Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。
第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)
- 您分享了希望您的引薦夥伴聯繫的人的聯繫信息。
- 您還分享了有關與潛在客戶聯繫的人的其他信息(名片,營銷材料,網站)。
- 你給潛在客戶一個關於你所引薦的人的個人引薦信。
- 你打一個私人電話,安排潛在客戶和你引薦的人見面。
- 您可以在潛在客戶和您引薦的人之間進行面對面的介紹。
引薦人的5個級別在《Networking Like a Pro》第36章。第二版中的第36章。你也可以在Misner博士的博客上閱讀更多關於它們的內容。
由Networking for Success頻道在YouTube上為您帶來。
大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客,由YouTube上的Networking for Success頻道為您帶來,該頻道有Ivan Misner博士和其他許多網絡專家。我是Priscilla Rice,我從加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室為大家帶來。我今天在電話中加入的是BNI的創始人和首席願景官,Ivan Misner博士。你好,Ivan,你在哪裡?
引薦的五個級別-多年來,我已經撰寫了有關引薦的各個層次的書籍。 我曾經將其分解,我認為這是商務引薦中16個引薦級別。 我在《Networking Like a Pro》第一版中縮小了範圍。 但是在第二版中,我有BFO。
我告訴過你什麼是BFO嗎?還不錯 這是一個顯而易見的閃光點。盲目的閃光是:為什麼我的引薦等級不符合BNI的引薦等級?你知道的,而不是十二個或者十個什麼的,為什麼不匹配(BNI的)五個級別的引薦單?世界上大多數的引薦單都有五個不同的級別。
所以,在《Networking Like a Pro》中,我詳細介紹了引薦人的五個級別。今天我就在這個播客中給大家做一個總結。這就出到《Networking Like a Pro》第二版。它已經登上了暢銷書榜.它就像一本分會的必讀手冊。這是一本很棒的書。我真的推薦個人或分會閱讀。
有一節是介紹五級水平的,我在這裡給大家總結一下。 詳細信息在書中。 了解所有五個級別大部分都是累積的,因此當您進行第二級別的引薦時,它包括第一級別的內容以及第二級別的內容。 那有意義嗎? 它不是獨立的。 三是一和二的累積,依此類推。
因此,順便說一句,如果您正在聆聽,您可能會驚訝於給出了和第四級以及第五級引薦人,我認為我不是真正的第四級和第五級引薦人。 這是我的意見。 這不是必須的公司政策,但是我已經這樣做了33年。 這就是我定義和引薦您的方式,作為分會,我們定義了五個級別。
一級基本上是名稱,等級和序列號。 你引薦一個人。 您是引薦來源,引薦某人並分享他們的聯繫信息,並且他也知道你分享了。 一級不是領導。 線索是“這是某人的姓名和電話號碼”。
三級引薦,除了前面的一些或所有級別外,三級引薦是指有人給你引薦,給你口頭引薦潛在客戶,花時間和潛在客戶交談。您已經花了一些時間與潛在客戶交談,並且正在提供有關您所引薦的人的信息。 這是引薦的第一層次,確實需要您付出一點努力。通常包括提供一些背景信息,描述你對這個人的了解,對我來說,我盡量總是給至少三級引薦,我給基本信息,給引薦信,並能親自引薦產品。
現在,這裡是四級引薦。對了,很多人給的四級和五級其實是三級。在我看來,這就是你要做的四級引薦。這是給引薦人的另一個級別。你是引薦來源。你可以親自打電話,安排雙方電話或面談。你對這個人很了解。 "讓見面的人給他們打電話。你有興趣嗎?" 是的,讓我給他們打電話。跟他們打個招呼,也許還能約個時間,或者你做個電話橋梁。 "你願意讓我建立一個遠程橋樑電話嗎?這樣你可以跟他們可以連接" 所以,你作為引薦來源, 需安排電話。
第五級,我認為這是一個熱門的前景。也許更多的是,第五級是關於你的努力。對我來說,第五級是親自介紹。 在此級別上,您將投入大量的時間和精力來支持您引薦的人。
你不只是安排一次會議,而是參與其中。在這個層面上,你解決的是需求。您在找什麼,因為我很了解這個人。 “你在找什麼? 我會看看他是否能做到。” 然後您與客戶或潛在客戶交談,並說他們絕對可以做到。下週我會和他(她)一起去附近。 "你想見見嗎?我可以給你介紹一下。"
在我的書中,我談到了五級引薦的連續體。這一點很重要。引薦的級別越低,將其轉化為業務的難度就越大。我在Networking Like Pro第二版中顯示了一張圖表,以表明一級引薦人要花費95%的精力才能轉變為銷售,而二級引薦人要花75%的精力。這個數字沒有什麼魔力,但是隨著級別的提高,它的努力程度也會降低,所以三級引薦與最高級別的引薦相比,可能是50%的努力程度。四級可能是25%,五級可能可能是5-10%的努力--這樣一來,引薦的級別越高,把它變成生意的難度就越低。這樣做有意義嗎?
所以你的目標應該是永不放棄--我的目標一直是永不放棄--低於三級。我做到了嗎?我的目標是進行三級引薦,我努力做到四級和五級引薦。 我要說的是,我給出的大多數引薦大部分都是四級引薦。 第五級需要更多的工作,我經常引薦不住在附近的人,但我會盡可能地建立Skype通話。
這是我對尹的五個級別的定義。我想這將是一個很好的教育協調員在BNI分會的演講。與BNI成員分享它。你可以直接從第二版的《Networking Like a Pro》中獲得。你有什麼想法,Priscilla?
您知道,這很有趣,因為我假設,在引薦信上,它顯示了這種引薦有多炙熱? 它甚至可能有火焰。我不記得了 但似乎我把它理解為意味著這個人有多需要工作,諸如此類的事情,他們對引薦的接受度有多高?而不是說你做了多少準備工作來引薦這個人?這有點意思。這是一種不同的看法。
我知道幾年前我第一次製定引薦名單時,這並不是最初的意圖,但我們發現您對引薦的熱度的信念可能並非基於事實。 因此,獲得的信息越多,我對自己的引薦就越有信心,因此,我了解到引薦的級別有助於確定引薦的程度。
如果你不感興趣,你會說:"不行,給我點時間讓我考慮一下。你能不能把他的電話號碼給我?我會打電話給他。" 對嗎?這些都是你會說的事情。但如果你願意,你會介紹我, 那真是太棒了, 這是一個很好的引薦!
順便說一下,引薦的五個級別在Networking Like a Pro第二版的第253頁到256頁。這在第一版的《Networking Like a Pro》中是沒有的。我們增加了很多第一版中沒有的內容。它有很多額外的信息。它有不同的層次,所以我們把它縮小到了五個層次。我想我已經總結得很好了,所以如果你有機會的話,可以買一本《像專家一樣交流》第二版。並與你的成員分享這個播客。
這些不是一成不變的。 這不是BNI政策,但這是我對五級引薦人的看法。 謝謝, Priscilla。
太好了,Ivan非常感謝。好吧,我只是想提醒聽眾, 這個播客已經給你帶來了 由網絡的成功頻道在YouTube上。謝謝你的收聽。我是 Priscilla,我們期待您下週再次加入我們的節目,參加另一集精彩的BNI官方播客。
Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast)
This is a rebroadcast of Episode 548.
Since “666” is a number that means something sinister to some people, we thought we would do a podcast where “the devil is in the details.” This is a topic where the details are really important and we thought we’d have some fun related to the number. The topic is not evil, we promise. It is detailed though, so embrace that part.
At one point, Dr. Misner outlined 16 levels of a referral. But while writing the second edition of Networking Like a Pro, he realized that his levels should match the 5 levels on most BNI referral slips around the world.
These 5 levels of a referral are cumulative, and laid out in detail in the book.
- You share the contact information of someone who expects to be contacted by your referral partner.
- You’ve also shared additional information (business card, marketing materials, website) about the person you’re referring with the prospect.
- You give the prospect a personal testimonial about the person you’re referring.
- You make a personal phone call and arrange a meeting between the prospect and the person you’re referring.
- You make an in-person introduction between the prospect and the person you’re referring.
The lower the level of referral, the higher the level of difficulty in turning it into business. Your goal should be to give referrals that are at least a level 3.
The 5 levels of a referral are in Chapter 36 of Networking Like a Pro: Second Edition. You can also read more about them on Dr. Misner’s blog.
Brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube.
Transcript of Episode 548
Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. Ivan Misner and many other networking experts. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan, how are you and where are you?
Hi Priscilla. I am doing great and I am in Charlotte NC at the new Global Support Team headquarters, at the global headquarters at BNI, which moved there about a year or so ago, and that is where I am at this week.
Great. Tell me about the five levels of a referral.
Five levels of a referral- for many years I have had, you know, books that I had written that talk about the various levels of a referral. I had broken it down at one point, I think it was 16 levels of a referral in Business by Referral. I narrowed that down in the first edition of Networking Like a Pro. But in the second edition, I had BFO.
Have I ever told you what a BFO is? It’s not bad. It’s a blinding flash of the obvious. The blinding flash of the obvious was: why aren’t my levels of referrals matching the BNI levels of a referral? You know, instead of twelve or ten or whatever, why not match the five levels of referral (of BNI)? Most referral slips around the world have five different levels.
So in Networking Like a Pro, I laid out in detail the five levels of a referral. I am going to give a summary of them to you today on this podcast. This is right out to the Second Edition of Networking Like a Pro. It has already hit a best sellers list. it is like a mandatory manual for chapters. It’s a great book. I really recommend it for individuals or for chapters.
There is a section on the five levels levels of a referral and I am going to give you a summary of that here. The details are in the book. Understand that all five levels are mostly cumulative so that when you give a level two referral, it includes what is in level one plus what is in level two. Does that make sense? It’s not standalone. Three is cumulative of one and two, etc.
So a level one referral- oh and by the way, if you are listening to this you may be surprised that level and four and level five referrals have been given out that I don’t I think are really level four and level five referrals. This is my opinion. This isn’t corporate policy that it has to be this, but I have been doing this now for 33 years. This is how I define and recommend you, as chapters, define the five levels.
Level one- level one is basically name, rank and serial number. You recommend someone. You are the referral source, you recommend someone and you share their contact information, and they know that you have shared it. Level one is not a lead. A lead is ‘here is somebody’s name and telephone number. They don’t know that you are calling but you know they need your service’. We shouldn’t be giving any leads out unless that member is accepting a lead and says so publicly. An example of that is an opportunity to speak at some organization. I used to accept those. It wasn’t quite a referral, but it was a referral for a speaking engagement. It wasn’t a referral for a sale. Name, rank and serial number, it is contact information and the person knows that you have been given that information. That is a level one.
A level two is in addition to the fact that you referred them, the referral source provided, maybe, some literature or a website, information, certainly your business card. That is so easy in BNI. You know, just a little bit of additional information that can positively influence the prospect- giving them a little bit more information on you, generally material.
Level three referrals, in addition to some or all of the previous levels, level three referral is where someone gives a testimonial and gives a verbal recommendation to you about the prospect, takes time talking to the prospect. You have spent some time talking to the prospect and you are giving information about the person that you are referring. This is the first level of a referral that truly involves a modicum of effort on your part. It usually includes giving some background information, a description of what you know about the person, and to me, I try to always give at least a level three referral, where I give the basic information, give a testimonial, and can personally recommend a product.
Now, here is a level four referral. By the way, a lot of people are giving fours and fives that are really threes. Here is what you have to do for a level four in my opinion: This is another level up from the person that is giving the referral. You are the referral source. You can make a personal phone call and arrange a phone or in person meeting between the two parties. You know this person well. “Let met get them on the phone. Are you interested?” Yeah, let me get them on the phone. Say hi to them and maybe set up an appointment, or you do a telebridge call. “Are you willing for me to set up a telebridge call so you can talk to them, and you know, we can connect?” So you as the referral source, arrange the call. You arrange a meeting between the two parties and you now have moved beyond just being a promoter and you are now in the role of a connector or facilitator. So level four is basic connector facilitator role. it clearly takes more effort and is a sign that you are a committed referral partner to the other person.
Level five, I think this is a hot prospect. Maybe more than that, level five is about your effort. To me, level five is an in-person introduction. At this level, you are making a serious commitment of time and energy to support the person you are giving a referral to. You don’t just arrange a meeting but you participate in it. At this level, you address the need. What are you looking for because I know this individual well. “What are you looking for? I will see if he can do it.” And you talk to the person, you talk to your client or prospect and say they can absolutely do that. I will be in the neighborhood with him or her next week. “Would you like to meet? I can introduce you.”
This enables you to sort of share with the BNI member the information so they can tailor the discussion with the person. Then by agreeing to serve as an intermediary in this face to face introduction, you become an active referral partner and one of the things that you want to do is edify your referral partner in this meeting, and this is really important. Talk to your referral partner, the BNI member, about edifying you. This comes in handy for you in your relationship with the person because now, they are hearing not only how good you think the person is that you are referring, but that person is also saying, “You are doing business with a great individual. They do fantastic work.” It’s a sort of mutual edification which raises both of you in the eyes of the prospect.
So a level five referral is, in my opinion, practically a closed deal. It means that it’s a lay up. It is not a guarantee, but it is a lay up. Not much is required, really, other than answering some questions and really being able to obviously help the person who is looking for the product or service.
In my book, I talk about the referral continuum of the five levels of referral. This is important. The lower the level of referral, the higher the level of difficulty to turn it into business. I have a graph that I show in Networking Like a Pro second edition, to show that a level one referral takes 95% effort to turn into a sale but a level two referral takes 75 %. There is no magic to the numbers, but it is less effort as the level increases so that a level three referral is maybe 50% effort compared to the highest level of referral. Level four might be 25% and a level five might be maybe 5-10% effort – so that the higher the level of referral, the lower the level of difficulty to turn it into business. Does that makes sense?
So your goal should be to never give out- my goal has always been to never give out – less than a level three. Have I done it? Yeah, but I don’t shoot for it. My goal is to give a level three referral, and I strive to do level four and level five referrals. I would say the majority of the referrals that I have given out have been mostly level four referrals. Level five takes a little more work, and I often refer people that I do not live near but I will set up a Skype call whenever possible.
These are how I define the five levels of a referral. I think I this would make a great Education Coordinator presentation at BNI chapters. Share it with the BNI members. You can get it right out the second edition of Networking Like a Pro. What are your thoughts, Priscilla?
You know, it is interesting because I assumed- you know, on the referral slip, it shows kind of how hot is this referral? It might even have flames on it. I don’t remember. But it seems like I interpreted it to mean how badly does this person need the work done, that kind of thing, how hot is their receptivity to the referral? Not how much preparation have you done to refer this person? It’s kind of interesting. It is a different take on it.
It is. I know that when I first developed the referral slip years ago, it wasn’t the original intention but what we discovered is that your belief on how hot the referral is may not be based on fact. So the more information that I get, the more confidence that I have that it is, in fact, a great referral, so I learned that the levels of referral help to determine how hot that is.
Think about it. If I am referring you to a BNI member, and you are willing to go with me to meet that BNI member, how interested are you in that product or service? You are willing to say, “Yes, I would like to go meet that person. Please introduce me.” You are probably highly interested. Right?
If you weren’t interested, you would be like, “No, give me some time to let me think about it. Can you just give me his phone number? I will call him.” Right? Those are the things you would say. But if you are like, would you introduce me, that would be fantastic- that is a good referral!
By the way, the five levels of referral are on page 253 through 256 of Networking Like a Pro, second edition. This is not in the first edition of Networking Like a Pro. We have added a lot of content that is not in the first edition. It has a lot of additional information. It has different levels, so we have narrowed it down to five. I think I have summarized it pretty well, so pick up a copy of Networking Like a Pro second edition if you have a chance. And share this podcast with your members.
These aren’t etched in stone. This is not BNI policy but this is my view on the level five referrals. Thanks, Priscilla.
Great, Ivan. Thank you so much. Well, I would just like to remind you, the listeners, that this podcast has been brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube. Thank you for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.