Episode 671: Inviting Visitors is (Even) Easier / 第671集:邀請訪客更容易
傑里米·沃爾什(Jeremy Walsh)與Misner博士一起在本週的播客中討論BNI Connect的新功能,這些新功能使邀請訪問者參加BNI會議變得更加容易。
目前,BNI Connect和BNI Connect手機應用有四種不同的邀請方式。
- 通過BNI Connect網站發送電子郵件。BNI Connect創建一個電子郵件邀請,其中包括註冊鏈接,RSVP以及您的訪客需要出席的所有信息。
- 通過BNI Connect手機應用發送電子郵件。就像網站上的電子郵件一樣。
- 通過您的BNI Connect手機應用發送短信。點擊 "訪客 "按鈕,選擇短信選項,打開手機短信應用,選擇聯繫人。 BNI Connect將在您的短信中添加註冊鏈接。
- 通過BNI Connect移動應用程序中的其他消息傳遞應用程序。選擇“訪問者”下的“共享”選項以啟動諸如WhatsApp或微信之類的Messenger應用。 與SMS消息一樣,BNI Connect將自動創建帶有註冊鏈接的邀請。
Priscilla: 大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是普里西拉·賴斯(Priscilla Rice),現在從加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室為您播報。我今天在電話裡和大家見面的是BNI的創始人兼首席願景官,Dr. Ivan Misner 。嗨,Ivan,你今天好嗎?
Ivan: 是的,謝謝Priscilla,我很感激。 我做得很好,實際上我在加爾維斯頓(Galveston)的公寓裡待了幾個星期,以擺脫狂熱的奧斯汀(Austin)的高溫。
Priscilla: 好吧,跟我們說說我們今天有什麼打算。
Ivan: 所以今天我請到了一個上過節目的人,上過多次播客的人,Jeremy Walsh。我認為Jeremy是一個好朋友。他是BNI連接先生。他為BNI Connect做了很多了不起的事情。 他是BNI Connect和BNI大學的支持總監。他自2002年起成為BNI會員。 2004年起擔任董事 自2011年2月BNI Connect上線以來,他就一直和它在一起。哦,天哪,Jeremy,我還記得那些日子
Jeremy: 近十年了。
Ivan: 他管理著BNI Connect的支持團隊,他的團隊遍布世界各地。而支持團隊正在接近回答BNI Connect的第20萬張票據,團隊的平均響應時間仍在1小時以內。Jeremy,歡迎回到BNI播客。
Jeremy: Dr. Misner, Ivan,在這裡總是很高興;喜歡與您和所有的聽眾分享,尤其是新的信息,喜歡這種形式,喜歡與您在這裡。所以謝謝你。
現在是一個完全不同的球賽。我的意思是,我仍然讚揚你對BNI連接的願景,你知道,我們的事實,在過去的幾年裡,已經拉在一起,我們有什麼?現在有多少會員? 200人...
Episode 671: Inviting Visitors is (Even) Easier
Jeremy Walsh joins Dr. Misner on the podcast this week to discuss new features in BNI Connect that make inviting visitors to your BNI meeting even easier.
There are now four distinct ways to invite visitors using BNI Connect and the BNI Connect Mobile App.
The Existing Ways
- By email from the BNI Connect website. BNI Connect creates an email invitation that includes the registration links, the RSVP, and all the information your visitor needs to attend.
- By email from the BNI Connect mobile app. This works just like the email from the website.
The problem is, everyone is already overwhelmed by emails, and you don’t want a possible visitor to ignore your invitation. Make sure you personalize your email invitations.
The New Ways
- By SMS from your BNI Connect mobile app. Click the “Visitors” button and choose the SMS option to open your phone’s text messaging app and select contacts. BNI Connect will add a registration link to your text messgage.
- By other messaging apps from the BNI Connect mobile app. Choose the “Share” option under “Visitors” to launch a messenger app like WhatsApp or WeChat. As with the SMS message, BNI Connect will automatically create an invitation with a registration link.
Be sure to personalize your text invitations, too. However you do it, be thoughtful about who you invite and how. Don’t select everyone on your contact list at once. Choose people that you really think would be a good fit for the chapter. If you met them recently, remind them where you met.
Complete Transcript of Episode 671
Hello, everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan, how are you today?
Yeah, thanks Priscilla, I appreciate it. I’m doing great and I’m actually at my Galveston condo for a couple of weeks to get out of the heat, the crazy heat in Austin.
Great. Well, tell us about what we have going for today.
So today I have somebody who’s been on the show, on the podcast, many times, Jeremy Walsh. I consider Jeremy a good friend. He is Mr. BNI Connect. He has done amazing things with BNI Connect. He’s the Director of Support for BNI Connect and BNI University. He’s been a BNI member since 2002. And a Director since 2004. He’s been with BNI Connect since it went live in February of 2011. Oh gosh Jeremy, I remember those days.
Almost a decade.
He manages the Support Team for BNI Connect with team members all over the world, his team is all over the world. And the Support Team is closing in on answering their 200,000th ticket for BNI Connect, which the team still has an average response time of under one hour. Jeremy, welcome to, welcome back to the BNI Podcast.
Dr. Misner, Ivan, it’s always a pleasure being here; love sharing, especially new information, with you and all of your listeners out there, and love this format and being here with you. So thank you.
Well, thank you. And do you remember those early days?
It is a whole different ball game now. I mean, I still applaud you on the vision of BNI Connect and, you know, the fact that we, over the past several years, have pulled together, what do we have? How many members now? 200 and…
About 270,000 members worldwide.
All in one system. Could you even imagine that 10 years ago?
Yeah, I appreciate that. It was, you know, I did have a big vision for this. But I also had a lot of directors who were willing to let go of their own silo, their own database system. And BNI Connect is, I think, a classic example of what can happen with collaboration. And although it was a struggle back in 2011, I cannot imagine running this organization today without it. And you my friend, are a big, big part of that, and you have something to share today about inviting and I can’t wait to hear. So the floor is yours.
Oh, awesome. Yeah, I mean, we can invite visitors. I mean, it’s a whole different story nowadays than it was, you know, when I first became a member. I mean, when I first became a member in 2002, I think we were still sending faxes back then for certain things, if I’m not mistaken. And yeah, really all we had was a phone call.
Yeah, that’s true.
But now, I mean, there’s no arguing that visitors are the absolute lifeblood of the chapter. And we absolutely need new people to be coming through and it’s even easier now to invite people that you know, people that are close to you, people that might even already be in your address book directly, to come to your chapter meeting.
So tell our members, specifically how they can do that.
There’s actually four ways now, so four distinct ways that you can do that in BNI Connect and the BNI Connect mobile app. Now, one way we’ve had for a number of years, you just log into BNI Connect, you go to the operations menu, you can send an email invitation right from the website, it looks really cool. It’s all set up for the meeting, has all of the registration links, and the RSVP, and all the information you need to know about it. And it’s a great format to be able to send it from email. And we’ve also had that for a couple of years now in the mobile app.
And that’s good, but I hate to say it, but you know, emails almost becoming old school nowadays. I mean, we just, we get so many emails that, you know, sometimes we may not look at some of these emails that are coming through, and say, Oh, it’s just spam, it’s junk, and you end up deleting it without even reading it. So a lot of the world has moved on to other methods of communication over email. I mean, Ivan in your travels, I know, all over the world, other people around the world use different methods, right?
Yeah, WeChat, WhatsApp, many different ways of connecting.
Well, now we can invite from that as well. So it’s really, it’s a matter of just like clicking two buttons. So if you open up your BNI Connect mobile app, and down in the bottom corner, you’ll see a “Visitors” button and you’ve just got to click that Visitors button. And this whole interface has been completely redesigned to make it so much easier to use, some nice icons and everything. And there’s two new buttons there.
One says SMS. So, what that means is that you can just send a text message to anybody in your contact list. So rather than having to navigate the system and put all the information in about the email, you literally go in, it opens up your text messaging program, whatever you use, whether your Apple or Android or whatever. You click down, select the people and it just sends them each an individual text and says, “Hey, why don’t you come to my meeting?” and has a hyperlink in there that they can then click and register for that meeting.
So that’s one new way. But there’s another new way as well. If you click the Share buttons, now there’s the SMS, and there’s also a Share button. And now you can use just about any messaging program that you might have on your system. Obviously, the most popular ones out there, just like you said, WeChat, we’ve got things like, you know, WhatsApp, but even other messenger programs, what it’ll do is they’ll take that same SMS style message, wrap it up into that program, and allow you to send it out. So that way you can, whatever platform it is that you’re communicating on nowadays, makes it really easy to get that invitation out there.
Wow. And this is reasonably new.
Oh, as of just about a month or so ago, in late July, 2020.
Yeah. Wow. Well, listen, this is great. Now, one thing I want to add on in terms of reaching out to people is that it’s always the personal touch that is critical. And so one of the downsides of having it be so easy is spamming people. Would you not agree?
One hundred percent.
Yeah. So use this tool, effectively, because it’s a fantastic tool, but you’ve got to use it effectively, which means don’t carpet blanket everybody in your list, you know, pick and choose, make personal invites. It’s still about that personal touch. And, you know, we don’t just want, you know, people invited, we want people to feel welcome. And the best way to feel welcomed is to not feel like they’re just being spammed along with a lot of other people. Now, having said that, I love this ability. I think it’s fantastic. Have you had some success stories yet, Jeremy, and people doing this?
Yeah. So the other great thing about this, just to touch upon real quick, you can personalize these messages, by the way. So it’s gonna start you off with a little template, just a little blurb, hey, do you want to come to my meeting with the link, but, you know, part of this, right to your point, is to make that a personal message. So you know, put something about them that you know about them, or Hey, I really think that you’d benefit from meeting John in my chapter. Here’s a link to register, something to make it so that it isn’t just some canned out-of-the-box template.
I couldn’t agree more and say why. I think that’s a great way to do it. You know, you’d benefit meeting John in the chapter who does this, which you know, might be somebody that would be able to refer business to you, or that you could create a referral relationship with. You know, the more you can make that connection as to why they want to come, and make them feel personally invited, the more powerful this tool will be for people. It won’t be just another way to spam people, it’ll be another way to effectively communicate with people.
Success stories have already started coming in. I mean, we’re hearing people from around the world, especially in other countries, because as I was saying before, places like China and India, I mean, they almost don’t even use email anymore. So they’ve been looking for this method of inviting to not only just make it easier, but to almost make it possible for them to be able to send out these invitations. So people are absolutely loving this new functionality.
Yeah, I’m absolutely certain of it. So let me ask you a question. How many emails do you think you get in a day, Jeremy?
Myself personally, probably between, on a good day, I might only get about 200. Rough days, I might get 300 or 400.
Crazy. So what’s the first thing you do with something that appears to be like a bulk email?
I may swipe on it on my phone to send it to the recycling bin.
What do you do with text messages?
I’ll tell you I read every single one of those pretty much every time.
And so I think text messaging is a great way, as long as you personalize it, not just spam a bunch of people, I think text messaging is a great way to do it. And of course, all of the apps that you’ve talked about, are great techniques. Jeremy, anything else you want to share with the BNI members?
I would just say that the one thing about the way that it sends it out, it does send out the messages one at a time. So it does prevent the pitfall of, you know, that group messaging or anything like that. So hopefully that will help people to keep it personalized on a one at a time basis.
Yeah, it’s a personalized, it’s when I’m saying spam it where you just basically send out the generic text. It’s almost like the LinkedIn request, the generic LinkedIn request. I know when someone’s sending me the generic LinkedIn request. I know when somebody has personalized the message to connect with me. So personalize these, I think that’s key. Any last thing before I wrap up, Jeremy?
The only thing I would say to wrap up with my section is to say that this is just the invitation, there’s so much more that has to happen after this. The follow up, the actually welcoming them to the meeting, thanking them after the meeting, but this is at least a step in the right direction to get them towards the meeting.
Agreed. Listen, I know you have a deep dive series coming up on BNI University. It’ll be up there soon. Do you want us to spend 10 seconds talking about your deep dive series?
Absolutely. If you want to know more about BNI Connect, we’re going to be doing a 10 week long course session over August, September, and into October 2020 if you want to catch it live, otherwise it’ll be up on BNI University, and we’re going to touch every last little bit of the member portion of BNI Connect on the mobile app.
Fantastic. So for you to connect with Jeremy directly or his team, go to support.bniconnect.com. That’s support.bniconnect.com. And of course Jeremy’s company has been a member since 2002, it is The Right Click, that’s therightclick.net actually, I think I said .com. www.therightclick.net. Jeremy it’s always a pleasure having you on, thank you so much for being here today.
Thank you for having me.
Over to you, Priscilla.
Okay, well that was terrific. Thank you, Jeremy and Ivan.
The sponsor for this podcast is Ivan’s Inner Circle. Go check out the great content available at www.Ivansinnercircle.com, where Ivan has assembled a variety of interesting topics for you to learn about and participate in.
Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.