Episode 721: Don’t Let Your Group Deflate While You Wait/第721集: 不要讓你的團隊在等待中洩氣

 第721集: 不要讓你的團隊在等待中洩氣


  • '我不知道有誰可以邀請′
  • '我們太小了,無法邀請訪客′
  • '我想要一個不同的會員小組′
  • '他們有一個利基業務′
  • '我們的會議空間太小了′
  • '我邀請的人沒有出現′
  • '經濟不景氣′
  • '經濟形勢太好′
  • '在網上見面是行不通的′
  • '我在等著親自見面′
  • '我有Zoom的疲勞′

你可以找藉口,也可以成功。 有 Zoom 疲勞比破產好。

「會員們,我相信你們。你必須相信自己。當你相信你可以,你就會利用BNI提供的資源,比如這個播客。你可以做到這一點。經濟好的時候,經濟不好的時候,Zoom疲勞的時候,無論發生什麼障礙,你都可以做到這一點。」  -Ivan Misner

Misner Audio Programs: www.misneraudioprograms.com. Including the Maximize BNI Package, the Your Business Starter Package, and Dr. Misner's Complete Audio Library!


大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是Priscilla Rice,我從加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室為您帶來。今天與我通電話的是BNI的創始人和首席願景官,Ivan Misner.博士。你好,Ivan你好嗎,你在哪裡?

謝謝你,Priscilla。 我最近沒有在Zoom或其他任何地方旅行過。 正如你們中的一些人可能知道的,我的一些健康數據急劇上升。 於是我去了一家診所,呆了幾個星期。 順便說一句,Priscilla,我在那裡的時候寫了很多東西——我是說,寫了很多東西。



所以我一直在想人們為什麼會說,“嗯,你知道,我現在不能邀請人。” 這裡有一些。 我將分別討論每一個問題。

  • '我不知道有誰可以邀請′
  • '我們太小了,無法邀請訪客′
  • '我想要一個不同的會員小組′
  • '他們有一個利基業務′
  • '我們的會議空間太小了′
  • '我邀請的人沒有出現′
  • '經濟不景氣′
  • '經濟形勢太好′
  • '在網上見面是行不通的′
  • '我在等著親自見面′
  • '我有Zoom的疲勞′



嗯,除了最後幾個,都是我聽了 36 年的同一個藉口!因此,如果可以,讓我們一次擊中每一個。


去聽聽第633集吧。我曾經這樣說過。我說過 "我沒有其他人可以邀請"。我有一個BNI會員,她把我帶到了學校。她給了我一些建議,從她的建議中,我找到了一票我可以邀請的人。

"我們太小了。" 第二,"我們太小了,無法邀請訪客"。

這是另一個。好的。那就創造吧! 我認識一個人,他說看,如果我想要一個不同的會員群體,我不能加入,因為沒有其他分會有我的空缺,所以我必須讓這一切發生。所以他進入了會員委員會,他邀請他想要的人進入這個團體。你可以成為你的分會的策劃人。他完全改變了這個分會。他是改變該分會的推動力,並帶來了偉大的會員。

這裡是另一個,第四個。 "嗯,他們有一個利基業務。"


那是第 244 集。沒有比 Norty 更適合的利基業務了。看看這個吧

這裡有一個我認為很瘋狂的問題。 "我們的會議空間太小了。"

"我邀請的人沒有出現。" 這是另一個問題。


這兩個我將一個接一個地給你。 "經濟不好。" "經濟太好。"
我喜歡這兩句話,因為我同時聽到這兩句話。當經濟不好的時候,"哦,經濟不好了。很難請到人。" 然後你知道,一年後,"哦,經濟如此之好。我不能邀請人們。"

BNI的魅力在於,當經濟不景氣時,人們需要BNI,因為經濟不好,人們在掙扎。當經濟好的時候,人們需要BNI,因為他們的競爭使他們難以成功。 BNI是我所見過的少數幾個企業之一,當你有一個經濟衰退 - 我們已經增長。當你有一個繁榮的經濟 - 我們已經增長。經濟如何並不重要,需求仍然存在。


我們知道這不是真的。我們在疫情期間開設了600多個BNI分會--超過600個! 在這段時間裡,我們增加了成千上萬的會員。請看第689集,在線和離線之間的唯一區別是拼寫。這是一個偉大的情節。它談到了在線工作的事實;我們知道它很有效。

好吧,根據定義,那就是 "不要讓你的團隊在你等待時洩氣"。這就是它的完美定義。如果你在等待,你的團隊就會洩氣,你不想這樣做。所以不要等著親自見面。請聽第659集《在線邀請訪客很容易》。Priscilla,在我們錄製之前,你說過離線,你認為在線比當面更容易?


是的。聽著,數字是不會說謊的。在大流行期間,我們已經成長。我想親自見面嗎?是的,當然。我們最終會回到面對面的方式嗎?是的,最有可能,可能是一個混合體。我們不知道。我有這麼多會員在說,"好吧,我們需要知道,我們現在需要知道。" "為什麼BNI不告訴我們現在該做什麼?" 我會告訴你,因為COVID,這整個事情有點像一個移動的目標。而我們必須正確地做這件事,這很重要。





最後一個是 "我有Zoom疲勞症"。
在你等待的時候,不要讓你的團隊洩氣。 我喜歡一位會員對我說的關於這件事的話。 她說她告訴一位會員“振作起來”。 她是對的。

如果這發生在90年代會怎樣?如果COVID在90年代襲擊我們怎麼辦?你就不會有Zoom疲勞症了。你們中的那些人,你們不會有Zoom的疲勞,你們會有破產。我更願意有Zoom的疲勞。同樣,如果這發生在90年代,我們會有很多麻煩。但由於技術的存在,我們不僅有機會生存,而且有機會茁壯成長。因此,要擺脫Zoom的疲勞,不要讓它成為不繁榮的藉口。 Priscilla,我有三個問題要問你。




1. 今天在邀請人方面是否存在挑戰?








我已經看到了。在過去的一年半里,我已經看到了它。菲律賓的一個BNI分會,Iconic分會,在COVID期間通過了6130個引薦人--6000個薦人! 卡塔爾的一個分會,實際上卡塔爾地區有155個會員,他們超過了8300萬(卡塔爾貨幣)。 在新冠疫情期間,該地區有8300萬。

在Hermosa Beach地區BNI的一個分會已經做了,他們有48個成員,在COVID期間有48個會員,他們繼續通過薦。在他們的{分會}生命中,他們已經做了4700萬美元。而且他們在2021年仍在繼續強大。佛蒙特州的皇后城分會已經做了,他們做了,Priscilla,在今年的一個星期裡,一個星期就做了23.9萬美元!這是很重要的。


回想一下你的第一次BNI會議。你難道不高興有人克服我們所說的所有這些障礙並邀請你嗎?想一想你在BNI旅程的早期有哪些好的經驗。你值得擁有這種經歷,其他人也是如此。今天是一個幫助他人獲得成功的好日子。如果你幫助足夠多的其他人獲得成功,他們也會為你做同樣的事情。這就是Givers Gain的意義所在。我們在這方面有36年的記錄。




因此,我建議你的分會和其他分會坐下來,集思廣益,說:"當事情很好的時候,我們在做什麼?我們怎樣才能回到那裡?" 忘掉那些障礙。讓我們來談談解決方案。如果你專注於解決方案,而且你有整個團隊,團隊的絕大多數人的分會,專注於你可以做到這一點。其他分會正在這樣做。你也可以做到。



好的,Ivan,我不得不說,這很有啟發性。好吧,我想本週就到此為止。我只想說,這個播客是由www.misneraudioprograms.com。這些音頻節目將為你提供工具和靈感,有效地提高你的BNI經驗,幫助你促進你的業務。因此,請查看www.misneraudioprograms.com,並使用促銷代碼IVAN50,所有音頻節目享受50%的折扣[該代碼在有限的時間內有效]。所有的收益都將捐給BNI基金會。因此,非常感謝您的收聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待你下週再次加入我們的BNI官方播客的另一集精彩節目。

Episode 721: Don’t Let Your Group Deflate While You Wait


Is your chapter making excuses for not inviting visitors? Are you marking time waiting to go back to meeting in person? Don’t let your group deflate while you wait for the challenges to be over. In this week’s episode, Dr. Misner addresses all these excuses–most of which are the same excuses he’s been hearing for 36 years.

  • ‘I don’t know anyone to invite.’ 
  • ‘We’re too small to invite visitors.’
  • ‘I want a different group of members.’
  • ‘They have a niche business.’ 
  • ‘Our meeting space is too small.’ 
  • ‘People I invite don’t show up.’
  • ‘The economy is not good.’
  • ‘The economy is too good.’ 
  • ‘Meeting online doesn’t work.’ 
  • ‘I’m waiting to meet in person.’ 
  • ‘I have Zoom fatigue.’ 

You can have excuses, or you can have success. It’s better to have Zoom fatigue than to have bankruptcy.

Members, I believe in you. You have to believe in yourself. And when you believe you can, you will. Use the resources that BNI provides, like this podcast. You can do this. Good economy, bad economy, Zoom fatigue, whatever the obstacle du jour happens to be, you can do this.

Ivan Misner

Mentioned in This Episode

Misner Audio Programs: www.misneraudioprograms.com. Including the Maximize BNI Package, the Your Business Starter Package, and Dr. Misner's Complete Audio Library!
The Official BNI Podcast is sponsored by Misner Audio Programs.

Complete Transcript of Episode 721


Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan. How are you and where are you?


Thank you, Priscilla. I haven’t been traveling through Zoom or much of anything lately. As some of you may know, I had some of my health numbers spike. And so I went to a clinic for a couple of weeks. Got a lot of writing done, by the way, Priscilla, while I was there–I mean, a lot of writing. And my numbers have gone down, things are good. It’s an old issue that I’ve talked about, and go to my public Facebook page, and you’ll see information from time to time updating, but I’m doing great. And I look forward to Zooming around a lot again.

Oh, that’s wonderful, Ivan. Well, we’re happy to know that you’re doing well.

Thank you. So this is an interesting topic. And I’ve been playing around with this in my mind for a couple of weeks. “Don’t Let Your Group Deflate While You Wait.”

So I’ve been thinking about all the reasons that people give for saying, “Well, you know, I can’t invite people right now.” And so here are some of them. And I’m going to talk about each one individually.

  • ‘I don’t know anyone to invite.’ 
  • ‘We’re too small to invite visitors.’
  • ‘I want a different group of members.’
  • ‘They have a niche business.’ 
  • ‘Our meeting space is too small.’ 
  • ‘People I invite don’t show up.’
  • ‘The economy is not good.’
  • ‘The economy is too good.’ 
  • ‘Meeting online doesn’t work.’ 
  • ‘I’m waiting to meet in person.’ 
  • ‘I have Zoom fatigue.’ 

Do any of these sound familiar to you, Priscilla?

Yes, yes.

Well, all except for the last few, they’re the same excuses that I’ve heard for 36 years! So let’s hit each one of them, one at a time if we can.


“I don’t know anyone to invite.”

Go and listen to Episode number 633. I once said that. I said that. “I don’t have anybody else to invite”. And I had a BNI Member who took me to school on that. And she gave me suggestions that, from her suggestions, I found a boatload of people that I could have been inviting. Listen to that episode to hear what I learned from a BNI Member and I’m sharing with you. You’ll find, if you do what I say there, that there may be a lot of people that you can still invite.

“We’re too small.” Number two, “we’re too small to invite visitors.”

If that’s holding you back, you’ll never grow. Do a Visitors Day. Check out episode number 505, where we talk about how to do a Visitors Day. And I have seen chapters who had 15 members do a Visitors Day and end up in the high 20s or 30s by doing a great, not just a marginal Visitors Day, but an all-out fantastic Visitors Day. And they got there. So don’t let that hold you back or you’ll never grow.

“I want a different group of members.”

That’s another one. Okay. Then create it! I know a person who said Look, if I want a different group of members because I can’t join, there are no other chapters that have my opening, so I’ve got to make this happen. So he got on the Membership Committee, he invited people he wanted into the group. You can be a curator of your chapter. He completely changed the chapter. He was the impetus to changing that chapter around and bringing in great members.

Here’s another one, number four. “Well, they have a niche business.”

Oh, really? Listen to Episode number 244. It’s about unique professions. Do you remember me talking about Norty Turchin, Priscilla, who sold commercial lightbulbs?


That’s episode number 244. There is no more of a niche business than what Norty had. Check that out.

Here’s one that I think is just crazy. “Our meeting space is too small.”

Here’s a thought: move to a bigger space. Really? That’s an air sandwich as an excuse, there’s no meat to that. Find a bigger space. And don’t say there aren’t any. I have talked to people who said there aren’t any and then somebody else in that chapter found one. So they’re around, look for them.

“People I invite don’t show up.” That’s another one.

Okay, so this has happened to me. It’s happened to me. So I did a blog at www.IvanMisner.com about the fear of rejection. And in there I quote Dr. Mark Goulston, who’s been on our podcast a number of times, “We have a lot less control over winning or losing at something than we do over trying or quitting something. Always try. You can eventually win. If you always quit, you can never win.”

Keep inviting. You think I haven’t invited people who didn’t show up? I’m the founder of the organization, it happens to me. It’s okay. Having people not show up did not stop ME from pursuing success in the group I was a member of. So keep plugging away and do it right. There’s so many {BNI} podcasts on How to Invite; just do a search on inviting visitors. There’s a lot of podcasts on how to do it.

These two I’m gonna give you back-to-back. “The economy is not good.” “The economy is too good.”

I love those two, because I hear them both. When the economy is bad, “Oh the economy’s not good. It’s hard to invite people.” And then you know, a year later, “Oh the economy’s so good. I can’t invite people.”

The beauty of BNI is that when the economy is not good, people need BNI, because the economy is bad, and people are struggling. When the economy is good, people need BNI because their competition is making it difficult for them to be successful. BNI is one of the few businesses I have ever seen that when you have a recession – we’ve grown. When you have a booming economy – we’ve grown. It doesn’t matter what the economy is, the needs still exist.

Now, here’s a few that are more recent, that I didn’t hear two years ago.

“Meeting online doesn’t work.”

We know that’s not true. We’ve opened over 600 BNI chapters during the pandemic–over 600! We’ve added thousands of members during this time. Check out episode number 689, The Only Difference Between Online and Offline is the Spelling. It’s a great episode. It talks about the fact that online works; we know it works.

“I’m waiting to meet in person.”

Well, that is, by definition, “Don’t Let Your Group Deflate While You Wait.” That’s the perfect definition of it. That if you’re waiting, your group’s going to deflate, you don’t want to do that. So don’t wait to meet in person. Listen to episode number 659, Inviting Visitors is Easy Online. Priscilla, you said offline before we recorded, that you thought it was easier online than in-person?

Yeah, I think so. Because nobody has to commute. You don’t lose any time before or after the meeting, you know, you can go right back to what you were doing. And it’s just so easy. You know, just sit in front of your computer and you’re there.

Yeah. And look, the numbers don’t lie. We’ve grown during the pandemic. And would I like to meet in person? Yeah, absolutely. Are we going to eventually go back to in person? Yeah, most likely, probably a hybrid. We don’t know. And I have so many members who are saying, “Well, we need to know, we need to know now.” “Why isn’t BNI telling us what to do now?” And I’ll tell you, because of COVID, this whole thing is sort of a moving target. And it’s important that we do this right.

And sometimes, and this is really important, sometimes you have to slow down in order to go fast. So I ask you, be patient. I am not, by nature, a patient man. This has tried my patience, along with most other people in the world. Wouldn’t you agree, Priscilla?

Yes, definitely.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what we need. Patience. Take a deep breath.

Sometimes you have to slow down in order to go fast.

The last one is “I have Zoom fatigue.”

Don’t Let Your Group Deflate While You Wait. I love what one member said to me about this one. She said she told a member “Buck up Buttercup”. And she was right.

What if this happened in the 90s? What if COVID hit us in the 90s? You wouldn’t have Zoom fatigue. Those of you listening, you wouldn’t have Zoom fatigue, you’d have bankruptcy. I’d much rather have Zoom fatigue. Again, if this had happened in the 90s, we would be in so much trouble. But because of technology, we have the opportunity to not only survive, but to thrive. So move past the Zoom fatigue, don’t let it be an excuse for not thriving. Priscilla, I’ve got three questions for you.


Give me one word answers.


1. Are there challenges with inviting people today?


Were there challenges with inviting people in the past?


Do you think there will be challenges with inviting people in the future?

I think so.

Yes. So listen, we’ve had challenges in the past. We have challenges today. We’re gonna have challenges in the future. Nothing’s gonna change with that. And the truth is excuses don’t bring results. They pretty much bring failure. There will always be challenges.

Don’t let your group deflate while you wait for the challenges to be over, because they’ll never be over. Candidly, most will be the same old challenges we’ve always had. Sometimes, there’ll be something new, like the online meeting issues and challenges. Most of you know this, but I need to say it as a preface to my next comment.

BNI’s Vision is about changing the way the world does business. We do that by helping people increase each other’s business through a structured, professional referral marketing platform. It’s important that we hold the vision, not the obstacle. Let me repeat that. It’s important. It’s important that we hold the vision, not the obstacle. When we hold the obstacle, we have trouble achieving success at anything, not just BNI. When we hold the vision, it leads us to success. And if we hold that vision really well, it leads others to success.

I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it over the last year and a half. A BNI chapter in the Philippines, the Iconic Chapter, passed 6130 referrals during COVID –  6000 referrals! A chapter in Qatar, actually the region of Qatar has 155 Members, they passed 83 million rials, the Qatar currency. 83 million in their region during the COVID period. A chapter in Hermosa Beach area BNI has done, they have 48 members, 48 members during COVID and they continue to pass referrals. During their {chapter} lifetime they’ve done $47 million. And they’re going strong in 2021 still. The Queen City Chapter in Vermont has done, they did, Priscilla, $239,000 in one week of this year, one week!


So you know, you can have excuses, or you can have success. Those same kinds of stories I’ve heard over and over from chapters and regions in Europe, in Africa, and India. If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’ll be right. I’ve been there. I’ve experienced this myself.

Think back to your first BNI meeting. Aren’t you glad someone got over all these hurdles we’re talking about and invited you? Think about the good experiences that you had early on in your journey with BNI. You deserved that experience and so do other people. Today is a great day to help others achieve success. And if you help enough other people achieve success, they’ll do the same for you. That’s what Givers Gain is all about. We have a 36-year track record on this.

Today is the tomorrow we were worried about yesterday. We can do this. Members, I believe in you. You have to believe in yourself. And when you believe you can, you will. Use the resources that BNI provides, like this podcast. You can do this. Good economy, bad economy, Zoom fatigue, whatever the obstacle du jour happens to be, you can do this. That’s my message for today, Priscilla.

That’s a good one, Ivan. And so timely because I know that our chapter is struggling trying to invite visitors. And I’m sure that other ones are also.

Yes. And it really takes a concerted effort on the chapter to recognize the opportunities that exist and run with the opportunities and not focus on the challenges. I’ve talked about the book, The Solutions Focus, by my friend, Mark McKergow. And he says if all you do is focus on problems, you become an expert at the problems. But if you focus on solutions, you become an expert on solutions.

So I advise your chapter and other chapters to sit down and brainstorm and say, “What were we doing when things were great? And how can we get back there?” Forget about the obstacles. Let’s talk about the solutions. And if you focus on the solutions, and you have the entire team, the overwhelming majority of the team, the chapter, focus on that you can do this. Other chapters are doing it. You can do it too.

Right. You’re so right.

Thanks Priscilla.


Okay, Ivan, that was very inspiring, I have to say. Well, I think that’s it for this week. I’d just like to say that this podcast is sponsored by www.misneraudioprograms.com. These audio programs will provide you with the tools and inspiration to powerfully enhance your BNI experience and help you boost your business. So check out the great material that’s available to you at www.misneraudioprograms.com and use the promo code IVAN50 for 50% off all the audio programs [this code is good for a limited time]. All of the proceeds are going to go to the BNI Foundation. So thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.




Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。