Episode 635: Love Is Good Business / 第635集:愛情是個好生意



極端領導力公司總裁管理大師Tom Peters的前副總裁史蒂夫-法伯(Steve Farber)今天與米斯納博士一起在播客中談論他的新書《 Love Is Just Damn Good Business.》。


要公開地表達出創造愛的文化的意圖。與其問 "我們如何改善客戶服務?"不如問 "我們如何才能更好地讓顧客知道我們愛他們?"



Givers Gain”是愛的表達。 展示我們的能力對我們來說是一個挑戰。

BNI非常喜歡Steve的內容,它將來到BNI大學。請訪問https://bniedge.mentored.com/,獲取《The Extreme Leadership Edge》,並獲得《Love Is Just Damn Good Business.》一書。

Ivan's Inner Circle


你好,歡迎回到官方BNI播客。我是Priscilla Rice,來自加州伯克利市的Live Oak錄音室。我今天在電話裡加入了BNI的創始人和主席遠見願景官,Dr. Ivan Misner

你好,Ivan,你過的好嗎 ?

我很好,Priscilla。今天我請到了一位嘉賓,我很榮幸能在BNI播客上看到他。今天的嘉賓是Steve Farber 他是傳說中的管理大師Tom Peters的前副總裁。現在Steve說,你必須是50歲以上的人,才能認識Tom,我不確定這是真的,但我認識TomTom Peters和他的《Search of Excellence》一書,是我創辦BNI和發展BNI的開創性著作。

我去參加了他在TLC做的一個活動,演講的題目是"Love is Damn Good Business." 我記得我在想:"我應該去看這個嗎?" 我不太確定,但我去了,我很高興我去了,因為Steve現在出了一本書,叫《 Love Is Just Damn Good Business》,他還在去年的大會上做了演講,真是不可思議。Steve,我很榮幸能在BNI播客上看到你。


很高興你能來這裡。我喜歡你的書,太不可思議了。我喜歡你那本關於愛情和事業的書。首先我想,"說真的,這對我來說是個小巫見大巫。" 但當我真正想明白了,聽你講的時候,其實就是要愛自己所做的事情,愛自己所做的事情給別人帶來的影響。

對,就是這樣!你知道我們真的不習慣用 "愛 "和 "生意 "這兩個詞在同一個句子裡。無論你在世界的哪個角落,這似乎真的是一件很常見的事情。這真的是很不幸的,因為在商業的背景下,愛不僅是不恰當的,它真的是Greta領導力的根本。我研究領導力,輔導領導力,寫領導力的文章,並為領導力提供諮詢已經有30年了。
因此,我不會輕易使用該詞。 真愛是使許多偉大的領導者變得偉大的核心,也是使偉大的企業變得偉大的核心。 但這並不是對愛的熱愛,就像您對配偶或孩子的愛那樣,它看起來有所不同,但仍然是愛,它確實可以給我們帶來巨大的競爭優勢。

事情是這樣的,"cult "是"文化"一詞的一部分,我認為人們並不真正理解,一個優秀的企業文化,從外表上看可能會讓人覺得很cult,但實際上它只是一種偉大的文化,在這種文化中,人們熱愛自己所做的事情,熱愛自己對他人的影響,這是一種積極的支持性影響。對此,你會怎麼說?

如果你從BNI的角度來看,如果不是成員們不喜歡成為BNI的一員,你們就不會有這麼多年來在全世界範圍內的成長,這是一種軌跡。你不會有這樣的成長,當人們只是 "還好 "或 "快樂 "或 "這只是好的 "。你的成長是因為人們喜歡它。這是因為他們是誰的一部分,它成為他們期待的東西,而我的建議是每一個BNI會員的業務,不管是律師事務所、保險事務所或其他什麼,甚至是一家大公司,我們作為商人的共同點就是客戶,我們都有客戶。



這是個很好的問題。有很多方法可以做到這一點,但本質上,它是公開的意圖。比如說,我經常向客戶推薦的一件事,我在新書中也談到了很多,就是很多時候,這取決於你構思問題的方式。所以,如果我把我的團隊召集在一起,我說:"好的,伙計們,讓我們來想想如何改善我們的客戶服務。" 這是一個典型的問題。 "我們如何改善客戶服務?" 也許你可以圍繞著這個做一些頭腦風暴。
對於任何企業來說,這是一個很好的做法,你會得到一些好的答案。但如果你把問題的框架換個角度,"我們如何才能更好地讓客戶知道我們愛他們?" 你會得到一個不同質量的答案,而且會在更高的水平上,因為你提高了期望值,你所傳遞的信息是,我們都需要做的就是愛我們的客戶。現在,這又要回到你問這個問題的背景上了。

這在BNI中關於具有良好訪問者體驗和出色成員體驗的人們的討論中確實合適。 他們必須在會議期間擁有豐富的經驗才能加入或留下。 您說的是客戶希望在個人企業家提供的服務方面擁有豐富的經驗。

對,就是這樣。認為它適用於所有地方。對於BNI而言,當你看的原則Givers Gain,我永遠不會忘記的經驗當我去年在曼谷的大會上排名時, 你問的問題,“我們代表什麼?” 3000人異口同聲地回答:“付出者收穫。”在這個行業裡,你不可能每天都看到這樣的事情,和很多不同的公司合作。你們作為一個組織 ,,把一根木樁插在地上,說:“這是我們的立場。”現在,如果你想一想,這將是一個非常修辭的問題,因為很明顯,如果你想一想 ,什麼是“ Gives Gain”,那就是愛。

它來自於 "我能為你提供什麼價值?" 而我的價值會從這一點回來,然後它提高了人們第一次到BNI分會時的標準,還是說的好聽點的話語?所以對我們每個人來說都是如此。每當我們宣布一個對我們來說很重要的價值觀時,比如說:如果我打印出很多的按鈕,像很多公司都有寫著 "我們愛我們的客戶!" 這很簡單。任何人都可以做到這一點。我們就應該把它當作一種挑戰。它改變了我們做生意的方式。它改變了一切,從你僱用的人的種類,政策和程序,工作質量和所有的方式下線。

這話說的太對了 我很想和你做一個小時的播客,Steve,但看起來我們沒有時間了。我們非常喜歡你的資料, 我們正在做的內容在BNI大學, 所以任何BNI成員都可以訪問它, 我們將在那裏與Steve的訪問內容。有些內容有一個鏈接,公眾可以獲取到。你想現在分享這個鏈接嗎,Steve?

當然了! 所以我們有一個免費的在線課程,叫做 "Extreme Leadership Edge"。你可以在BNI大學找到它,也可以在BNIEdge.Mentored.com找到。

而這些內容都是可以在BNI大學學習的。如果你還沒有去BNI大學,你應該盡快去做。你也可以去Steve的網站SteveFarber.com。Steve的書的名字是,《 Love Is Just Damn Good Business》。在過去的35年裡,我推薦過任何書,這本書都會排在我推薦的前5名。我勸你去亞馬遜網站上看看他的書。Steve有驚人的內容。他說到做到,是個令人難以置信的人。





這個播客有了一個新的贊助商! 請到 www.IvansInnerCircle.com 查看更多精彩的內容,Ivan已經創造了一系列的話題,我們邀請你參與其中!


Episode 635: Love Is Good Business


Steve Farber, president of Extreme Leadership, Inc. and former vice-president of legendary management guru Tom Peters, joins Dr. Misner on the podcast today to talk about his new book, Love Is Just Damn Good Business.

Love is at the core of what makes great leaders great and at the heart of what makes great businesses great. Your business will not have a competitive advantage unless you, your employees, and your customers all love what you do.

Be overt in your intention to create a culture of love. Instead of asking “How can we improve our customer service?” ask “How can we better show our customers that we love them?”

You’ll get a different quality of answer, and you’ll show everyone on your team that we all need to love our customers. But your employees can’t create a a great customer experience unless they have a great experience as employees.

This applies to your BNI chapter as well. Visitors have to have a great experience in order to join, and they can only have that if the members of the chapter love BNI.

“Givers Gain” is an expression of love. It’s a challenge to us to demonstrate what we can give.

BNI loves Steve’s content so much, it’s coming to BNI University. Visit https://bniedge.mentored.com/ for a free module of The Extreme Leadership Edge, and get your own copy of Love Is Just Damn Good Business.

Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 635


Hello and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner.

Hello, Ivan. How are you doing today?


I’m doing fantastic, Priscilla. I have a guest here today who I’m really honored to have on the BNI Podcast. Today’s guest is Steve Farber. He is the former Vice President of the legendary management guru, Tom Peters. Now Steve says that you have to be 50 years old or older to have to know Tom, I’m not sure that’s true, but I know Tom. Tom Peters and his book, In Search of Excellence was a seminal book for me in starting BNI and developing BNI. It’s an incredible book and he is an incredible consultant and to have this opportunities to meet and get to know Steve who was Vice President of that organization. It’s truly fantastic. I met Steve in the Transformational Leadership Council, which I’ve talked about on my podcasts. I went to an event that he did at TLC and the presentation was called, “Love is Damn Good Business.” I remember thinking, “Should I go to this?” I wasn’t so sure but I went and I am so glad I did because Steve has come out with a book now called, Love Is Just Damn Good Business and he was also a speaker at our convention last year, which was incredible. Steve, I am honored to have you on BNI Podcast.


Thank you, Ivan. I’ve really been looking forward to this!


It’s great to have you here. I love your book, it’s incredible. I love your book about love and business. First I thought, “Seriously, that’s a little woo-hoo for me.” But when I really thought about it and heard you talk, it’s all about loving what you do and loving the impact that you make on others with what you do.


Yeah, exactly! You know we’re really not accustomed to use it the word ‘love’ and ‘business’ in the same sentence. No matter what part of the world you are in, it seems to be a really common thing. It’s really unfortunate because not only is love not inappropriate in the context of business, it’s really at the very foundation of what Greta leadership is. I’ve been studying leadership, coaching leaders, writing about leadership and consulting about leadership for 30 years. So I don’t use that word lightly. Love really is at the core of what makes a lot of great leaders great and it’s at the heart of what makes great businesses great. But it’s not love about love as in the way you think about love in terms of your spouse or child, it looks different but it’s still love and it can really give us a significant competitive advantage. 


There’s no doubt about that and I see that in BNI members and Directors who love BNI who say the bleed burgundy because they enjoy what they do. Sometimes people say that BNI is kind of like a cult. There’s a few things I want to share about that; first of all, if BNI were a cult, everyone would do what I tell them to do, and they don’t. I try to get the to do what I tell them. Here’s the thing, ‘cult’ is part of the word ‘culture’ and I think that people don’t really understand that an amazing corporate culture, from the outside might feel cult-ish, but it’s really just a great culture where people love what they’re doing, love the impact that they are making on others and it’s a positive supportive impact. What would you say about that?


Yeah, exactly right. Let’s look at BNI but let’s also look at the various businesses that BNI members are running and are a part of everyday because the same principle holds true there. It all starts with the customer. If you look at it from a BNI prospective, you guys would not of had the growth that you have the around the world for so many years, it’s such a trajectory, if the members did not love being a part of BNI. You don’t have that kind of growth when people are just ‘okay’ or ‘happy’ or ‘it’s just alright’ with it. You grow because people love it. It because a part of who they are and it becomes something they look forward to and what I would suggest is true for every BNI Member’s Business, whether it’s a law practice, insurance practice or whatever it is maybe a big company even, what we all have in common as business people is customers. We all have customers. Our competitive advantage comes from creating an experience that our customers are going to love whether it’s our product of service or a combination of the two. Anything short of that does not give us a competitive advantage. I think we can all agree on that. But then, we need to back it up one more step to your point Ivan, the only way we can creat that experience for customers in a meaningful and sustainable way over time is to create a culture, or an environment if you prefer to use that word, that people love working in. You can’t create that kind of culture unless you love it yourself first. The thread runs all the way through, I like to think of it in the business cases start with customer, but when you really trace it back, it comes doe a to each and everyone of us individually. Do you love the work that you do? Do you love to the point where you can create and environment, whether it’s a team of two people or 200 people, love coming to work everyday on behalf of your customers? If you can nail that down and weave all of that together, then you’ve got a tremendous competitive advantage in the market. 


A huge one. Now let me ask you a question that we didn’t talk about before hand, it’s easy for me as the owner to have that feeling about my clients, but how do you get your employees to have that feeling? We’re talking about BNI Member’s, many of them have employees, they believe that but how do they get their people to believe that and to have their clients have that experience?


That’s a great question. There’s a number of ways to do it but essentially it’s being overt on the intention. For example, one of the things that I recommend to my clients a lot and I talk about this quite a bit in the new book, is a lot of this depends on the way you frame up a question. So if I bring my team together and I say, “Okay, folks, let’s figure out how we can improve our customer service.” That’s the typical question that gets asked. “How can we improve our customer service?” Maybe you do a little brainstorming around that. It’s a good practice for any business to engage in and you’ll get some good answers. But if you frame up the question a little differently, “How can we better show our customers that we love them?” You’re going to get a different quality answer and it’s going to be at w higher level because you just raised the expectations and the message that you’re sending is that that’s all that we all need to be doing; loving our customers. Now again, it goes back to what context you’re asking that question. If you’re asking it in a place where people really hate working at, the the response is going to be a lot of eye rolling and heaving sighing because it seem in congruent. It doesn’t line up with their own experience. That why you have got to create an environment and a team that people love being on, then that question about customers is a natural extension.


That really fits with wha the talk about in BNI in terms of people having a great visitor experience and a great member experience. They have to have a great experience during the meeting in order to want to join or want to stay. You’re talking about it in terms of the client wanting to have a great experience in terms of what the individual entrepreneur provides. 


Yeah, exactly. Obviously it applies in all places. For BNI when you look at the principle of Givers Gain, you as a culture- and I’ll never  forget the experience when I spoke Bangkok at the convention last year, the year you asked the question, “What do we stand for?” 3000 people in unison answered, “Givers Gain.” That’s something you don’t see everyday in this business working with a lot of different companies. You guys as an organization put a stake in the ground and said, “This is what we stand for.” Now if you think about, and this is going to be really rhetorical because obviously you thought about this, if you think about what Gives Gain is it’s love. It’s coming from a place of, “What value can I provide to you?” And my value will come back from that, then it raises the standards of what people expect when they visit a BNI chapter for the first time. Do I see this I play and demonstrated, or is this just nice sounding words? So it’s true for all of us. Whenever we declare a value that’s important for us for example: if I print out a lot of buttons like a lot of companies have that say “we love our customers!” That’s easy. Anybody can do that. Any paper hanger and every dry cleaner in the planet says “we love our customers.” That’s easy. But if we take that as a challenge, and we should if we are going to say the words, to raise our standards and act congruently with that hat chase everything. It changes the way we do business. It changes everything from the kind of people you hire, the policy and procedures, the quality of the work and all the way down the line.


That’s so true. I would love to do an hour podcast with you, Steve but it looks like we are out of time. We love your material so much, we are doing content in BNI University, so any BNI member has access to it, and we’re going to have content with Steve up there. Some of the content there’s a link that the public can get to. Do you want to share that link now, Steve?


Sure! So we have a free module of an online program called the “Extreme Leadership Edge”. You can find it at BNI University and also at BNIEdge.Mentored.com.


And the content is all available at BNI University. If you have not gone on to BNI University yet, you should do that soon. You can also go to Steve’s website at SteveFarber.com. The name of Steve’s book is, Love Is Just Damn Good Business. I have recommended any books in the last 35 years, this would rank in the top 5 that I would recommend. I urge you to go to Amazon.com and look his book. Steve has amazing content. He walks the talk and is an incredible guy. 

Steve, it was fantastic to have you on the podcast today. Thank you for being part of it!


Thank you so much for having me!


Back to you, Priscilla.


Okay, great. Thank you both so much!

This podcast has a new sponsor! Go check out the great content available over at www.IvansInnerCircle.com where Ivan has created a wide array of topics and you’re invited to participate!

Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to you joining us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.



Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。