Episode 688: How to Stay Positive When Life Throws You a Curve Ball / 第688集:當生活向你扔曲線球時,如何保持積極的態度?


在2021年的第一個播客中,來自澳大利亞珀斯的BNI西緣分會的Suzzanne Laidlaw和Misner博士一起討論瞭如何在可怕的事情發生時也能保持積極的態度,並繼續前進。

應對你無法控制的情況(如COVID)的一個關鍵是停止關注你不能做的事情,問自己你能做什麼。什麼是你還能控制的? 你真正想去的方向?

Ivan's Inner Circle
本集由Ivan的Inner Circle贊助。今天就成為創始會員吧


大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是Priscilla Rice,我現在從加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室為您播報。我今天在電話裡和大家見面的是BNI的創始人兼首席願景官,Dr. Ivan Misner.。你好,Ivan,你今天好嗎?

我做得很好。新的一年開始了,這很好。讓我們都希望2021年比2020年更好一點,我們所面對的所有挑戰。這也是我們的周年紀念週,1985年1月8日 ,BNI。所以這週我們正式36歲了。


是的,謝謝。 今天我有一個關於一個偉大話題的嘉賓。 我在本週保留了該主題,因為我認為這是開始新的一年的好方法。 我的客人是BNI成員Suzzanne Laidlaw。 她是一位榮獲殊榮的業務教練,是業務規劃的全球領導者,並且是一本非常鼓舞人心的著作《您的計劃是什麼》的作者。
Suzzanne參與BNI已經超過10年了;我很喜歡聽到這句話,真的。她說這是她做過的最好的商業決定之一。很多年前,她成立了自己的地方 BNI分會,此後她在該組織中擔任了許多領導職務。我想歡迎你,Suzzanne,歡迎來到BNI播客。



是的,這是我認為很多人不理解的東西, 它實際上是一個有意識的選擇。多年來,我見過這麼多的人,你知道,覺得他們的態度是所有關於發生在他們身上的外部,所有正在發生的事情,可能是做他們的財務,可能是做他們的家庭,可能是做他們的業務。所以他們讓這些事情影響了他們的態度。而事實卻恰恰相反。

是的,我完全同意。 我喜歡查爾斯·斯溫多爾(Charles Swindoll)的一句話。 我已經把它給了我所有的孩子,我也把它給了其他商人。 如果可以的話,我會摘錄一下。

他們一直說:“您知道,是否用雙手取決於您,是否有多少機動性取決於您。” 因為他們無法說出您的態度。 許多人出了事故,這就是他們的終點。 還有其他人出事了,這是有史以來最糟糕的事情,但這實際上是最好的事情,因為它喚醒了他們。 這樣一來,他們就可以從完全不同的角度看待生活,他們將生活視為一種體驗,是一種感激和珍惜的每一天每一刻。



是的,絕對。 那麼,為什麼計劃對成功如此重要,而與態度有關呢?

他們沒有考慮到大局。他們也沒有想過,好吧,計劃是什麼?五年後我想在哪裡? 10年後呢?什麼是我的業務計劃, 什麼是我的健康計劃?我的健康、我的人際關係如何?
當我們很年輕的時候,在我們結婚之前,你還記得Zig Ziglar嗎?


我們寫出了這兩頁紙的文件:我們要環遊世界,我們要創業,我們要做驚人的事情,我們要做一個馬拉松,我們有這個龐大的清單。他一直說,"夢想更多。夢想更多,計劃更多。你最好的冒險是什麼樣子 - 這一個生活?"他只是不斷地推動。 所以我們做到了。

然後,當我丈夫在18個月後發生意外時,他坐在ICU或ICU中,然後停了下來。 他作為一個人無法辨認,停止呼吸,整個身體基本上都放棄了。 所有的機器發出嗶嗶聲,所有的醫生跑來跑去,一切都變瘋狂了。
我的丈夫說-這是最終無神論者-他說他實際上看到了自己的身體並做出了選擇。 他腦海中看到了我們所有的夢想,以及接下來40年我們計劃的所有夢想。 他說:“我不能讓你失望。” 他說:“我們已經實現了這些夢想和計劃,但我無法讓您失望。 因此,我知道這將很難。 但是我決定為自己的生命而戰。” 然後他回來了。


你知道,我說了很多年,人們要麼被恐懼凍結,要被恐懼集中。而你可以用挑戰來代替恐懼 也是一樣的,他們要被挑戰所吸引,要被挑戰所凍結,而您丈夫的所作所為顯然變得集中了。

是的,如果我們沒有這些計劃如果我們沒有這些計劃, 如果我們沒有創造夢想的生活和夢想的旅程, 你知道,他會有足夠的力量說, "這將是困難的, 這將是艱難的,你知道,我的整個身體的三度燒傷, 我看起來像弗雷迪-克魯格,我知道我將在接下來的五年裡經歷一場噩夢,但我會繼續努力。”
他會嗎? 我不知道。 但是它很強大。 而且我們仍然有該列表。 所以這就是為什麼我熱衷於讓人們清楚的原因。
與BNI相同。 驚人的BN組織是什麼樣的? 他們會如何表現? 他們的態度如何? 您知道的,讓我們在BNI小組,我們的業務或我們的關係中創造出令人敬畏的東西,然後清楚地看到我們可以執行的計劃。

這也是 Swindoll基本上說的,這不是發生在你身上的事情,而是你如何處理它,以及你怎麼做。




這與COVID有什麼關係?我想稱它為“大停頓”,因為我認為這很重要,與其稱之為 "封鎖 "或 "隔離",不如稱之為 "大停頓",在這個大停頓中,我們許多人的生活和業務在某種程度上或在很大程度上被暫停了。

它真的是在說,你知道,“我希望我的未來怎樣,這在我的掌控之中?” 現在,COVID已超出我們的控制範圍。 因此,即使我們處在這四堵牆之內,我們也可以做令人驚奇的事情。所以,它的看起來在說, "好吧,我可以做什麼?" 而不是 "我不能做什麼?

好吧,如果我要進行檢疫,或者被限制在幾公里之內,那麼我可以加深與團隊,伴侶和朋友的關係,讓自己的身體和健康狀況得到改善。 我可以了解更多信息,如果由於COVID的影響或我們現在允許的選擇而導致我的業務模型非常脆弱,我可以開發一個新的業務模式。
因此,它的意思是說:“我該怎麼辦? 我該如何積極地解決這個問題,以增加影響或使其比以前更好?



您在書中提到,自創業以來做出的最佳業務決策是加入BNI。 首先,謝謝,我喜歡聽到這一點。 你能解釋為什麼嗎?

我開始創業的那一週就開始了BNI。這是唯一不變的。這是我的家庭 這是我的團隊 他們是我在這個世界上找到的唯一一個團隊 他們的態度和我的成長經歷是一樣的,就是 "付出者收獲 "的哲學。我從三歲起就被灌輸了互惠法則 他們是我發現的唯一一個與我緊密結合併達成一致的部落。而我的一生就是為了這個。

因此,BNI運作良好的原因之一就是聽取他人的意見和向他們學習。 您能告訴我們更多有關此的信息嗎? 我想你是在書中寫的。 我知道我們沒時間了,但是我想問一兩個問題。

沒關係。 我想是因為您是我寫這本書的方式,因為我通過60秒鐘的學習中學到了人們記得的故事。 人們可以從中學習更多的故事,因為他們的心臟和大腦相互連接。 因此,因為通過BNI,我學習了很多人的故事,並且從他們的故事和旅途中學到了很多東西,所以我想,我可以通過從我的故事中學習來幫助人們。





我們已經有了清單,並且我們都做了很多。 他們差不多完成了。 有一個 我還沒有做。 我尚未開始慈善事業,但我是慈善機構的大使。 我想開始慈善。

Good on ‘ya.


非常感謝您參加BNI播客。 很高興收到您的來信,而且您的信息在今年的第一年再好不過了。 感謝您訪問BNIpodcast.com。


的確如此。 交還給你,Priscilla

那太好了。 非常感謝Suzzanne和Ivan。 您沒有提及書名。

哦是的,書名 “你的計劃是什麼?”

而且我沒有提及Suzzanne的網站。 這是www.suzzannelaidlaw.com.au. 我們將確保此處有一個鏈接,以及“你的計劃是什麼?” 是她的書。 感謝您,Priscilla。


非常感謝您的收聽,我是Priscilla Rice。我們期待您下週再次加入我們的節目,參加另一集精彩的BNI官方播客。

Episode 688: How to Stay Positive When Life Throws You a Curve Ball


For this first podcast of 2021, Suzzanne Laidlaw from the BNI Western Edge chapter in Perth, Australia joins Dr. Misner to talk about how to stay positive and keep going even when terrible things happen.

Sometimes the worst thing that’s happened to you in your life can also be the best thing that’s happened because it wakes you up and makes you ask yourself what you really want.

One key to responding to situations you can’t control—like COVID—is to stop focusing on what you can’t do and ask yourself what you can do. What’s still in your control? How can you use the Great Pause to get off the hamster wheel and decide what direction you really want to go?

Visit Suzzanne’s website and read her book, What’s Your Plan? How to turn your business and life around with heart, vision, and purpose.

Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 688

Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan, how are you today?

I’m doing fantastic. And it’s great to have the start of a new year. And let us all hope 2021 is a little bit better than 2020 was, all the challenges we had. This is also our anniversary week for BNI, January 8 in 1985. So we are officially 36 years old this week.

Wow, congratulations.

Yes, thank you. And I have a guest today with a great topic. And I saved this topic for this week, because I think it’s just a great way to start the year. My guest is a BNI member, Suzzanne Laidlaw. She’s an award-winning business coach, global leader in business planning, and she’s the author of a very inspirational book, “What’s Your Plan?”

Suzzanne knows what it takes to overcome adversity and function at a top level to achieve extraordinary results. She’s passionate about supporting other business owners, that’s always a good thing with a coach, and helps them achieve their dreams. Suzzanne has been involved with BNI for more than 10 years; I love it when I hear that, I really, really do. And she says it’s one of the best business decisions she’s ever made. Founding her own local BNI chapter many years ago, she’s since taken on a number of leadership roles in the organization. And I want to welcome you, Suzzanne, to the BNI podcast.

Thank you. It’s my pleasure. I’ve listened to so many it’s amazing to actually be on one.

Well, it’s great to have you on one. And I want to throw some questions at you, some topics at you. And maybe you can share with the members the importance of attitude because I certainly think your attitude is so incredibly important, especially when times are tough. So talk to us about attitude being a choice.

Yes, it is something that I think a lot of people don’t understand, that it is actually a conscious choice. And over the years, I’ve seen so many people that have, you know, felt that the attitude that they have is all about what’s happening to them externally, all the things that are happening, that might be to do with their financials, that might be to do with their family, it might be to do with their business. And so they’re letting all of these things affect their attitude. Whereas it’s the reverse.

The attitude is, you know, it keeps you strong, it’s how you actually perceive things, that will give a much better outcome if you have a positive attitude.

Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. And there’s a quote from Charles Swindoll that I love. And I’ve given it to all of my children, and I’ve given it to other business people. And I’ll just excerpt it if I can here. He says,

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think say or do. We can’t change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have. And that is our attitude. I’m convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

Would you agree with that, Suzzanne?

Absolutely. Because the thing is, we see people have accidents and tragedies and all kinds of things happen to them. And this is the case of my husband, which is what my book is, he is really the key character in my book, he had a terrible tragic accident where a can of petrol exploded in his face. And, you know, he was on fire from head to toe, and our house was on fire and we went through this horrific, horrific five-year journey.

And they kept saying, “You know, it’s up to you whether you use your hands, it’s up to you how much mobility you have.” because they can’t tell what your attitude is like. And many people have an accident and it’s the end of them. Yet other people have an accident and it’s the worst thing that ever happened, but it’s actually the best thing because it wakes them up. And it gets them to see life in a totally different light, and they see life as an experience, and as something to be grateful for and to seize every day and every moment.

And sometimes those challenges really define who you become as a person.

Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah, absolutely. So why is planning so critical for success as it relates to attitude?

Because what I see is so many people in their lives and in their businesses, they’re actually just caught up in the whirlwind. They’re just going day by day and putting out their little fires or their problems or their challenges or their dramas.

And they’re not thinking about the bigger picture. And they’re not thinking about, okay, what is the plan? Where do I want to be in five years? 10 years? What is the plan of my business, what’s the plan of my health? How am I going with my health, my relationships?

And so they’re just spinning in that whirlwind and not actually getting clear on where they want to go. So they’re not actually getting there. And with the example of my husband and myself, and this is why I’m so passionate about it.

When we were very young, before we got married—you remember Zig Ziglar?

Oh, yes, I did a radio show where we were both guests on at once, and I was so honored to be on it with him.

He was such an inspirational guy. Well, we went to see him in Melbourne and we were only newly engaged. He (Zig) made us dream our wildest dreams and plan out our life together in this one day workshop. We were like three rows from the front and he was amazing.

And we wrote out this two-page document of: we’re going to travel the world, we’re gonna start a business, we’re going to do amazing things, we’re going to do a marathon, and we have this massive list. And he kept saying, “Dream more. Dream more, plan more. What does your best adventure look like—this one life that we have?” And he just kept pushing and pushing. So we did this.

And then when my husband had his accident, 18 months later, he was sitting in ICU or lying in ICU, and he stopped. And he was unrecognizable as a human, he stopped and he stopped breathing, and his whole body basically gave up. And all the machines beeped and all the doctors ran around and everything was crazy.

And my husband said—this is the ultimate atheist—he said he actually saw his body and had a choice. And he saw all of our dreams in his head, all the dreams we planned for the next 40 years. And he said, “I couldn’t let you down.” He said, “We’ve made these dreams and plans, and I just couldn’t let you down. And so I knew it was going to be hard. But I decided to fight for my life.” And he came back.

It might have been five seconds, 10 seconds, I don’t know, but the doctor said he stopped. So I then had this fire inside me realizing the power of having a plan, the power of having purpose, the power of having a positive attitude can be so really, really powerful and strong, that it can cause people to do things that are way beyond what they thought was possible.

You know, I’ve said for years, people either get frozen by fear, or they get focused by fear. And you can replace fear with challenges. And it’s the same, they either get focused by challenges, or they get frozen by challenges, and what your husband did was obviously get focused.

Yeah. And if we didn’t have those plans, if we hadn’t created that dream life and that dream journey, you know, would he have had enough strength to say, “This is going to be hard, this is going to be tough, you know, my whole body’s third degree burns, I look like Freddy Krueger, I know I’m going to have a nightmare of the next five odd years, but I’m going to go for it.”

Would he have? I don’t know. But it was powerful. And we’ve still got that list. And so that’s why I’m passionate about people getting clear.

With BNI it’s the same. What does an amazing BNI group look like? How would they behave? What’s their attitude? You know, let’s create what is awesome in our BNI group or our business or our relationship, and the clearer we can see what that plan is we can go and do it.

And it’s what Swindoll basically said, it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you handle it, and what you do about it.

Absolutely, absolutely. And that’s what really defines your success.

And how does this relate to the COVID—what I like to call the Great Pause, because I think, very important, and rather than call it lockdown or quarantine—how does this apply to the Great Pause where many of us have had our lives and our businesses put on pause to some extent, or to a great extent?

It really is looking at saying, you know, “What would I like my future to be like, that’s in my control?” Now, COVID is out of our control. And so even if we’re within these four walls, there’s amazing things we can do. And so it’s looking at saying, “Well, what can I do?” As opposed to “What can’t I do?”

Well, if I’m in quarantine, or if I’m either confined to a few kilometers, well, I can deepen my relationships with my team, with my partners and friends, I can get my fitness and health up. I can learn more, I can develop a new business model if my business model is very fragile, because of the effects of COVID or of the choices that we’re allowed now.

So it’s about looking at saying, “What can I do that’s proactive? How can I address this positively, to increase the impact or to make it come out better than before?

Suzzanne, you have to know this. If there were more people like you in business, many more people would be successful.

Thank you.

You mentioned in your book that the best business decision you made since starting your business was joining BNI. First of all, thank you, I love to hear that. And can you explain why?

I started BNI the week I started my business. It’s the only constant. And it’s my family. It’s my team. They are the only group I’ve ever found in the world that had the same attitude I was brought up with, the Givers Gain philosophy. I was brought up from the age of three with the law of reciprocity, and they’re the only tribe that I’ve found that I align closely and agree with. And my whole life is about that.

So one of the reasons BNI works well is hearing and learning from other people. Can you tell us a little bit more about that? I think you wrote about that in your book.  I know we’re running out of time, but I have one or two questions I want to ask you.

That’s all right. Well it was, I think, because of you was how I wrote the book, because I’ve learned through doing our 60 seconds that stories are what people remember. And stories people learn from more because their heart and their brain are connected. And so, because through BNI I’ve learned so many people’s stories and learned so much from their stories and their journey, and I thought, well, I can help people through learning from my story.

So in the book, that’s what I’ve done is I’ve paralleled the story and my journey with each learning and what is important in planning a business, and the story of learning that I’ve had through that, so that people will remember more how to plan their business, and life.

We’re way over time, but I’ve got to ask you these two other questions. I’ve heard you say you want to become a millionaire of hearts. Can you tell me briefly what that means?

Okay, at 33, I was given five years to live. I had a disease eating me up, I conquered it. And so I realized that there must be a reason that I’m here. I’m now 55, still going strong.

So as a coach, I hear lots of people talking about being millionaires of money. And that doesn’t mean anything to me. So I decided that the reason I’m here for the long haul, more than 33, is I’m going to be a millionaire of hearts instead. And so that’s why I wrote my book, to get out to a million hearts, to hopefully inspire them to be their best version of them, in their life and their business.

All right, I’m going to throw a curve ball at you and ask—it’s not any of the questions we’ve talked about—Have you and your husband gone back to the list and started to work on that magical list that you did with Zig?

We’ve got the list, and we’ve pretty much done all of them. They’re pretty much all done. Yeah. There’s one I haven’t. I haven’t started a charity but I’m an ambassador for a charity. I want to start a charity.

I’m going to use an Australian phrase. Good on ‘ya.

Thank you so much, thank you.

Thank you so much for coming on to the BNI podcast. It was great having you on and your message could not be a better message for the first of the year. Thanks for coming to BNIpodcast.com.

Thank you very much for having me. It’s an honor and welcome to the planning of the new year.

Indeed, indeed. Over to you, Priscilla

That was just great. Thank you so much, Suzzanne and Ivan. You didn’t mention the name of your book.

Oh, yes. “What’s Your Plan?”

And I didn’t mention Suzzanne’s website. It is www.suzzannelaidlaw.com.au. We’ll make sure there’s a link in here, and “What’s Your Plan?” is her book. Thanks for catching that, Priscilla. I appreciate it.

Perfect. Thank you both. That was just great. Well, that’s it for this week. I’d like you to know that the sponsor for this podcast is Ivan’s Inner Circle. So go check out the great content available at www.ivansinnercircle.com. Ivan has assembled a variety of interesting topics for you to learn from and also to participate in.

Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.




Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。