Episode 634: Visibility Through Volunteering (Classic Podcast) / 第634集:通過志願服務提高知名度(經典播客)





  1. 你在業餘時間喜歡做什麼,是否與服務社會有關係?
  2. 你有什麼愛好,有沒有提供志願服務的機會?
  3. 你對哪些運動項目很熟悉,可以當教練或教書?
  4. 是什麼帶給您歡樂與滿足?
  5. 你熱衷於什麼社會、政治或健康問題?
  6. 你能確定哪些組織對你有吸引力?選擇一個最吸引你的組織,然後在網上研究一下這個組織。
  7. 那個團體會給你機會實現你的職業或個人目標之一嗎?你是否會有機會與其他支持你事業的人建立聯繫?
  8. 參觀完後,你是否還想對自己的時間做出最後的承諾?
  9. 其他組員對組織是否滿意?

Networking Now.提供给您。


大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客,為大家帶來NetworkingNow.com,這是一個領先的網絡下載網站。我是Priscilla Rice,我來自加州伯克利的Live Oak錄音室。我今天在電話中加入了BNI的創始人和主席,Dr. Ivan Misner。你好, Ivan 。你在哪裡?





今天,我們要談的是我在播客中不常談的事情。那就是通過志願服務提高知名度。從我的第一本書開始--大多數人沒有意識到《The World’s Best Known Marketing Secret》其實是我的第二本書。我的第一本書是《Networking for Success》。我認為它賣了20本。沒有人知道這本書。









順便說一句,學習任何東西的最好方法就是教書,而當我教小學生的時候,我已經學到了更多有關象棋的知識,所以這是我的愛好。 我把它變成了為社區服務。



你熱衷於什麼社會、政治或健康問題,因為它與你、你的家人或你的朋友有關?我們過去談過,Priscilla, Misner 計劃。有一個健康問題。我在政治和宗教方面做一些事情,但通常不在BNI中談論它們。我發現它們在網絡上會產生分歧,但我在政治上很活躍,我在宗教上也很活躍。但健康是一個合理的新東西,因為我在幾年前被診斷後,被告知我現在已經緩解了。

所以,我真的很有激情。實際上,我單獨指導了很多人。不是為了錢。我只是在做志願者。 Misnerplan.com完全是一個志願者的努力。我跟男人,大部分是男人,有時是女人,談癌症,談健康和營養,作為解決癌症的一種方式,以及你所做的其他事情。






考慮一下您要尋找的聯繫類型,然後訪問該小組。 去參觀該小組並嘗試一下。 看看是否適合您。

第八,現在您已經訪問了小組,您是否仍要做出最後的承諾? 志願服務需要時間,您必須投入時間。 沒有什麼比真正說您將滿足服務組織的某些需求然後讓他們失望的情況更糟糕的了,尤其是在談論孩子的時候。 那真的很重要。

然後是第九,其他小組成員對該組織感到滿意嗎? 在做出最終承諾之前,請與該小組中的一些人交談。 採訪他們。 找出他們對組織的看法以及他們在社區中產生的變化。 我無法在每個組織中都做到這一點,大部分我都和幾個曾經參與過該組織的人交談過,這樣我就能從他們的口中聽到他們的意見,他們的工作是在做的。







我認為那太好了,我只想說我是作為藝術和音樂組織LivingJazz.org的董事會成員而做到的。 它以多種方式被添加到我的生活中,我很喜歡它並參與了他們的所有項目。 我認為這是一次很棒的經歷。


我想你是正確的。 我認為這是一個很棒的播客,希望我們所有成員都能利用您的想法。

是的,謝謝你。記住,如果你在BNI裡,BNI是一個很好的創收方式。但是,不要做一個山洞裡的人。走出去,連接與你的社區和志願服務是一個偉大的方式 來做到這一點。我鼓勵你這樣做。


好的,謝謝你Dr. Misner。我只想提醒聽眾們,這個播客是由networkingnow.com帶來的,這是領先的網站,在網絡上的網絡下載。非常感謝您的收聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們希望您下週能加入我們的播客,為您帶來另一個精彩的播客節目。

Episode 634: Visibility Through Volunteering (Classic Podcast)

This episode is a rebroadcast of Episode 362.


Dr. Misner has recommended getting involved in service organizations since he wrote his very first book. Involvement in these groups expands the depth and breadth of your networking. In this episode, he thought he’d get more specific about how to decide which groups to get involved with. People who volunteer demonstrate their commitment to a cause without concern for personal gain, so you should be volunteering with organizations that you have genuine interest in and concern about. Volunteering is not a recreational activity: it’s a serious commitment. Here are 9 points to consider.

  1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time, and is there any connection to serving the community?
  2. What hobbies do you enjoy, and do they provide any opportunities for volunteering?
  3. What sports do you know well enough to coach or teach?
  4. What brings you joy and satisfaction?
  5. What social, political, or health issue are you passionate about?
  6. What are three organizations that you can identify that appeal to you? Choose the one that most appeals to you and research the group online.
  7. Will that group give you the opportunity to meet one of your professional or personal goals? Will you have an opportunity to connect with other people who will be supportive of your business?
  8. After visiting the group, do you still want to make a final commitment of your time?
  9. Are other group members satisfied with the organization?

Brought to you by Networking Now.

Complete Transcript of Episode 362/635

Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow.com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chairman of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan. How are you and where are you?

Hi Priscilla. I am doing great and as you know, I have been touring much of Europe for BNI. This week I am in beautiful Paris. I brought my wife and we are taking a little bit of time for ourselves as well as pulling away to do these very important podcasts.

Oh that sound wonderful. I wish I was with you.

It’s part of our 25th wedding anniversary, so it is, you know, probably just us.

Okay, well I won’t tag on to your trip.

Today we are going to talk about something I haven’t talked a lot about in podcasts. That is visibility through volunteering. Starting with my very first book – which most people don’t realize that The World’s Best Known Marketing Secret was actually my second book. My first book was Networking for Success. I think it sold 20 copies. Nobody knows about it.

But even in that book, I talked about the importance of diversifying your networks. Social organizations, I should say, were one of the kinds of groups that I recommended. In other words, volunteering. I have been pretty consistent with that over the years. I think volunteering is a great way to get visibility in the communities. So I recommend it.

What I thought I would do here for BNI members is kind of give some ideas on what kind of groups and what should you think about when you are volunteering for a service organization.

One of the first steps toward networking your business is to be more visible in your community. Remember that people need to know you. They need to like you, trust you, in order to refer you. Volunteering can actually position you in order for you to meet key people in the community- a connection with people who share your passion.

It gives you opportunities to demonstrate your talent, your skills, your integrity plus your ability to follow up and do what you say you are going to do. It instantly expands the depth and the breadth of your networking. It’s counter- intuitive. People don’t think with volunteering they are wasting their time from a business perspective. Not true. You are making great contacts.

I have made some amazing personal contacts that turned into professional relationships as a result in my involvement in various service clubs. Starting way back with Rotary, I was an active rotarian for over 16 years and participated in a children’s center. When I was a young man, I was a big brother. Now I am on a university board of trustees. Obviously, I have the BNI foundation. So I think volunteering is really important.

I believe that people who volunteer demonstrate their commitment to a cause without concern for personal gain. Thus, you should be volunteering with organizations which you have genuine interest in and concern about.

If administrators, volunteers or other participants think that you are only in it for your own gain, this visibility will actually work against you and it will undermine your goals. You have to remember that volunteering is not a recreational activity. It is a serious commitment to help fulfill a need in the community.

So to find an organization or a cause that relates with your interests, you need to approach volunteerism with a healthy level of thought and strategy. I am going to give you nine points to consider in participating in service organizations or volunteer organizations.

One: What do you enjoy doing for yourself in your spare time, and is there any connection to volunteering or service to the community in that area?

Two: What hobbies do you enjoy?

I’ll give you an example. I always enjoyed chess, so I volunteered for my son’s elementary school chess club for five years. It was a long term commitment, every week for about three months. I worked my travel schedule around that doggone chess club. But I loved it. It was a great time to spend with my son but also the community.

By the way, the best way to learn anything is to teach it, and I have learned more about chess when I was teaching elementary school kids- so that was a hobby I enjoy. I turned it into service for the community.

What sports do you know well enough to teach? I coached martial arts at children’s center for a number of years. So if there is a sport that you really enjoy, there may be a way to volunteer.

What brings you joy and satisfaction? What do you really enjoy doing? For me, it was the big brothers and now university. I really enjoy working- I think because I don’t teach at the university anymore, it’s great to be active in at least one way. For me, that brings me joy.

What social, political or health issue are you passionate about because it relates to you, your family or your friends? We have talked about, Priscilla, the Misner Plan in the past. There is a health issue. I do things in politics and religion but don’t usually talk about them in BNI. I find that they can be divisive in a network, but I am active politically and I am active in my religion. But health is something reasonably new since my diagnosis a few years ago and being told I am now in remission.

So I am really passionate about that. I actually coach a lot of people individually. Not for money. I am just volunteering. Misnerplan.com is a total volunteer effort. I talk to men, mostly men, sometimes women, about cancer and about health and nutrition as a way of addressing it along with other things that you do.

I am trying to give examples of what to do that might resonate with you. Now, the examples that I am giving here, Priscilla, may not resonate with them personally, but I want to give examples of how I use these in my own personal way to volunteer.

So you should be thinking about, if you are listening to this, what resonates with you. Health or politics or whatever. Find something that resonates with you and that relates to you. Then based on the answers to those five questions, here is number six:

What are three organizations that you can identify that appeal to you? It could be youth leagues, libraries, clubs, activist groups, church groups, homeless shelters. Choose the one or two that most appeals to you. I recommend one to start with that most appeals to you. Research the group online and in the community. That is number six.

Number seven: Now that you have researched the group, will it give you the opportunity to meet one of your professional or personal goals? If you make a connection there, will you have the opportunity to connect with other people that will be supportive of you in business in one way or another?

It certainly has been for me and my work with the Rotary Club years ago. Even serving meals in a homeless shelter, believe it or not, I made some great contacts with other business professionals who were like-minded. In my involvement with the children’s center- almost every place I have volunteered, I have made great personal and professional connections.

Think about what kind of connections you are looking for and then visit the group. Go visit the group and try it on. See if it is a good fit for you.

Number eight is now that you have visited the group, do you still want to make a final commitment of your time? Volunteering your time takes time and you have to commit to it. There is nothing worse than really saying you are going to fulfill some need that a service organization has and then letting them down, especially if you are talking about kids. That is really important.

And then number nine, are other group members satisfied with the organization? Talk to a few people who are in that group before you make the final commitment. Interview them. Find out what they think about the organization and what difference they are making in the community. I haven’t been able to do that in every organization, but most of the ones that I have participated in I have talked to several people who were part of that organization so that I could hear their opinions from the people where the rubber meets the road and they are doing the work.

So those are the nine things. What do you enjoy in your spare time? What hobbies do you enjoy? What sports do you know well enough to teach? What brings you joy and satisfaction? What social, political or health issue are you passionate about?

Then, based on those five questions, narrow it down to a few organizations. Research one of those groups. Visit one of those groups. Then talk to members that are in that group. Then, once you have researched it and talked to people, pick a group. Join a group. Begin to volunteer for the visibility piece of VCP- visibility, credibility, profitability.

You will find that you will also establish credibility. I really established credibility in my communities where I have lived by volunteering, by doing fundraisers at my house, by participating in the nonprofit boards.

Look for leadership roles. In the same way that I recommend that you be on the leadership team in BNI, look for leadership roles as you volunteer. You will find that puts you out in front. Show others how good you are at what you do.

So I would love to hear from BNI members. If you have anything that you would like to add, Priscilla, but I would also like to hear from BNI members. What organizations do you participate in and what questions do you recommend that someone asks that I didn’t cover today that might be of value to our listeners.

That’s my material for today, Priscilla. What do you think?

I think that’s great and I just want to say that I have done that by being on the board of directors on an arts and music organization called LivingJazz.org. It has been added to my life in so many ways and I have enjoyed it and participated in all their projects. I think it is just a great experience.

Yeah, you know, if you are volunteering in areas that you are passionate about, it doesn’t feel like hard work and it doesn’t feel like it is a really press on your time. And you are networking. People have told me that’s really important. I am beginning to believe it.

I think you’re right. I think that’s a wonderful podcast and I hope all of our members take advantage of your ideas.

Yeah, thank you. Remember, if you are in BNI, BNI is a great way to generate business. But don’t be a cave dweller. Get out, connect with your community and volunteerism is a great way to do that. I encourage you to do so.

By the way, BNI has a foundation. Every year, we do some fundraisers worldwide. If anyone is interested in supporting the BNI Foundation, which focuses on children and education, go to BNIfoundation.org. There is a way that BNI members worldwide can volunteer. Thanks, Priscilla.

Alright. Thank you, Dr. Misner. I would just like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by networkingnow.com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we hope you will join us next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.




Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。