Episode 686: Is There Room for Intuition in Business? / 第686集:商業中是否存在直覺的空間?
Episode 686: Is There Room for Intuition in Business?
Some people don’t think that intuition has a place in business. But what is intuition, really? The dictionary defines intuition as
The direct perception of truth or facts, independent of any reasoning process; it is an immediate apprehension; or a keen and quick insight into something.
But is intuition really independent of reasoning? Dr. Misner shares the story of how he came to learn that intuition is not about instinct but about quickly using reasoning given your amassed understanding of a particular issue.
(The fun part is that he learned this by reading Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.)
Your “gut feelings” won’t always be right, but don’t ignore them. Dr. Misner’s experience has shown him that intuition definitely has a place in business.
Do you have story about how intuition has served you well in business or in life? Or about a time you did not follow your intuition and regretted it? Share it in the comments below.
Complete Transcript of Episode 686
I am doing great. And I’ve been doing video messages all over the world. I’m, you know, basically traveling by video to many, many regions around the world. I miss the handshakes, Priscilla. I think I’ve probably shaken more hands than most politicians. I miss meeting people. I’m looking forward to the day that I am released to go out and meet people again.
Yeah, we all are.
Yes, indeed. So, interesting question: what do you think, Priscilla? Is there room for intuition in business?
I love the idea of using intuition for business. So I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it.
Ivan: Well, my answer to the question is yes, most definitely. Now, decades ago, I may not have thought that, but over the years, I’ve really changed my opinion. And I believe that intuition can be another tool in the business tool belt. Now the definition of intuition is “The direct perception of truth or facts, independent of any reasoning process; it is an immediate apprehension; or a keen and quick insight into something.”
So years ago, I read a science fiction book—and there’s a somewhat unknown fact about me: I love science fiction books. I really started that love when I was a teenager, and my mother bought me 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke. And I just loved that book, and I read it long before the movie came out. So I enjoy science fiction, that’s my guilty pleasure, that and some television shows, but anyway, science fiction.
I read this book, and it talked about, “intuits”, I-N-T-U-I-T-S. These are people in their society, in this sci-fi book, who seemed to understand things instinctively. And the intuits were thought to have this incredible ability to have immediate cognition of a situation. But the truth was that the intuits developed the skills to quickly assemble the facts, analyze the data, and predict the probabilities based on their field of expertise. And yeah, the book was science fiction but it made a statement that really resonated with me. It said something that totally flies in the face of the definition that I read.
It said that intuits trained for many years in a specific field; they trained in different fields, and that it wasn’t just an instinctual understanding of an issue, but in fact it was about quickly using reasoning given their amassed understanding of a particular issue. And in the real world, that’s basically what predictive analytics does using computers today.
So, having reconsidered my opinion on instincts, I noticed that as I acquired more experience in my field, both in terms of networking and running a global business, I found myself better at assessing issues quickly and having a “gut feeling” about the direction I should go. And what I had presumed was instinct was, at least in part, quickly assessing the situation given my amassed knowledge of a particular subject. What some people think of as instinct might, in fact, be this amassed knowledge applied rapidly.
In fact, I recently had someone drop me a note about a particular challenge he was having. It was complex and he laid it out for me, and I gave him some advice. And in an email response discussing the resolution of the issue, he said to me that I had assessed a particular problem accurately and concluded by saying “Your gut instinct is amazing!”
But truth be told, it was maybe partly intuition, but substantially it was my years and years of seeing situations just exactly like this or very, very similar to this, and quickly assessing the problem and offering a solution. So, in my very own narrow field, I looked like an intuit to this person, it looked like the answer just came to me. So I’ve discovered that as I’ve acquired more experience, I learned to follow my intuition or my “gut” more and more. But trust me when I say it’s not infallible.
But I no longer take it for granted. I listen to my gut feelings far more today than I did when I was in my 20s or 30s. And I assess things based on how I feel about them in many ways, in addition to the hard facts, or the point of view that is being pitched to me or presented to me by someone else.
Haven’t we all been in situations where we had a feeling, just a feeling we should do something, but then we didn’t? And when that creates a problem, we look back on it. And we clearly see why we should have followed our intuition. I believe our intuition, at least in part, and I’d love to talk about this for a moment or two, Priscilla, but I think our intuition, at least in part, is probably related to the experiences we’ve had. And what we’re doing is quickly processing an interpretation to a situation based on those experiences.
Now, on the other hand, I suppose I could have a heightened sense of ESP, but I think it’s the former. That was a joke, Priscilla.
(Chuckling) Oh, well I was just thinking, Ivan, often people talk about emotional intelligence. And I think that certain people have a stronger sense of those qualities than other people. And sometimes people are very analytical. And other times, people are really sensitive emotionally, and empathy, they have empathy.
You know, I’m very strong in the emotional side of things. And oftentimes, when I’m meeting somebody for the first time, they may be telling me their name, but I’m not really listening to their name, so I immediately forget it. But it’s because I’m getting their vibe, I’m thinking about who they are. I’m looking in their eyes, I’m feeling their energy; I’m analyzing it from a whole other perspective. And I think that intuition comes from that side of knowledge.
Yeah, you know, that’s a whole segment I could have added into the podcast on emotional intelligence, because I think intuition and emotional intelligence do, in fact, come in hand to hand a little bit, certainly intuition and emotional intelligence, no question about it. That’s a really good observation.
So you know, the more I think about intuition, the more I think about it from a more esoteric perspective, not just from a business perspective. I read a quote recently that really resonated with me and you know, my intuition tells me that when a quote really resonates with you, you need to pay attention to it. And the quote was “That thing we call intuition…It’s your soul. You can trust it.” And I think that’s a powerful phrase. And it’s something that we can apply both in business and in our lives. And I’m inclined to agree with it.
Yeah, that sounds like a good plan actually.
It does indeed. So, for those of you listening to the podcast this week, I’d love for you to share any story you have about how intuition has served you well. Or, where did you not follow your intuition and maybe you regret it. I’d love to hear your experience on intuition and whether it has a fit in business, and in life. That’s everything I’ve got for today, Priscilla.
Okay. Well, thank you so much, Ivan. That was really a kind of a deep podcast. I really enjoyed it. I’d just like all of you to know that the sponsor for this podcast is Ivan’s Inner Circle. So, go check out the great content available at www.IvansInnerCircle.com. He has assembled a variety of interesting topics for you to learn about and participate in. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.