’s gonna hurt BNI.” Well, it did not. You know, the first 11 years of BNI, we opened 500 groups, through 1996. From 1997 to 2008, we had 5000 groups. So the technology has been a force multiplier and I think will continue to be that for those people who embrace it.
Before we wrap up, can you talk a little bit about inclusivity? That was another topic that you wanted to cover in today’s Part One. Talk a little bit about that, which is important, not just in the U.S., but worldwide.
Absolutely. So BNI wants to represent and support every entrepreneur and business leader in the world. And, you know, when you think about it, that’s lots and lots of entrepreneurs and business leaders. And so we want to bring them together within this construct, a supportive community, a purpose driven set of values, a proven structure. And so we know, and Ivan, I know you’ve done a lot of research on this, the more diversity that are within our chapters, the more business they can get done, and diverse networks are stronger. It’s just a fact.
And you know, the more commonality within a network or a chapter, the less they’re going to be referring outside of that. So diversity is absolutely a strength, we encourage it. BNI has always been very focused and been very inclusive, and absolutely want to continue building that. So we want every entrepreneur and business leader out there to really count themselves in, you know, and a lot of folks think about a networking group, and they might be nervous to go visit and see what it’s about. BNI is an exceptionally welcoming place to everybody. And we want to support every business out there. So we hope that business leaders find friends, referral partners, and ultimately opportunity and fun, within BNI chapters around the world.
Yeah, great, great points. And you mentioned that I’ve talked about networks and diversity, check out [BNI Podcast] Episode Number 133, “Networks are Clumpy”, that’s the technical term. Which means that we just kind of hang out with people like ourselves. And of course, I have a couple of other podcasts on Diversity and Networking, including Episode Number 672, “Being Intentional About Diversity”, and Episode 694, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”. Three really good podcasts on this topic.
Well, Graham, you have so much in your walkabout, we’re gonna break this into two podcasts. And so we’re gonna have you back again next week. I want to really, really thank you for being here today. Great material, and we’ll talk again next week. Thanks, Graham.
Thank you.
Over to you Priscilla.
Okay, perfect. Thank you so much to both of you. I think that’s it for this week. This podcast is sponsored by www.misneraudioprograms.com. These audio programs will provide you with the tools and the inspiration to powerfully enhance your BNI experience and help you build your business as well. So check out the great material available to you at www.misneraudioprograms.com and use the promo code IVAN50 for 50% off all audio programs [this code is good for a limited time]. And all of the proceeds go to the BNI Foundation. So thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.