Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事


1985年1月8日,Dr. Misner創立了BNI。今年是該組織成立35週年,目前在全球70多個國家擁有9300多個分會。

1983年,Dr. Misner開始做管理諮詢業務。 1984年年底,他最大的客戶沒有續約。他需要盡快帶來大量的新業務。因為他所有的業務都來自於演講和引薦,所以他必須想辦法創造更多的引薦客戶。


Dr. Misner的朋友們喜歡這樣的想法,即把事業和關係結合在一起,以奉獻第一的理念來堅持。他們在1月8日舉行了第一次會議。


在第一年結束時,有20個小組。這時,米斯納博士開始意識到,他在商界打動了他沒有預料到的心弦。 1986年,他開始規劃規模化發展。

下週,Dr. Misner將和大家分享一下他對BNI從Garage to Global®的一些思考。

Ivan's Inner Circle



大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是Priscilla Rice,我從加州伯克利市的Live Oak錄音室為大家帶來了。我今天在電話中加入了BNI的創始人和首席願景官,Dr. Ivan Misner



今天是個特別的日子, 1985年1月8日,我開始了BNI。今年是該組織成立的第35個年頭。我們現在在全世界70多個國家有9300多個分會。這讓我大吃一驚。我一直都很謙虛,因為這已經成為了什麼。我想這可能是一個很好的機會,在BNI播客上分享BNI的起源故事。我曾在一些播客中簡單地談及過它,因為我經常被問到,"我讀過/聽說過,但你能不能分享一下,這樣我就可以得到一個官方版本的BNI起源的簡短版本。" 大約在1983年底,我開始全職從事諮詢業務,一直到1984年,我作為管理顧問做了一年。


1984年12月,我們舉行了一次非正式會議,討論這個問題。然後在1985年1月8日,我們舉行了第一次會議。在第一次非正式會議上,他們很喜歡合併業務的概念,不是僱傭兵或完全社交,而是合併業務和關係。所以你把僱傭兵和快樂時光這兩方面的東西,集中在業務和關係上,把它們合併在一起,將這一切結合就是 "Givers Gain "這個理念。這種理念,如果我幫你,你就會幫我,我們都會因此而做得更好。

等等,停在這裡。所以你想出了 "Givers Gain "的想法?

是的,Givers Gain是我曾經聽過的一個短語,但沒有人真正使用過。 因此,我認為這正是BNI所需要的。 BNI就是關於幫助其他人,以便他們幫助您的回報的概念。 iPad在組織成立的最初幾個月中的用語稍有不同,但始終是“奉行第一”的理念。 從第一天開始就一如既往。


你說的沒錯。並將這一概念融入到BNI中,從第一天起,我就將 "Givers Gain "的概念融入到了BNI中,並在我們啟動BNI後,使用了這句話。它確實將BNI與其他網絡分開 因為很多網絡都是非常重利的。它是關於把東西賣給別人,而不是建立關係,先給予後獲得,這真的是我認為從第一天開始就把兩者結合在一起的線索。我們認識了大約三個月左右,我得到了推薦人,並幫助我的朋友們得到引薦人,在某個時候,有人來找我,"這太棒了。我喜歡這個,但我不能加入。 " 因為即使從第一天開始,我們也只允許從一個專業中選一個人。
而這個集團是我的諮詢公司的一部分 順便說一下,他們問我,如果我會不會開第二家集團。我實際上說,「不,這不是我想做的。我是一個管理諮詢師,我不經營網絡。」她說,「好吧,這有點像諮詢。幫助我建立我的業務。」我說好的,我們就開了第二個。有的人因為和其他專業有衝突,所以沒能加入那第二個分會。他們說:「這下好了,我可以得到一噸的生意。你能不能幫我開個群?」我又說:「不,這不是我的工作。」然後他們會提出同樣的理由,我說好吧。最後我們在年底的時候,就有了20個分會。當時是沒有計劃的。

那是1985年的12月,我總是在新年前後抽出時間,你會在BNI播客上看到,我在新年前後會請幾個星期的假,我這樣做的原因之一是我想花時間反思。我想在5/10年後,我想在哪裡?今年與我的計劃相比,今年的情況如何?我想,"這到底是怎麼發生的?這根本不是我計劃中的一部分。" 這時,我意識到在商業社會中,有一個和弦,那就是我們不在大學裡教這些東西。沒有人知道如何有效地建立網絡,他們都在尋找通過引薦人建立業務的方法。就在這一點上,我開始擴大BNI的規模。我創建了一個在組織中走向全球的計劃,這將在我的下一個播客中出現。我如何將業務從garage to global

這個故事真的是這樣的。故事的開始是我去了一些僱傭兵的團體和其他太過社會化的團體,我把這兩個概念放在一起,最後形成了這個理念,叫做Givers Gain。剩下的就是歷史了。 35年了,這35年的時間,真是一騎絕塵。我的頭髮比剛開始的時候白了很多。我對它所產生的業務量感到很慚愧。我們還沒有最終的數字,但截至去年2019年,看起來已經完成了超過160億美元的業務量。這是一個狂野的旅程,我很享受其中的每一個細節。我徹底享受到了播客的樂趣。這是BNI的起源故事,我把它放在了這個組織如何開始的角度來看。

這就是我今天的一切 Priscilla.

好吧,我只想評論一下,你把BNI組織得這麼好,真是太神奇了,因為它想得太周到了。有這麼多的教育, 會議運行如此美麗的方式,你設置議程, 這是非常有趣的,你是如何做到這一切。非常令人印象深刻。

謝謝你,我真的很感激。我想在下一個播客,事實上,讓我們把它作為下一個播客, 我將做一些材料,我稱之為 "garage to global."。這是在大學裡不一定教的一些東西,而是我學習並實施的一些東西,以幫助擴大BNI的規模。我在下一個播客中要講的很多東西,是我在1985年12月想的,我決定我最好注意這個網絡的事情,因為它為很多人的生活帶來了改變。



這個播客有了一個新的贊助商! 去看一看,在www.IvansInnerCircle.com,Ivan已經收集了大量的話題,邀請你參與其中。非常感謝您的收聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待著您下週再次加入我們,為您帶來另一集精彩的BNI官方播客。

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story

On January 8th, 1985, Dr. Misner started BNI. That makes this the 35th anniversary for the organization, which now has more than 9,300 chapters in more than 70 countries around the world.
Dr. Misner started a management consulting business in 1983. At the end of 1984, his largest client didn’t renew his contract. He needed to bring in a lot of new business—fast! Since all his business came from speaking engagements and referrals, he had to find a way to generate more referrals.
He was involved in some networking groups, but wasn’t happy with them. Either they were purely social, or everyone spent the time selling. Neither one generated very much business, so he decided to start his own group. The members would be people he knew and trusted and wanted to refer business to.
Dr. Misner’s friends loved the idea of group that merged business with relationships, held together by a philosophy of giving first. They held their first meeting on January 8th.
After about 3 months of referrals, someone came to him and asked if would be possible to open a second group because there was already a member representing her profession.
By the end of the first year, there were 20 groups. At that point, Dr. Misner began to realize that he had struck a chord in the business community that he hadn’t anticipated. In 1986, he started to plan for scale.
Next week, Dr. Misner will share some of what he thought about to take BNI from Garage to Global®.

Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 640

Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner.
Hello, Ivan. How are you and where are you today?
I’m doing great. I’m back come in Austin, Tx after the new year. I had a great new year and looking forward to a great 2020. 
Today is a special day. On January 8, 1985 I started BNI. This is the 35th for the organization. We now have over 9300 chapters in more than 70 countries around the world. It blows me away. I’m always humbled by what this has become. I thought it might be a good opportunity to share on the BNI Podcast the origin story of BNI. I’ve talked about it briefly in some podcasts and it’s in the [ inaudible ] I want to give a short tighter version that people can share because I’m often asked, “I’ve read it/heard about it, but can you share it so that I can get an official version of BNI origin short.” Around the end of 1983 I started a consulting practice full time and I did it for a year up until 1984 as a management consultant. I had a number of clients but I hand a really large client that represented half of my business or more. We were doing a great job and I assumed that it would get renewed but I wasn’t involved with their finance. So when it came up for renewal at the end of 1984, they didn’t renew their contract and I was so surprised by that. I had just bought a house, Priscilla. I had a mortgage that looked gigantic to me. I needed to get referrals and build my business to replace that client. At that time, I received 100% of all my business as a consultant from speaking engagements and referrals. I had to ramp up the number of speaking engagements I did and I had to figure out what to do to get more referrals. 
I had been involved in different kinds networking organizations for a long time, but to be honest, I didn’t really like most of them. They weren’t what I was really looking for. I went to some ground that were mercenary. I would go to their meeting and they would just sell to you. Hardcore business. They were in many ways very negative if you didn’t come with business or if you didn’t go there to sell. I would walk away from those meetings and felt like I was slimed. Everyone was just trying to sell to me and I didn’t like that, it wasn’t my style. And the. I went to these other groups that were really social. It was happy hour and hors d’oeuvres. People didn’t wear badges many times. There was very little business done and I certainly didn’t find that helpful. So I went to some groups that were really mercenary and wasn’t my style. I went to other groups that were very social which didn’t serve my needs. I had done that for a year and I didn’t get much business from them, but it didn’t really matter because I had enough clients. But when I lost that one big client then I needed to do something. So what I decided to do was form a single group, and what I’d like to tell you Priscilla that I had this vision of an international organization with almost 10,000 chapters in 70 countries, but the truth is I just needed referrals for my consulting practice. I decided to put together a groups of friends. People that I knew and trusted, and people that I wanted to refer and hope that they would want to refer me as well. 
In December of 1984, we had an informal meet g to talk about it. Then on January 8, 1985 we had our first meeting. In the first informal meeting they loved the concept of merging business, not being mercenary or totally social, but merging business with relationships. So you took these two sides of mercenary and happy hour and focused on business and relationships, and merged them together. The glue that would hold it all together is this philosophy of Givers Gain. This idea that if I would help you the you’d help me and we’ll all do better as a result of it.
Wait, stop right there. So you came up with the idea of Givers Gain?
Yeah, well Givers Gain was a phrase that I heard at one point, but it was not really used by anybody. So I decided that this was exactly what needed at BNI. BNI was all about this concept of helping other people so that they help you in return. iPad a slightly different phrase in the first few months of the organization but it was always the philosophy of giving first. It as always about that from day one. 
I think that’s what separates BNI from almost other business networking organization or even in the concept of how to get business. It’s almost magical in a certain kind of way. 
You’re right. And incorporating that concept to BNI, from day one I incorporated the concept of Givers Gain and used the phrase a little bit after we started BNI. It does separate BNI from the other networks because many networks are very mercenary. It’s about selling stuff to people, as opposed to building relationships and giving first and getting second- it was really the clue that I think held the two together from day one. We met for about three months or so, I was getting referrals and helping my friends get referrals, and at some point someone came to me, “This is fantastic. I love this but I can’t join.” Because even from day one we only allowed one person from one profession. And the group was part of my consulting practice by the way, it was part of the consulting company I had at the time. And they asked me if I’d open up a second group. I actually said, “No, this isn’t what I’d do. I’m a management consultant, I don’t run a network.” She said, “Well, this is is sort of like consulting. Help me build my business.” I said okay and we opened up a second chapter. People came to that second chapter who couldn’t join because of a conflict with the other professions. They said, “This is great I can get a ton of business. Will you help me open up my own group?” Again I said, “No, this isn’t what I do.” They then would make the same argument and I said okay. We ended up having 20 chapters at the end of the year. It was without a plan at that point. 
It was about December in 1985, I always take time between right around New Years and you’ll see with BNI Podcast where I take a couple of weeks off around the new year, and one fo the reasons I do that is because I want to take time to reflect. Where do I want to be in five/ten years? How did this year compare to my plan? I as like, “How the heck did this happen? This was not part of my plan at all.” And that’s when I realized a struck a chord in the business community and the chord was that we don’t teach this on colleges and universities. Nobody knows how to network effectively and they are all aching for ways to build their business through referrals. It was at that point where I started to scale BNI. I created a plan for going global in the organization- which will be in my next podcast. How do I take the business from the garage to global. 
That’s really the story. The story starts with me going to groups that were mercenary and other groups that were too social, and I put the two concepts together and ended up with this philosophy called Givers Gain. The rest is history. It’s been an incredible ride of 35 years now. My hair is a lot more grey than it was in the beginning. I’m humbled by the amount of business it’s generating. We don’t have the final numbers in, but it looks like more than 16 billion U.S. dollars worth of business has been done as of last year in 2019. It’s been a wild ride and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the podcasts. This is the origin story of BNI and I puts it in perspective of how the organization began. 
That’s all I have today, Priscilla.
Well, I just want to comment that it’s amazing that you’ve done so well organizing BNI because it’s so well thought out. There’s so much education, the meetings run so beautifully with the way that you set agendas, it’s very interesting how you’ve done all of this. It’s very impressive. 
Thank you, I really appreciate it. I think in the next podcast- matter of fact let’s do it as the very next podcast, I’ll do some material over what I call “garage to global.” It’s some of the things that it wasn’t necessarily taught in college, but rather something I learned and implemented to help scale BNI. Much of what I’m going to talk about in the next podcast is what I thought about in December 1985 hewn I decided that I better pay attention to this networking thing because it was making a difference for a lot of peoples lives.
That’s what we’ll talk about next week.
That sounds very good! Thank you so much. 
This podcast has a new sponsor! Go check out the great content available at www.IvansInnerCircle.com where Ivan has assembled a wide array of topics and you’re invited to participate. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast. 



Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。