Episode 684: Cause Networking (Classic Podcast) / 第684集 事業網絡(經典播客)

 第684集 事業網絡(經典播客)

BNI基金會的聯合創始人Elisabeth Misner(也是Misner博士30年的妻子)本週做客播客,與大家一起探討事業網絡。
BNI的 "商業之聲 "計劃為BNI會員提供了一個保護傘,讓他們參與事業網絡,並提高BNI在當地社區的知名度。
共同參與 "商業之聲 "項目,還能拉近會員之間的距離,提高BNI各分會的會員留存率。
如果您想讓您的分會參與 "商業之聲",請訪問bnifoundation.org/programs/business-voices/ 並按照說明完成激活程序。
本集由Ivan's Inner Circle贊助。今天就成為創始會員吧


大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是Priscilla Rice,我現在從加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室為您播報。我今天在電話中加入的是BNI的創始人和首席願景官, Dr. Ivan Misner。你好, Ivan ,你今天過得怎麼樣?

我很好,Priscilla 我很高興地說,我30年的美麗新娘是我今天的嘉賓,Elisabeth MisnerElisabeth是BNI基金會的聯合創始人 她和我一起到世界各地為BNI的聽眾和其他聽眾講授事業網絡和BNI基金會的商業之聲項目。
很多人不知道Elisabeth的事,但首先,她是BNI成員,1986年加入BNI。這是我得到的最好的介紹。正如我所提到的,我們已經結婚30年了,但在BNI的早期,她在組織中非常活躍,幫助編寫我們的手冊,而且她曾經為組織管理過最大的BNI地區。她是我們的第一任市場總監。所以她對這個組織的歷史瞭如指掌 除了我之外,她比任何人都清楚。有她在真的很好,我們21年前一起創立BNI基金會。我們在21年前一起創立了BNI基金會。


是的,非常感謝您,Ivan。 嗨,Priscilla

嗨,Elisabeth! 你好嗎?

我很好 謝謝。



我的意思是,你和我(Ivan)已經走遍了世界各地,我們已經看到廣告牌與公司說 "我們重視教育 "或 "我們喜歡買書 "或任何他們的事業。所以這其實是一種表達方式,"我們在這裡,我們關心的不僅僅是底層的錢。

我們對人類和地球感興趣,我們希望在社會上有所作為。 " 我認為,我們的世界正在發展,預計幾乎每個公司都有某種類型的原因營銷,作為其社會意識和社會意識的一部分。

我們看到,是1998年,當我們創建BNI基金會,專注於兒童和教育。我很喜歡你對 "事業營銷 "做了一個旋轉,把它叫做 "事業網絡",因為我們是世界上最大的網絡組織。

是的,沒錯 因此,我們希望通過 "事業網絡 "這一術語,使人們認識到一種略微不同的社會正義和社會活動的方法,通過共同努力,做我們BNI最擅長的事情。我們畢竟是會員、董事,當然還有所有參與BNI的人,我們是世界上最好的網絡工作者。

通過我們的事業網絡戰略,我們作為BNI分會和BNI成員在這些商業之聲團隊中前往當地學校,我們對學校說:"我們如何幫助你們?" 學校會回來說,"好吧,我們的網站看起來很糟糕,我們需要一個新的網站。我們有這些橫幅掛在學校,已經有20年的歷史,需要重新梳理一下。
我們需要做院子裡的工作,我們需要做一個校園的淨化項目。 " 而作為BNI,我們要回到我們的分會和我們的社區說,"這裡是需求。讓我們在自己的網絡中,聚集在一起,讓一群人進來解決這些需求。 " 所以,"事業網絡 "就是我們要找到需求,然後在我們的網絡中工作,幫助慈善機構實現這些目標。

我們在這裡談論的是在 "商業之聲 "的框架下做這些事情,以便我們有一個聲音,在全球範圍內更有效地被聽到。你是否同意這種評價?

絕對是這樣的。因此,通過這種方式,我們能夠與BNI的全球會員聯合起來,並在當地社區提高BNI的品牌知名度。當你在一個社區有足夠多的 "商業之聲 "項目在進行,在一些BNI地區,一個月就有一個項目。您社區中的人都知道BNI,他們對這個推薦機構也很感興趣,他們也將其插入社區,以幫助學校,學生和老師。


我們看到"商業之聲"團隊非常強大,人們加入BNI,因為他們在社區中聽到了它,並說:"嘿,這是什麼?我想成為你們正在做的事情的一部分,因為你們很特別,這真的很特別。" 所以剩下的就是雙贏的方式。

因此,一些長期的好處是通過 "商業之聲 "讓會員參與到BNI基金會中來,讓他們參與到當地的社區中來,增加了會員的留存率,實際上增加了會員人數。


你知道,這是一個非常好的點。我已經看到了多代人參與 在BNI。父母有一個孩子是在BNI,  和他們的孫子 現在參與該組織。這是一個合理的觀點,沒有多少人想到這一點。



最好的方法是訪問 BNIFoundation.org ,你會在網站頂部看到幾個標籤。你可以閱讀有關商業之聲的內容,還有一個 "採取行動 "的按鈕,你可以點擊開始一個商業之聲的倡議。

你能不能花點時間談談 "商業之聲 "和BNI基金會的區別?因為 "商業之聲 "是BNI基金會的一項舉措。我想確保我們為聽眾澄清一下。

沒錯,"商業之聲 "是我們的旗艦項目。商業之聲是我們的旗艦項目。我們做一個資助計劃,以及 我們稱之為 "捐贈者獲得資助計劃。" 然後我們做商業之聲計劃。這就是橡膠打的道路。
我們是以BNI基金會的名義,在BNI基金會的保護傘下,通過把這些團體組織起來,走到學校、其他組織中去,說:"我們如何幫助你?"來做BNI基金會的工作,通過今天的教育來改善明天的商業。這確實是我們的計劃。還有其他組織,例如Susan G Komen基金會,在美國有一個眾所周知的計劃,名為“ Race For The Cure”,這與我們在BNI基金會中使用Business Voices所做的計劃非常相似。 因此,BNI基金會是實際的非先知實體,然後我們要做的就是Business Voices。

謝謝你今天參加BNI播客。如果您想了解更多信息,請訪問BNIFoundation.org。你可以閱讀關於基金會的信息,然後點擊 "聯繫我們"。我相信你們會在BNI看到越來越多的關於我們的基金會,我們的慈善部門。我相信,回饋當地社區對企業是有好處的,這也是我們正在努力做的事情。


我想本週的節目就到這裡了。我只想說,這個播客有了新的贊助商。去看看www.IvansInnerCircle.com,那裡有很多精彩的內容,Ivan在那裡集合了各種各樣的話題,我們邀請你來參與! 非常感謝您的收聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待著您下週再次加入我們,參加另一集《BNI官方播客》的精彩節目。

Episode 684: Cause Networking (Classic Podcast)

This is a rebroadcast of Episode 625, which was published in September 2019.


Elisabeth Misner, co-founder of the BNI Foundation (and Dr. Misner’s wife of 30 years) joins the podcast this week to talk about cause networking.

Cause marketing is a strategy that companies use to market themselves and create their brand awareness by their own social activism. Cause networking is identifying needs in your community and tapping into your network to help meet those needs.

BNI’s Business Voices program provides an umbrella for BNI members to engage in cause networking and create a heightened awareness of BNI in the local community.

Working together on projects for Business Voices also brings members closer together and increases member retention for BNI chapters.

If you’d like to get your chapter involved in Business Voices, go to bnifoundation.org/programs/business-voices/ and follow the instructions to complete the activation process.

Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 682

Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan, how are you doing today?

I am fantastic, Priscilla. And I’m really pleased to say that my beautiful bride of 30 years is my guest today, Elisabeth Misner. Elisabeth is the Co-Founder of the BNI Foundation and she travels with me all over the world speaking to audiences in BNI and other audiences about Cause Networking and the BNI Foundation’s Business Voices program. A lot of people don’t know this about Elisabeth, but first of all, she was a BNI member and joined BNI in 1986. It was the best referral I ever got. We’ve been married, as I mentioned, for 30 years but in the early days of BNI she was really active in the organization in terms of helping to create our manuals and at one point she ran the largest BNI region for the organization. She was our first Director of Marketing. So she knows the history of this organization well and better than anyone else other than possibly me. It’s really great to have her on. We started the BNI Foundation together 21 years ago. 

Elisabeth, welcome to the BNI Podcast!

Yes, thank you so much, Ivan. Hi, Priscilla! 

Hi, Beth! How are you?

I’m excellent. Thank you.

So, Elisabeth, most people know Cause Marketing is, but talk about Cause Marketing and Cause Networking. What’s the difference?

Cause Marketing is a strategy that companies use to market themselves and create their brand awareness by their own social activism by adopting a particular cause and becoming known in the community, whatever their community is- whether it’s locally or internationally or online by focusing on serving in that area. It’s very well known and most companies have some type of Cause Marketing that they are involved with and they let you know about it. For example, if you stand in front of a refrigerator of bottled water, you’re going to find several bottled waters that are involved in Cause Marketing and they are going to be advertising that on the labels of their products. I mean you and I (Ivan) have traveled the world and we’ve seen billboards with companies saying “we value education” or “we like to buy books” or whatever their cause is. So it’s really a way to say, “We are here and we care about more than just the bottom dollar. We are interested in people and the planet and we want to make a difference in the community.” I think that the way our world is going that it is expected that almost every company has some type of Cause Marketing as part of their social consciousness and social awareness. 

And we saw that is 1998 when we created the BNI Foundation which focuses on children and education. I love how you do a spin on Cause Marketing to call it Cause Networking because we are the world’s largest networking organization.

That’s right! So with the terminology of Cause Networking, we are looking to bring awareness to a slightly different approach to social justice and social activism by working together and doing what we do best at BNI. We are after all, all of us the members, the directors, and of course everyone involved with BNI, we are the world‘s best networkers. So, when it comes to doing some type of Cause Networking, we are looking at what are the needs in the community and how can we network with our own circle of contacts to help those needs be met and we’re giving the example of our own movement in the BNI Foundation which we call Business Voices. With our Cause Networking strategies, we are going to local schools as BNI chapters and BNI members in these Business Voices Teams and we are saying to the school, “How can we help you?” And the school will come back and say, “Well, our website looks horrible, we need a new website. We’ve got these banners hanging on the school that have been their for 20 years that need to be freshened up. We need yard work done, we need to have a campus beatification project done.” And as BNI we are going back out to our chapter and to our community to say, “Here are the needs. Let’s network among ourselves and get together and have a group of people come in and address these needs.” So, Cause Networking is we are finding what the needs are and then working in our network to help make those things happen for the charities.

BNI is not a service club but years ago we recognized—there was a great book called “Conscious Capitalism” and another book called “We First” and we recognized even before those books came out, the importance of contributing back into the communities from which we draw. We saw chapters doing things like this. What we are talking about here is doing those kinds of things under the umbrella of Business Voices so that we have one voice that gets heard more effectively globally. Would you agree with that assessment?

Absolutely. So in this way we are able to unite with the entire global membership of BNI and create a heightened brand awareness for BNI in a local community. When you have enough Business Voices projects going on in a community and in some BNI regions there is one project a month. The people in your community know about BNI, they are interested and curious about what this referral organization that’s also plug here in the community helping schools, helping student, and helping teachers. They are naturally going to be curious an drawn to our business networking above all other competitors we may have out there because we are doing what we call “givers gain”, that is our philosophy in BNI and we are doing it out in our community, too. It’s powerful.

So, I am a business guy. How does this improve retention and increase membership?

Excellent question. We are a referral organization that predominately works through building and growing relationships. So when you are involved in projects relating to charities outside of the regular chapter meeting from whatever time it stars or the 90 minutes you are meeting runs, you are growing closer with each other. You are bonding at a very high level because when you are involved in projects that tug at the heart the way our Business Voices projects do, you really develop a close type with fellow members. So when it is time to renew your membership, you are going to be renewing your membership because, as you go deeper in those relationships, you are also going to be getting better referrals and able to give better referrals. Your loyalty to the brand, to the chapter, and to the members of your chapter escalates and also the amount of business that you are going to be able to do in your own BNI chapter and cross-chapter, if you are in a region that is doing cross-chapter Business Voices projects, that is only going to go up. 

We have seen Business Voices teams that are so strong that people are joining BNI because they are hearing about it in the community and saying, “Hey, what’s this? I want to be a part of what you guys are doing because you are special. This is really special.” And so the rest is win-win-win all the way around.

It is. I want to do a shout out to BNI Italy because they have done amazing things with Business Voices throughout the country and it’s very impressive. 

So some of the long term benefits would be getting members engaged in the BNI Foundation through Business Voices and that gets them engaged in the local community, that increases retention, and that actually increases membership. 

And there’s a price benefit because the children we are making these impacts on, are being exposed to BNI and as they grow older and begin to have their own businesses, they are going to be looking for BNI. So, we are in truth having a powerful impact on our future members.

You know, that’s a really good point. I’ve already seen multi-generational engagement in BNI. A parent who had a child is in BNI, and that child has a child, and that child who their grandchildren is now involved in the organization. That’s a legitimate point, not many people think about that.

I think we are going to see BNI members who are investing in mentoring and bringing young people into internships then that’s going to parlay into that young child or young man/woman becoming a member of BNI as well.

Very true. So how do people get involved in Business Voices or active in the BNI Foundation?

The best way is to go to BNIFoundation.org and you will see several tabs on the top of the website. You can read about Business Voices and there’s a “Take Action” button and you can click on to start a Business Voices initiative. It’ll give you step-by-step on how to plug in and how to participate. And we do want you to connect with us so we can provide coaching and we can provide mentoring, we are planning to pair up Business Voices teams so you’ll have a sister team that you can be working with and help you get it started every step of the way.

Can you just spend a moment talking about the difference between Business Voices and the BNI Foundation? Because Business Voices in a initiative of the BNI Foundation. I want to make sure we clarify for those listening.

That’s right. Business Voices is our flagship program. We do a grant program as well that we call “the givers gain grant program.” And then we do Business Voices program. That’s where the rubber hits the road. We are putting together teams in the name of the BNI Foundation and under the umbrella of the BNI Foundation to do the BNI Foundation’s work of improving tomorrow’s business by education today by putting these groups together, going out to the schools, other organizations and saying, ‘How can we help you?” It’s really our program. There are other organization like the Susan G Komen Foundation that have a program that is very well known called “Race For The Cure” in the United States, that’s really similar to what we are doing with Business Voices as our program within the BNI Foundation. So, the BNI Foundation is the actual Non-prophet entity and then Business Voices is what we do.

Well, Elisabeth, the (BNI) Foundation wouldn’t be what it is without your input. You have really built an amazing foundation that has impacted children all around the world. I really appreciate you and I appreciate what you’ve done- and of course you’ve made a huge difference in BNI itself. I love having you as an active part in the organization.

Thanks for being on BNI Podcast today. For anyone that wants anymore information, go to BNIFoundation.org. You can read about the Foundation and click on “Contact Us.” I believe that you are going to see more and more in BNI about our Foundation, our charitable arm. I believe that giving back to the local communities is good for business and that’s what we are trying to do with this.

Elisabeth, thank you so much!

Thank you!

Okay, that’s great. Thank you, Elisabeth, that was wonderful!

I think that is it for this week. I just want to mention that this podcast has a new sponsor. Go check out the great content available at www.IvansInnerCircle.com where Ivan has assembled a wide array of topics and you are invited to participate! Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.




Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。