The Importance of Getting Along With Others / 與他人相處的重要性
- 聽而不爭。
- 提出問題。不是爭論性的問題,而是能讓你更深入了解他們的觀點的問題。
- 對他們的觀點表現出興趣。你不一定非得同意才有興趣。相信我這一點。
- 如果可以的話,讓他們把注意力集中在解決問題的方法上,而不是只關注問題。如果我們所做的只是專注於問題,就會成為問題專家。對他們說:"我明白了,我看到了問題。現在,真正的問題來了。什麼是一個現實的解決方案。如果他們提供了一個糟糕的解決方案,那就說:"好吧,這是一種可能性。另一個現實的解決方案是什麼? " 輔導他們走向冷靜。
- 清晰,開放,坦誠,直接的溝通,是與難纏的人或其他人的交交道的最佳方式。每次我與人發生大的挑戰時,都會有一方或另一方在溝通中忍住了。這並不意味著減輕人們的負擔。 這意味著要與他們進行專業交談。
- 通過專注於解決方案,讓自己對人們來說是無價之寶。
- 通過檢查自己的情緒,關注結果,遠離戲劇性的東西,並在戲劇性的東西中崛起。
- 不要抱怨 要樂觀。 抱怨不是奧林匹克運動。
- 時刻注意自己的情緒,不要讓別人限制你的成功。
- 使用您的支持系統。 與其他人討論解決方案。
- 成為領導者,而不是離職者。
When I was very young, my mother gave me a paperweight that said, “Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.” She went on to say, “Honey, I love you but you are a bull in a china shop; you just run people over. You have to learn how to work with people.” This advice was a major influence on me for the rest of my life. Think back to your elementary school report card and how it graded you on your ability to play well with others. Well, things haven’t changed. I believe your success in business, and particularly your success at networking, means that you need to learn how to collaborate — or in other words, getting along with others.
You can’t always choose who comes to the playground, and you won’t always get a say in who you’re working with. Why do you have to be friends with everybody? You don’t even have to like everybody. It’s also important to recognize that different personalities add different perspectives and that, when managed well, can actually make a group more productive.
Do not allow other people to control your actions. This begins with some tolerance, a frequently invoked word that’s under-used in practice. Remember, keep your eye on the ball and try not to be too sensitive about those difficult people. Here are some techniques that will help you with this process.
Here are 5 things to consider when you’re talking to a difficult person
- Listen without arguing.
- Ask questions. Not argumentative questions, but questions that will give you more insight into their point of view.
- Show interest in their point of view. You don’t have to agree with it to show interest. Trust me on this one.
- If you can, get them to focus on the solutions to the issue and not just the problem. If all we do is focus on the problem, we become an expert on problems. Say to them: I get it, I see the issue. Now, the real question: What’s a realistic solution. If they offer a lousy solution, then say, “OK, that’s one possibility. What’s another realistic solution?” Coach them toward calmness.
- Clear, open, honest and direct communication is the best way to deal with difficult people or other people who are dealing with them. Every time I’ve had big challenges with people, one side or the other held back in their communication. That doesn’t mean unload on people. It means to talk to them professionally.
Six suggestions to be aware of when there is a difficult person in your group
- Make yourself invaluable to people by focusing on solutions.
- Stay clear of drama and rise above fray by checking your emotions and focusing on results.
- Don’t complain. Be positive. Complaining is not an Olympic sport.
- Stay aware of your emotions, and don’t let others limit your success.
- Use your support system. Talk to others about the solution.
- Be a leader, not a leaver.
Don’t let their craziness drive you in a direction you don’t want to go. As Lisa Earle McLeod says in her book, The Triangle of Truth, “I discovered that what actually puts us over the edge towards craziness ourselves is not other people’s dysfunctions; it’s their denial of their dysfunctions. You know, how they go out acting all normal, and even self-righteous as if we’re the ones who are loopy.”
Don’t let others control your success. Leaving an opportunity (or a network) because someone is being difficult gives them leverage over you and it gives them free rein to lord over others. Don’t give away that power.