Synopsis What can cause a healthy 46-year-old to have a stroke? Stress and overwork, that’s what. Dr. Richard Shuster joins the podcast this week to talk about the importance of harmony and alignment in entrepreneurship and share some quick tips for reducing stress.
Minimize exposure to things you can’t control (like the news). Exercise daily. Schedule time to relax. Have boundaries around your work hours. To find out more about where you may not be in alignment and how you can restore harmony in your life, take the POWERS Assessment at . If you use promo code BNI at checkout, 50% of proceeds from your purchase will go to the BNI Foundation.
Dr. Misner discussed work-life harmony in Episode 136 , Episode 406 , and Episode 598 .
The Official BNI Podcast is sponsored by Misner Audio Programs. Complete Transcript of Episode 718 Priscilla:
Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan, how are you and where are you?
Ivan: Well, I’ve been traveling a lot, via Zoom over the last few weeks I’ve been to Brazil, Singapore, Canada, Spain, Argentina.
Priscilla: Wow.
Ivan: You know, I love meeting the members in person, but I gotta tell you, it’s nice not having to get on planes. So I’ve been traveling a lot by Zoom over the last few weeks.
That’s great.
I am really excited to have as a guest here today Dr. Richard Shuster. Dr. Shuster, or Dr. Richard as he likes to be known as, is a clinical psychologist, a TEDx speaker and a CEO of Your Success Insights, which helps consumers and corporations and athletes achieve balance and peak performance. He’s also the host of The Daily Helping with Dr. Richard Shuster: Food for the Brain, Knowledge from the Experts, Tools to Win at Life , which is regularly downloaded in over 150 countries. Dr. Shuster’s clinical expertise and podcast have been featured in such publications as The Huffington Post, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, and others. He is also the president of Every Kid Rocks, Inc., a 501c3 which helps schools provide therapy services to children. And I was very pleased to be on one of his podcasts. Welcome to the BNI podcast, Dr. Richard.
Dr. Richard: Thank you, Ivan. It is great to be here.
Ivan: Well, it’s fantastic having you here. And you’re talking about a subject that I think is really important. And I’ve talked about this on a BNI Podcast in the past. And that’s about harmony, and the difference between harmony and balance. But you have a very interesting story, and you talk about how harmony came to you from having suffered a stroke. So do you want to talk a little bit about that?
Dr. Richard: Yeah, it was actually a year ago last week. And so I’ve been extra reflective and introspective about it. You know, I, like many of you listening to this, am an entrepreneur, and kind of popped out of the womb with an entrepreneurial heart and mindset. And I was, despite the pandemic, doing really, really well. I had had two consecutive quarters which were my best ever. I just did that TEDx, was just having a great time firing on all cylinders—and then had a stroke.
And neurobiologically speaking you know, there’s an expression – close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. But I got as close as you can get. Literally, that stroke missed a major center of my brain by less than a millimeter. And I don’t know what that is an inches. Yeah, they use millimeters in the hospital. And so, had it hit that area, Ivan, I wouldn’t be here today. I would be a burden to my family. I’d be alive, but I would probably look like a patient with advanced Parkinson’s, probably in a diaper, unable to really speak, probably wouldn’t have control of my hands and the mobility that I do now.
And so, you know, when I had this incident, it was impossible. It didn’t make sense. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. I’ve never done drugs. I eat right. I worked out seven days a week, sometimes twice a day. And I was 46 at the time. So for that to happen to me just didn’t make any sense. And they send you to every kind of specialist imaginable, every “ologist” there is, to find out what’s wrong with you.
So we went through this odyssey of maybe he’s got cancer, maybe it’s a thyroid, maybe it’s this . At the end of the day, it was simply because I lacked harmony. I was working 80 hours a week and I think there’s a lie that entrepreneurs tell ourselves and that ‘It’s not really work if we love what we do’ , right? We beat our chests about it, we would almost, you know have it as a tattoo, right? That’s one of the hallmarks about entrepreneurship is you get to do what you love.
Ivan: Mmm hmmm.
Dr. Richard: But the reality is, work is work. And, you know, I would get up and start my day at 4:30 or 5:00, and I would end it at, you know, 11 o’clock at night. Now, of course, I’d stop and do homework with my kids and feed them and the quality time and all, but I was truly burning the candle at both ends, and I’m wildly lucky to be here today.
Ivan: Well, that’s an amazing story. And I can relate completely because I certainly was guilty of that myself for probably too long. And I think that’s one of the reasons, one of the contributing factors to the cancer that I was diagnosed with nine years ago. So. Let me ask you a follow up question. Why does harmony and alignment matter?
Dr. Richard: It matters. Yeah, there’s number one – Harmony means that you’re clicking on all cylinders in your life. And alignment means you’re doing what you were put on this planet to do. And so when those two things are jelling, it’s kind of like chocolate and peanut butter, right? They’re great by themselves; they’re better together. And so you’re really in a space where you’re happy, where you’re feeling fulfilled.
There is so much medical research, Ivan, that indicates those that are unhappy with work, those that are engaged in increased stress, are likelier to suffer medical conditions. And just from the standpoint of stress alone, 89% of people recently surveyed said they experience serious stress. Not just a little bit, but serious stress. And you know, from a standpoint of health and wellness, my God, stress is linked to six of the leading causes of death in this country – heart disease, cancer, which you experienced, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. It’s so important, more than ever, to be in harmony, to be in balance, to love what you do, to be in alignment. Those are the keys to living a happy, healthy, fulfilled life. And I know that’s very near and dear to your heart.
Ivan: Yeah, it absolutely is. And, you know, we have, at this moment, about 282,000 or 283,000 BNI members in 70 countries around the world. Most of them are, well, they’re all either entrepreneurs or business professionals. And so I thought this message would be of value to people who may be in a similar situation in terms of stress and work life. Harmony, as I like to call it, versus balance. Can you talk a little bit about the science of stress?
Dr. Richard: Yeah, stress is really interesting, because we are designed to have a reaction to stress, a response to stress. And back in the day, and I’m talking 12,000 years ago, you would be out hunting, and you’d see a saber-toothed tiger, and your biology would fire, and adrenaline would get released and cortisol gets released, and certain parts of your brain light up, and you’d get out of there. And you’d be huffing and puffing, but you’d be safe, and everything would return to homeostasis, and you’d be good. The problem is we were not designed to be in an ever-present world of stress. So stress is exacerbated by a media cycle and a news cycle that’s now 24 hours and customized.
This didn’t exist in the past, and I’m not talking didn’t exist in the past when cavemen were around, I’m talking, you know, 20 years ago. There were no devices in our pockets that were delivering us this unending barrage of information, and most of its negative. And so now we have, and we have a pandemic that, you know, we haven’t really experienced as a society since 1918, and the world is very different than it was 103 years ago. So what’s happening is we have these constant stressors, which mean hormones like cortisol are impacting us around the clock, a cognitive distortion surrounding fears and concerns are now ever present. And what that does is it wreaks havoc not only psychologically on us, but physically, which I alluded to earlier when I quoted that recent study. It is so essential—we can’t control the pandemic, right; we can choose or not choose to get vaccinated. And that’s not a political statement. That’s just fact. We can choose, you know, who we’re going to hang around with and what we’re going to do, but we really don’t have any control over how a virus is going to spread and what it may do. We’re not we don’t have any control over wars, the economy, there’s all these things, but it’s crammed down our throats. So it’s really critical that we, as much as possible, minimize our exposure to this. I mean, I tell people turn off the news.
Ivan: Oh yeah, I’ve been saying for years – micro-dose the news.
Dr. Richard: Yes, no apps. I have no news apps on my phone. I have no feeds with news. If there’s people in your social media that all they’re doing is retweeting ‘the world is ending, the sky is falling’, get those people out of your feeds. You don’t have to be a jerk and unfriend them, but certainly unfollow. And so you know, those are little things that you can do.
Ivan: Any other simple tips? We’ve got about a minute left to wrap up.
Dr. Richard: Absolutely. Exercise daily, schedule time to relax.
Ivan: Yes.
Dr. Richard: And have boundaries around your work hours.
Ivan: Yeah, you know, for my entire professional career, I’ve had what I call a mental health day, once a week, whenever possible, where I just do things that I want to do, and I stay home and I don’t have people over and I may see family, but it’s my margin. And I think that’s really important. Too many businesspeople don’t have those.
Dr. Richard: It’s critical.
Ivan: So Dr. Richard, tell us about where people can connect with you, what website you have, and I know you have a special thing going on for BNI members, and I’d love you to share that.
Dr. Richard: I do. You can connect with me at , spell it however you feel like. I bought every domain configuration possible on my last name, but that’s the mothership to me. And yes, you know, out of the stroke, when I recovered, we built a tool, an empirically based tool for entrepreneurs and working moms and dads on work life balance, on harmony and balance to use your terminology, Ivan. And as I often do with foundations and nonprofits, I love what the BNI Foundation is doing.
So if you go to and use the code BNI at checkout, 50% of all proceeds are going to go right to the BNI Foundation. And that’s forever. So check it out for yourself, learn about yourself, share it with your loved ones. We’re trying to raise as much money as we can. As you said in the intro, I’ve got a charity for children, too. So that’s near and dear to my heart, and I’m going to help your Foundation as much as possible.
Ivan: Well, thank you so much. And it’s and the code is BNI. Does it matter if it’s an uppercase or lowercase?
Dr. Richard: Nope, it doesn’t matter at all.
Ivan: Either one. Listen, I want to thank you for having me on your podcast and I want to thank you for coming to the BNI podcast, my podcast. And I think you have some great information to share with entrepreneurs, BNI members around the world. Thanks for being here. Dr. Richard, I appreciate you.
Dr. Richard: Absolutely. It was a pleasure. Thank you, Ivan.
Ivan: Over to you Priscilla.
Priscilla: Okay, that was great. Thank you both very much for the great information. This podcast is sponsored by . These audio programs will provide you with the tools and the inspiration to powerfully enhance your BNI experience and help you boost your business. So check out the great material available to you at and use the promo code IVAN50 for 50% off all the audio programs [this code is good for a limited time] . And all the proceeds are going to go to the BNI Foundation. So thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.