Episode 689: The Only Difference Between Online and Offline Is the Spelling /第689集 線上和線下的唯一區別就是拼寫問題

 第689集 線上和線下的唯一區別就是拼寫問題

本週,BNI英國和愛爾蘭全國助理總監菲爾-伯格(Phil Berg)與Dr. Misner一起探討心態、態度和學會適應的問題。



/來吧,菲爾,在線與離線之間的區別,好吧,是拼寫。 目標不變。 我可能只需要改變實現它們的方式。/  -菲爾-伯格自述

與其說 "我不能",不如說 "我不知道怎麼做"。這讓找到方法成為可能。每年使用菲爾的 "RAPPER "方法,讓你走上正軌。

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Ivan's Inner Circle
本集由Ivan's Inner Circle贊助。今天就成為創始會員吧


大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是Priscilla Rice,我現在從加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室為您播報。我今天在電話中加入的是BNI的創始人和首席願景官, Dr. Ivan Misner.。你好,Ivan。你今天過得怎麼樣?



是的,我今天有一位客人。所以。我的客人是一個好朋友。他的名字是菲爾伯格。和他一起達到你的目標和BNI。他是一個準備受追捧 的主題演講和勵志演講者。
他在印度,波蘭,美國,芬蘭,迪拜,泰國,菲律賓,南非訓練有素的公司和個人。 而且他已經預定了接下來的11個半月的主題演講,因此他是一位備受追捧的主題演講者。
我喜歡這樣。Jackie負責公司的行政管理 他們有兩個孩子,傑米和娜塔莎。Phil,歡迎來到BNI播客。很高興你能來這裡。

非常感謝您的榮幸。 謝謝。


好吧,是的,我的意思是,首先,很顯然的我們希望每個人都好,並且挑戰就在那裡,接受它。 但是在我看來,思維定勢和態度只是我個人的看法,但這對很多人都有幫助。
就像我常說的,Ivan,你知道, 你已經做了武術 在非常高的水平。但你會意識到,如果有人, 你可以給他們你最大的幫助, 但如果他們繼續這樣, 最終他們可能只需要一個鏡頭。因此,這可能意味著他們不如您好,他們不如您熟練,但他們只是有這種願望。 在我向所有人強調的同時,我也謹致敬意地強調,是的,這並不容易,而且我也不會忽略最小化或不尊重挑戰。
對我來說,我很幸運, 幸運的是,我不知道我在做什麼當這個鎖定發生, 你知道,你不能離開你的房子, 我做了一個決定,我不會坐在這裡等待可怕的事情發生。我得適應。我必須解決這個問題。因為什麼是其他的選擇?所以我堅強的說:"拜託,菲爾,線上和線下的區別,好吧,就是拼寫。目標不應該改變。我只是可能要改變我實現目標的方式。" 而這就是我的心態。就像,你是做什麼的--沉淪還是游泳?

是的,我同意。我認為有時人們會因為這種談話而感到惱火,因為他們覺得,你沒有認識到挑戰的存在。我不認為這是這裡的情況下, 我認為我們認識到,有挑戰。那你打算怎麼做呢?
我的意思是,您知道,我們可以解決這些問題,而且,順便說一下,還會有其他問題。 這些都是獨一無二的,而且,更糟糕的是,去年肯定比我經歷過的任何一年更具挑戰性。



我對演講者的看法是,是的,您可以說:“嘿,那裡有機會”,但是對您來說,您還沒有生活在現實世界中。 第一,人們不知道別人經歷了什麼。 所以,你知道,我是一個普通人。 而且肯定存在挑戰。 肯定有障礙,但是在最大的尊重下,還是有機會。例如,如果我可以和旅行社分享一個故事,那位旅行社實際上是我的朋友。 基本上他們說:“你知道,我只是不能賺錢。 沒有人預訂,沒有人離開。” 因此,我總是對人們說,當您使用“我不能”這樣的字眼時,這會讓我感到沮喪。你要把 "我不能 "改成 "我不知道怎麼做",好嗎?因為如果你說,"我不知道怎麼做",它傾向於尋找可能不存在的答案。但如果你只是轉身說 "我不能",那麼這只是純粹的接受,這是給自己找理由。所以這有點像我的一句話--它是什麼,就是接受。它是什麼,就是喜歡,好吧,我要怎麼做呢?

因此,如果我可以分享旅行社的故事,我就想到了這個主意。 我說:“您認為您每個月可以找到30到3-0的人,並將其放入抽獎活動嗎? 而且我不知道這是否會在整個池塘中平移,但是抽獎活動可能是,我個人是Phil Berg,我沒有錢,但我相信生活中有三種人。從字面上看沒有任何錢。好吧,這些人不買賬,不管經濟如何。也有像我這樣的人,你知道,我有錢,但也不是多餘的,我不能隨便亂扔,我知道自己要注意什麼。還有第三種人,他們有的是錢,有的是錢。所以不管外面的環境如何,只要你引誘一個有錢的人用影響力去消費,那麼他們就會釋放出來。

我買了西服。 但您知道,我因穿著三件套西服而聞名。 我在鎖定狀態下買了一套西服,例如,我不需要另一套西服。 純粹是因為有人在我的屏幕上提出要約,並且說這套衣服值得,但您可以在那買。 而且您知道,如果您不喜歡它,可以將其發送回去。 我只是想,您知道嗎,那是沒有風險的,沒有什麼損失的。

對旅行社,我說:"聽著,我準備給你100英鎊,我知道我將參加30比1的抽獎,贏得1500英鎊的假期。所以我把100英鎊放在只有30比1的機會上。好吧,我不是一個賭徒,我不鼓勵賭博。但對我來說,那就像,我準備投入100英鎊或100美元。這不是對我來說,幸運的是,這不是一筆財富,我很重視這一點。 " 然後我對他說, "你會得到什麼, 如果你能找到30人..." 他們說,"哦,我可以很容易做到這一點。 " 所以我說,"好吧,這是3000美元或英鎊進來。第一--你要給他們1500英鎊的回報,所以你有1500英鎊的淨利潤。第二,你要給他們的1500英鎊價值的假期,你要賺三四百元。所以其實,你也可以直接把這3000英鎊放到一個賬戶裡,賺點利息,外面的情況,你也可以賺點利息。所以,如果你能做到這一點,在12個月內, 你會有36000英鎊進來,沒有任何支出。如果你把1100英鎊放在一個單獨的賬戶裡 當大家都準備好再次離開的時候 你就會有一筆錢放在那裡了







所以他們會談論他們去過的地方,並展示不同地點的照片。 你知道,倫敦,巴黎,紐約,那是一次城市之旅。 非常有趣,它是免費去城市遊覽的。 然後最後是,當COVID結束時,您想提前報名旅行嗎?

明年某個時間提前註冊旅行,我們將向您發送詳細信息,您只需進入此鏈接即可註冊。 他們通過進行免費的城市遊覽,並講述他們在這些國家的經歷和令人驚嘆的經歷,吸引人們報名參加旅行。 我的意思是,對我而言,這是一個完美的樞紐。

哇。 我喜歡這一點,而且據我們所知,人們為情感而購買。


你知道,幾年前我就曾受過教育,我很喜歡這一門。 有人對我說,你知道菲爾,在經濟衰退期間,錢不會離開這個國家,人們只是把它埋得更深一些。 而且,您知道,人們進入困難時期的速度就像重新開始花錢一樣快。 如果可以與您的聽眾分享,我寫的演示文稿確實有很多精彩之處。而它的名字叫rapper,就像說唱音樂一樣。而我之所以這麼做,是因為它很有紀念意義。所以我拍了一張我的照片,我這個老頭,側著頭戴著帽子,脖子上掛著一條大鍊子,不管他們怎麼把手指擺成說唱的那種姿勢。請不要問,請上帝你永遠不要找到那張照片。而說唱歌手的概念是R代表回顧。而A代表適應。 P代表計劃,第二個P代表完美。 E代表評估,R代表結果。如果人們每年都能做rapper,他們的生活就會更加愉快。


偉大的建議,菲爾。 謝謝你。 最後總結之前有什麼最後的想法嗎? 我們時間不多了。

是啊,我只祝大家一切都好。 而且,這是亨利·福特(Henry Ford)一句著名的句子:無論您認為自己可以做到,還是認為自己不能做到,這都是正確的。 女士們,先生們,我們並不是不尊重或無視正在發生的事情。但到了最後,你的選擇是什麼,接受它,慢慢死去?還是想辦法克服它,因為在我們的餘生中會有挑戰,你不能屈服。

真是好消息,菲爾。 非常感謝您參加BNI播客。 我真的很感謝你


謝謝。 交給你,Priscilla

好的,很好。謝謝你這麼多。這是偉大的信息。這個播客的贊助商是Ivan的內心世界。去看看www.IvansInnerCircle.com 上的精彩內容,Ivan在那裡集合了各種有趣的話題,供你了解和參與。所以非常感謝您的收聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待您下週再次加入我們的官方BNI播客的另一集精彩節目。

Episode 689: The Only Difference Between Online and Offline Is the Spelling


Phil Berg, Assistant National Director for BNI UK & Ireland, joins Dr. Misner this week to talk about mindset, attitude, and learning to adapt.

In the turmoil surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to forget that everyone had difficult things to deal with before the pandemic…and we’ll have difficult things to deal with after the pandemic.

Normally those things don’t all happen to everyone all at the same time, but Phil had a revelation.

Come on, Phil, the difference between online and offline, okay, is the spelling. Goals shouldn’t change. I just might have to change the way I achieve them.

Phil Berg to Himself

Instead of saying “I can’t,” say “I don’t know how.” It makes finding a way possible. Use Phil’s “RAPPER” method every year to keep you on track.

  • Review
  • Adapt
  • Plan
  • Perfect
  • Evaluate
  • Results
Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 689

Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan. How are you doing today?

I am doing great, Priscilla. It’s a fantastic new year and hopefully, hopefully, a little easier New Year for everybody than in 2020.

Yes, we hope for the best.

Yeah. So, I have a guest today. My guest is a good friend. His name is Phil Berg. And he’s with Reach YOUR Goals and BNI. He’s a sought after keynote and motivational speaker. He’s trained companies and individuals in India, Poland, USA, Finland, Dubai, Thailand, Philippines, South Africa. And he has already got the keynote speeches booked for the next 11 and a half months, so he’s a sought after keynote speaker. Phil is a published author. His first book was Success In Business and Life and his second book, One Liners of Influence, I love that concept, should be published this year.

Phil is the Assistant National Director for BNI UK & Ireland. And he’s the Executive Director for BNI London East and co-Executive Director for BNI Essex. He’s been a valued member of the BNI Founder’s Circle, a group I founded in BNI for Directors, and is on, and has been on, many other committees in BNI. Phil is married to Jackie, his true love since they were 16 years old. I love that. Jackie oversees the administration side of the business, and they have two children, Jamie and Natasha. Phil, welcome to BNI podcast. It’s great to have you here.

Thank you so much a real honor and privilege. Thank you.

Truly my pleasure having you here, and I love the topic. I want to hear all about this: The Only Difference Between Online and Offline Is The Spelling. I don’t know if I’d say it is the only, but I think you’re onto something. I think that there’s not as big a difference as people think. So, I think you want to talk about mindset and attitude, so let’s start there. Where do you want to go?

Well, yeah, I mean, it’s look, you know, first of all, obviously, we wish everyone well, and the challenges are out there, accept it. But, you know, mindset and attitude, in my mind and it’s just my personal opinion here, but it helps a lot of people. As I always said, and Ivan, you know, you’ve done martial arts at very high level. But as you’d be aware, if someone just, you can give them your greatest right-hander, but if they keep getting up, eventually they may just need one shot. So it may mean they’re not as good as you, they’re not as skilled as you, but they just have that desire. And whilst I stress to everybody, and I do stress respectfully that yes, it’s not easy out there, and I’m not dismissing or minimizing or disrespecting the challenges.

I think what people tend to forget is we so live in the now. But didn’t people have health challenges before this Coronavirus? Didn’t people have financial challenges? Didn’t people have business challenges? Respectfully, and I’m not wishing this on anybody, what do you think’s gonna happen in a year or so’s time when things change again? Financial challenges will still be around for some, personal challenges around for some. You know, the present is the present, whatever is going on.

And for me, I’m very fortunate that luckily, I didn’t know what I was doing and when this lockdown happened, and you know, you can’t leave your house, I made a decision that I’m not gonna sit here and wait for terrible things to happen. I’ve got to adapt. I’ve got to work it out. Because what’s the other choice? So I stayed strong and said, “Come on, Phil, the difference between online and offline, okay, is the spelling. Goals shouldn’t change. I just might have to change the way I achieve them.” And that’s the mindset bit for me. Like, what do you do – sink or swim?

Yeah, I agree. And I think sometimes people get annoyed over this kind of talk because they feel like, well you’re not recognizing the challenges. And I don’t think that’s the case here at all, I think we recognize that there are challenges. And what are you going to do about it?

I mean, you know, we can wallow in the problems, and oh, by the way, there’ll be other problems. These have been unique and, you know, worse, certainly a more challenging year last year than any year I’ve experienced.


But what are you gonna do? You know, the one thing you control is your response to the challenges you have and I think that’s really kind of what you’re talking about here.

Yeah, for sure. I mean, you know, I repeat something I said earlier. I do not dismiss what’s happening out there. You would know this from your brilliant experiences and an amazing speaker, you know, I’ve sat in the audiences listening to speakers, and as we all know, what’s heard is different to what’s said. And my perception of the speaker is yeah, it’s okay for you saying, “Hey, there’s opportunities out there,” but it’s okay for you, you haven’t lived in the real world. Number one, people don’t know what other people have gone through. So, you know, I’m a normal guy. And there have definitely been challenges out there. There have definitely been obstacles, but with the greatest respect, there have been opportunities.

Now, if I may share a story, for example, with a travel agent, who is actually a friend of mine. And basically they said, “You know, I just can’t earn money. No one’s booking, no one’s going away.” So I always say to people, when you use the words, “I can’t” with me, it frustrates me. And you need to change the words from “I can’t” to “I don’t know how”, okay? Because if you say, “I don’t know how” it leans towards searching for answers that may not be there. But if you just  turn around and say “I can’t”, then that’s just pure acceptance, and it’s justification to yourself. So it kind of goes to one of my one liners – It is what it is, is acceptance. It is what it was, is like, well, what am I going to do about it?

So if I may share the story of the travel agent, I came up with this idea. I said, “Do you reckon you could find 30 people, 3-0, a month, and put them into some sort of raffle? And I don’t know if that translates across the pond, but raffle would be, you know, I personally, Phil Berg, and I don’t have money, but I believe there are three types of people in life. People that literally do not have any money. Well, those people don’t buy, whatever the economy is. There are people like myself that, you know, I have money, but it’s not spare, I can’t just frivolously throw it away; I’m aware of what I’ve got to be careful of. And there’s the third type of person who’s got plenty of money, plenty of money. So no matter what the circumstance is out there, if you entice someone that’s got the money to spend it with an influence, then they’ll release it.

I bought a suit. But you know, I’m very well known for wearing three-piece suits. I bought a suit in lockdown, like, I don’t need another suit. And it was purely simply because someone put an offer on my screen, and it says the suit is worth this, but you can buy at that. And you know what, if you don’t like it, send it back. I just thought, you know what, that’s a no risk, what the hell, nothing to lose.

With the travel agent, I said, “Look, I would be prepared to give you £100 and I know that I would be in a 30-to-1 draw, to win a 1500 pound holiday. So I’m putting £100 in on only a 30-to-1 chance. Well, I’m not a gambler and I don’t encourage gambling. But for me, that’s like, I’d be prepared to put £100 or $100 in that. That’s not for me, luckily, that’s not a fortune, and I value that.” And then I said to him, “What you’ll get, if you can find 30 people…” They said, “Oh, I could do that easily.” So I said, “Well, that’s 3,000 dollars or pounds coming in. Number one – you’re giving them a £1500 return, so you have £1500 net profit. Number two, on the £1500 value holiday you’re going to give them, you’re going to make three or four hundred dollars. So actually, you could also put the £3000 straight into an account and earn a little bit of interest, with what’s going on out there. So if you can do that over 12 months, you’re gonna have £36,000 coming in with no outlay at all. And if you put the £1100 aside into a separate account, when everyone’s, please God, ready to go away again you’ve got the money sitting there.


So you have to adapt.

You’re right. The key is you have to adapt, just as you said. And you also have to be willing to pivot, to be willing to make the changes necessary. And creativity is, I think, critical. I’ll tell you, you talk about travel, I didn’t know you were going to tell that story. I’ll tell you a true story that I heard this year with another BNI member who was in the travel business, (they) started doing online city tours.

So they would talk about places that they’d been to, and they’d show photographs of the different locations. You know, London, Paris, New York, and it was a city tour. Very interesting, it was free to go to the city tour. Then at the end, it was, would you like to sign up in advance, for a trip, when COVID is over? Sign up in advance for a trip sometime next year, and we’ll send you details and just, you know, go to this link and you can sign up. And they’re getting people to sign up for trips, by doing free city tours, and telling the stories that they’ve got about being in those countries and the amazing experiences. I mean, that, to me is a perfect pivot.

Wow. I love that, and as we know, people buy on emotion.


You know, I was taught something years ago, and I love this one. And someone said to me, you know Phil, in a recession, money doesn’t leave the country, people just bury it a little bit deeper. And, you know, people go into tough times as quickly as they start spending money again. And something if I can share for your audience is I’ve written a presentation that’s really got some fantastic legs. And it’s called rapper, as in rap music. And I’ve done that because it’s very memorable. So I’ve got a picture of me, the old man that I am, with a cap on sideways and a big chain around my neck, and however they put their fingers in a rap kind of pose. Please don’t even ask, please God you never find that picture. And the idea of rapper is the R stands for review. And the A stands for adapt. The P stands for plan; the second P stands for perfect. The E stands for evaluate and the R stands for results. And if people can do rapper every single year, their life will be more enjoyable.


Awe, great advice, Phil. Thank you. Any last thought before we wrap up?  We’re out of time.

Yeah, I just wish everyone well. And you know, it’s a famous Henry Ford sentence: Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’ll be correct. We are not disrespecting or ignoring what’s going on out there, ladies and gentlemen. But at the end of the day, what’s your choice, accept it and die slowly? Or work out how you overcome it, because there’ll be challenges throughout the rest of our lives and you can’t give in.

Great message, Phil. Thank you so much for being on the BNI Podcast. I really appreciate you.

Absolute privilege, and an honor to be sharing the stage with you. Thank you so much, Dr. Misner.

Thank you, thank you. Over to you, Priscilla.

Okay, great. Thank you so much. That was great information. The sponsor for this podcast is Ivan’s Inner Circle. Go check out the great content available at www.IvansInnerCircle.com where Ivan has assembled a variety of interesting topics for you to learn about and participate in. So thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.



Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。