From 1985 until 2020, BNI was strictly an in-person networking organization. Between January 2020 and March 2020, BNI made an incredible pivot and transitioned 9700 BNI chapters to meeting online. BNI now has more than 10,000 chapters, all meeting online.
With COVID-related restrictions easing up in many parts of the world, the question becomes “What’s next for BNI? What is the future of BNI meetings?”
The answer to that question is still under discussion. To kick it off, BNI surveyed 2300 members around the world, asking which option they preferred:
In-Person Only,
Online Only, or
A Blend of Online and In Person Meetings.
Results of the survey about future BNI meetings.
The results? Only a third of members surveyed want to go back to in-person only meetings, but 50% prefer a blend of in-person and online. (Online-only was the least popular option at 16%.)
Nothing has been decided yet, so please share your thoughts about how this could work for your chapter in the comments.
The Official BNI Podcast is sponsored by Misner Audio Programs.
Complete Transcript of Episode 717
Priscilla: Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan, how are you and where are you?
Ivan: Well, I’m still Zooming around the world. I’m talking to you from my home office in Austin. But I’ve been Zooming around the world to Hong Kong China, Peru, and India, and many more to come. The one nice thing about Zoom is I get to see a lot of events; I get to attend a lot of BNI events.
Priscilla: Yeah, that’s so great. I love that. So tell us a little bit about what we’re discussing here.
Yeah. So let me give you a little backstory, and then I’ll talk about the Networking In-Person, Online, or a Blend. In 2017, I was sitting in the back of a senior leadership meeting for BNI. And this group was talking about the future of the organization. And they wanted to, you know, look ahead to see what kind of opportunities and challenges there might be. They were BNI Directors, a small group of select directors, and someone from the group looked over at me and said, “Hey, you’re the Chief Visionary Officer, what do you see for the future of the company?” And this was in 2017. So I stood in the room and I boldly said that because of advancements in mixed reality, 3D technologies, holographic technologies, I thought that the future of networking was likely to be online. And while I thought that might raise a few eyebrows – instead it raised voices. The pushback I got was “No way! No way!” That was the overwhelming chorus of voices in response to my proclamation. So the pushback was almost complete, with the exception of a couple of millennials that were in the room.
One of them said to me, not the millennials, the others, “Really?” asked this one guy who was incredulous. “Really? You’re the Founder of the world’s largest in-person networking organization, and you honestly think that we’ll transition to online!?” And then somebody else said, “Never! That’s never gonna happen.” He went on to say, “I can’t believe that you would actually think that.”
So I re-learned a valuable lesson that day, and that is that when you have a bold vision, as a rule, as a rule, don’t just blurt it out. Instead, ease people into that vision. People aren’t receptive to massive change at first, they need to be eased into that change whenever possible.
I have done a blog, and I think we did a podcast on it, The Cat’s On the Roof. Did I do a podcast on that yet?
Ivan: So once I recognized the error of my ways by just blurting it out, what I did over the next year was to begin to talk at company events about disruption, and how companies could become complacent in their delivery of services and how they could sometimes not see the train coming down the track at them. And I spoke, as I know I have in previous podcasts, about Kodak and Sears and Blockbuster as examples of what happens if a company becomes complacent with their operations. So I had hoped that these stories would get Directors and eventually Members thinking about disruption. I wrote an article about disruption. We’ll try and put a link in this podcast transcript to the article I wrote at Entrepreneur about disruption.
And I’d been talking about it, then, for over a year. Then in December of 2018, I wrote another article for Entrepreneur about the change that I saw coming in networking organizations, like the one I suggested a year earlier that caused such a vocal reaction when I brought it up. And I re-introduced this concept more than a year after I blurted it out because I felt that it was really important to lay the groundwork more effectively about why I think this is coming, and you can see the formal prediction that I made in an article on Entrepreneur, we’ll include that link as well.
Take a look at that, because I wrote that in 2018, it is on, and I talked about how online was going to become critical. Over time, I referred people in my organization to these two articles to help them prepare mentally for what I believed was coming back then. And granted, I saw this development because of the emergence of technology, not a virus, but I saw it coming, nonetheless.
In mid-January of 2020, I was at a mastermind event where we were doing an exercise led by Kian Gohar, who is the Founder of Geolab. And it was his “Moonshot Exercise”, and this is January 2020, and he asked us to create a vision of what we wanted to be embraced within our organization that year. And my vision was that by the end of 2020, that the management, the senior management of our company, would see the inevitable fact that the future of networking would be, at least in part, online. Now, that was January 2020. Little did I know that at the end of that month, we would fully embrace that vision, in China and some other countries, and then gradually, we expanded that.
Now credit for this needs to go to our CEO, Graham Weihmiller, he was looking around a corner and he saw that Covid was going to be a far bigger problem in the organization than anyone else thought it would be. And by the end of January, as I said, we transitioned Asia. By February, we transitioned much of Europe and by March of 2020, he, the franchisees, members, and the Global Support Team had transitioned the entire organization to online. And this was no small feat. In January 2020, the company had 9,700 networking groups that were meeting in-person every week. By March of 2020, we had over 9,700 groups meeting online every week, and this was a pivot of monumental proportions.
Since that time, the company has added more than 500 or 600 additional chapters, bringing the total number of our groups to well over 10,000 chapters world-wide. And virtually all of these groups were meeting online for most of 2020. What seemed completely unfathomable to most people just a couple of years earlier, became the norm within two years, well of two and a half years, of my prediction.
So that leads me to the topic of this podcast. The question now within the company is – “What does the future hold for meetings going forward?” And in previous podcasts I talked a lot about – Be patient, take a deep breath. Hope is more powerful than fear. BNI is a beacon of hope in a sea of fear.
We get that. It’s an important question and the answer to that question has not been settled. But it is under discussion. What I’m going to share is NOT BNI policy – it’s talking points. This process has begun with a survey of over 2,300 Members from around the world, asking them if they would like their networking meetings to be:
In Person Only,
Online Only, or
A Blend of Online and In Person Meetings.
Now, I’m going to share the results with you. And I’m going to actually include a graphic here, a PNG or a JPG graphic of the data that I’m about to share with you.
As you can see in the results in that graphic, one third of the members of this survey wanted to go back completely to “In-Person” meetings. Over 16% wanted to stick with “Online Meetings Only”. So, one third said In Person Meetings Only, 16% said Online Meetings Only, and a whopping, whopping (considering the attitude just two years prior) almost 51% of the members surveyed were in favor of a blend of meeting both in-person and online.
Now, just a few years ago – what was unthinkable to most leaders in the organization, was now very possible for two thirds of the people surveyed by the organization.
Because of the continuous advancements in technology, the move to online networking meetings was inevitable. I want to repeat that. Because of advancements in technology, the move to online networking meetings was, in my opinion, inevitable. The spread of Covid simply expedited the imminent disruption that lay ahead.
And I am so incredibly proud of this organization because we did not allow that disruption to shut us down. Instead, we faced it head on, which is what a company should do. It’s what the clients of a company should do. It’s what the local Directors of our organization should have done and did. It’s what you, the Members, should have done, and did. I believe we can lead the disruption or we can be disrupted. That is the mantra that entrepreneurs must embrace to survive in the 21st century. For networking groups, that means that it is time to embrace the inevitable transition to some variation of meetings online.
Now, you’ve got to hear my message. I’m not saying, “We’re all moving online.” I’m saying that I do believe that a blended approach – it might be the perfect time for that, might be the perfect time for a blended approach. For most business people meeting in-person and shaking someone’s hand, when it’s safe for us to do that again, has no online equivalent. And I agree with that.
That’s why I think a transition, that is a blended variation of meeting online and meeting in-person is brilliant. And it’s ‘low hanging fruit’ for BNI chapters that are in cities that have snow days, that’s an easy, yes. But even for other chapters around the world, I think some blended version is likely to be in our future. That doesn’t mean you’re not going to go back to meeting in-person. You may. But keep your eye on the technology because things are changing. That’s my message, Priscilla. Any thoughts?
Priscilla: Yeah, well, we’ve been thinking about it in our group. And I think the ideal relationship would be three online meetings and one in-person. And on the one in-person, you would make kind of festive, you know, like, you could have a potluck or whatever and make it, you know, just really special.
Ivan: Well, I love the idea of three and one. Again, that’s not company policy. I love that idea. I’m not sure I’d make it festive. I would, in fact, try to have a regular BNI meeting. That would be my suggestion.
Priscilla: Well, of course, I mean, I’m not assuming you wouldn’t have a regular meeting.
Ivan: If you’re doing a regular meeting, you know, it’s probably going to be in a restaurant, but it’s likely to change, maybe have a little longer, have some time after the meeting for people to network a little bit longer. But I think, you know, if I were a member of a chapter, I think that’s what I’d be leaning towards is, you know, three online and one in-person. One of the benefits of that is that as companies grow and get more successful, they travel and if they can still attend most of the meetings, if the chapter is traveling (meeting online). I know we’re over time, but I appreciate your suggestion. And I like that idea. Remember everyone, this is not policy. This is a discussion. Be patient.
Priscilla: Right.
Ivan: We’ll get through this. I am so proud of all of you and how we made it through this COVID craziness. We will be okay. EGBOK – Everything’s Gonna Be Okay, I promise. Back to you, Priscilla.
Priscilla: Okay, thank you so much, Ivan. That was great. Well, that’s it for this week. I’d like you to know that this podcast is sponsored by These audio programs will provide you with the tools and the inspiration to powerfully enhance your BNI experience and help you boost your business. So check out the great material available to you at and use the promo code IVAN50 for 50% off all the audio programs [this code is good for a limited time]. And all the proceeds are going to go to the BNI Foundation. So thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.
第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客) 由於 "666 "這個數字對某些人來說意味著一些邪惡的東西,所以我們認為我們將做一個 "魔鬼在細節中 "的播客。 這個主題的細節非常重要,我們認為與數字有關的事情會很有趣。 我們保證,這個主題不是邪惡的。 它很詳細,所以要接受這部分。 米斯納博士曾一度概述了一個引薦的16個級別。但當他在寫第二版《 Networking Like a Pro 》的時候,他意識到他的級別應該與世界上大多數BNI引薦單上的5個級別一致。 這5個層次的介紹是累積起來的,在書中有詳細的闡述。 您分享了希望您的引薦夥伴聯繫的人的聯繫信息。 您還分享了有關與潛在客戶聯繫的人的其他信息(名片,營銷材料,網站)。 你給潛在客戶一個關於你所引薦的人的個人引薦信。 你打一個私人電話,安排潛在客戶和你引薦的人見面。 您可以在潛在客戶和您引薦的人之間進行面對面的介紹。 引薦的級別越低,將其轉化為業務的難度就越大。你的目標應該是給出至少是3級的引薦 引薦人的5個級別在《Networking Like a Pro》第36章。第二版中的第36章。你也可以在Misner博士的博客上閱讀更多關於它們的內容。 由Networking for Success頻道在YouTube上為您帶來。 第548集的文字記錄 Priscilla : 大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客,由YouTube上的Networking for Success頻道為您帶來,該頻道有Ivan Misner博士和其他許多網絡專家。我是Priscilla Rice,我從加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室為大家帶來。我今天在電話中加入的是BNI的創始人和首席願景官, Ivan Misner 博士。你好, Ivan ,你在哪裡? Ivan : 嗨, Priscilla 。我現在很好,我在北卡羅來納州夏洛特的新的全球支持團隊總部,在BNI的全球總部,BNI大約一年多前搬到了那裡,這就是我本週的工作地點。 Priscilla : 很好,跟我說說引薦人的五個級別。 Ivan : 引薦的五個級別-多年來,我已經撰寫了有關引薦的各個層次的書籍。 我曾經將其分解,我認為這是商務引薦中16個引薦級別。 我在 《 Networking Like a Pro 》 第一版中縮小了範圍。 但是在第二...