Episode 633: I’ve Invited Everyone I Know / 第633集:我邀請了我所認識的每一個人






  • 你翻過你的Rolodex了嗎,按名字來算嗎?
  • 你的名片盒裡的名片,你看過了嗎?
  • 你看過你的支票簿登記冊了嗎?



Ivan's Inner Circle


大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是Priscilla Rice,我從加州伯克利市的Live Oak錄音室為大家帶來了。我今天在電話中加入了創始人和首席願景官, Dr. Ivan Misner. 

你好, Ivan ,你在哪裡?

這週我在波蘭華沙參加BNI國際會議。這些國際公約都很了不起,Priscilla。如果你在聽這個播客,做一個筆記的下一個公約 因為你必須來。這就像在聯合國。有來自世界各地的人。後面的房間裡有所有的隔間,裡面有翻譯不同語言的人,還有來自全世界70多個國家的國旗,這是一種不可思議的體驗。這確實是一個令人震驚的經歷,它真的讓你對BNI在世界各地的真實情況有了一個很好的認識。這真是太棒了!


是的 真的太神奇了

所以今天我要講的是"我邀請了我所認識的每一個人",但是在這之前,我只想跟大家分享一些東西;大家一直在提到我們有一個新的讚助商,叫Ivan'sInnerCircle (IvansInnerCircle.com),我說過這句話,而且在Ivan'sInnerCircle的網站上。這是一個網站,我只是在這個網站上真正的灌輸給Inner Circle的成員,關於人際關係網、如何擴大業務規模、時間管理等很多話題。我提到,我把所有的收益都捐給了BNI基金會,未來也會捐給其他慈善機構。所以,我收到了我的第一張支票,Priscilla!

好極了! 多少?



所以,凡是參加Ivan的內心世界的人,我想親自感謝你們,因為這些錢確實是用來支持兒童和教育等慈善事業的,這也是BNI基金會的工作。感謝每一位參與活動的人 !

好了,讓我告訴你,他的主題是什麼。我觸及到了它簡短但在你的時間之前的播客,Priscilla, 你跳到這些播客的過程中早期的過程。這是第11集,我簡單地觸及到了這個話題,但我想更詳細地講一下。這是在1985年年底,我已經打開了大約20個分會 在BNI和我參與邀請人們到這20個分會。我對一個分會的成員說:"我已經邀請了我認識的所有人。我已經沒有其他人了。" 我必須告訴你,這個女人教我是否真的邀請了我認識的所有人。她帶我去學校。


太好了,因為她真的把我吹走了。 她說:“哦,Ivan 您尚未邀請所有認識的人。” 我說:“是的,我有!” 她說:“好吧。 您是否逐一刷過rolodex卡?” 當然,您和我都知道rolodex是什麼,但是有很多千禧一代可能認為我在談論一塊昂貴的手錶,但是我在談論的是您會打開的這種小設備,並且您擁有所有這些卡片 會翻身並手寫您所擁有人員的姓名,地址,電話號碼和聯繫信息。

甚至有的人還把名片塞進卡里,然後就這樣使用了rolodex。於是,她又問:"你把你的名片夾一卡一卡地過了嗎?" 我說:"嗯,不,不是一卡一卡。" 她說:"你翻過你的名片盒了嗎?" 現在80年代,我們在80年代的時候,我們把大部分的人脈資料都保存在名片盒裡的rolodex或名片的複印件上----像很多分會都是用傳閱的方式把名片拿出來。讓我們用21世紀的說法,今天我會說,"你把你的數據庫裡的人名都翻過了嗎?"

所以我對她的這兩個問題都說:"沒有,我的名片盒沒翻過,我的名片盒也沒有一卡一卡地翻過。" 她說:"好吧,那就這樣做,然後告訴我,你請了人。" 還有就是。她給了我第三個建議,我覺得絕對是個好主意。如果我真的想好了,我就會想出前兩個建議, 但這是我的BFO。我有跟你說過BFO的事嗎 Priscilla?


BFO=Blinding Flash of the Obviously。这是一个BFO,我没有想到这一点 ,她說:“檢查您的支票簿寄存器。 您要付給誰?” 現在,我是BNI的創始人,她是會員! 她完全帶我上學了。 “因為您要支付的人將是偉大的BNI成員。” 我就像天哪,那太明顯了! 雖然,我本以為可以使用rolodex和卡片盒,但是我不確定我是否會考慮使用支票簿。


所以她向我推薦了這三樣東西,我就說:"好吧,我還沒有做過。" 我又回去翻了一遍我的名片盒,一卡一卡地翻了一遍。我把我的名片盒裡的卡片一卡一卡地看了一遍。今天,我會通過我的Outlook通訊錄,或者如果你有Sales Force或者一些數據庫管理,比如[聽不清]處理Ivan的內圈。通過你的數據庫中的聯繫人,一個人一個人地去看你的聯繫人。我翻看了一下我的支票登記冊, Priscilla我發現有一堆人我沒有邀請過。
我心想:"我的天啊,我怎麼會沒有想到這個人呢?" 你知道,如果我可能已經有半年到幾年沒有和這個人說話了,但我和這些人有關係。我認識這些人。他們會接我的電話,我可以邀請他們。在經歷了所有的事情之後,我有了一堆人,我去邀請的人,我做到了! 我夾著尾巴回去,對這個會員說:"謝謝你。這是個很好的建議! 我找到了以前沒有邀請過的各種人。"


我認為這是一個很簡單的概念。你看,我們邀請人們去參加組織,商會活動或一些商業活動的方式之一,你正在和某人交談,但你並不真正了解他們,這不是最好的邀請,因為你不知道他們是否誠實和道德。但是,如果你和某人或認識的人做過生意,有他們的聯繫方式,只是最近沒有和他們聯繫上,那麼這些人是最好的邀請對象,因為有關係。而當有了關係,在一個分會裡就會有一個力量的倍增器,因為你可以對別人說,"我認識這個人,也和他們做過生意/我認識他們很長時間了,你可以信任他們,我想他們會成為一個很好的會員。" 我覺得這比跟剛認識的人做這種事要好得多。雖然,我也是這樣做的,但我還是覺得這是最好的辦法。而這位會員,我希望我能記住她的名字,因為我會叫她的名字,但那是35年前她給我的建議。 "''看看你的花名冊......看看你的卡箱......看看你的支票簿登記簿。"





好的! 太好了,Ivan 非常感謝!

這個播客有了一個新的讚助商! 請到 www.IvansInnerCircle.com 查看更多精彩的內容,Ivan已經創造了一系列的話題,我們邀請您參與其中!

非常感謝您的收聽。這裡是Priscilla Rice,我們期待著您下週再次加入我們的官方播客,為您帶來另一個精彩的節目。

Episode 633: I’ve Invited Everyone I Know

Way back in Episode 11, Dr. Misner touched on where to find new members and how to invite people to meetings. In today’s podcast, he takes a look at three obvious but often-overlooked places to find potential visitors.

In the early days of BNI, when there were still only 20 chapters, Dr. Misner was responsible for inviting people to all the chapters. One day he was talking to another member and said “I’ve invited everybody I know. I got nobody else.”

The response was skeptical—and you can tell by the member’s questions just how long ago this was.

  • Have you gone through your Rolodex, name by name?
  • Have you gone through your business card box, card by card?
  • Have you gone through your checkbook register?

Today, you might not have a Rolodex or a checkbook. Instead, go through all the contacts in your email client and your CRM. Go through your online banking register. People you’ve already met and done business with are the best people to invite to BNI.

What unexpected places have you found people to invite to your BNI meeting? Let us know in the comments.

Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 633


Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Dr. Ivan Misner. 

Hello, Ivan! How are you and where are you?


This week I’m at the BNI International Convention in Warsaw, Poland. These international conventions are just amazing, Priscilla. If you’re listening to this podcast, make a note of the next convention because you’ve got to come. It’s like being at a United . There are people from all over the world. The back of the room has all of those cubicle with people that are translating different languages and there’s flags from more than 70 countries around the world, it’s an incredible experience. It’s truly a humbling experience and it really gives you a great idea of what BNI really is around the world. It’s fantastic! 


I went to it once and I felt the same way. I just loved it, it was amazing.


Yeah, it really is amazing!

So today I’m going to be talking about “I invited everyone I know”, but before I do, I just want to share something with everyone; you’ve been mentioning that we have a new sponsor called Ivan’s Inner Circle (IvansInnerCircle.com) and I have said this and it’s up on Ivan’s Inner Circle website. It’s a website where I’m just really pouring into members of the Inner Circle on topics like networking, how to scale a business, on time management and many other topics. I mentioned that I am donating all of the proceeds to the BNI Foundation and in the future to other charities. So I got my first check, Priscilla!


Yay! How much?


This is a check that will be going directly to the BNI Foundation that is for $4974.23.




So anybody who is participating in Ivan’s Inner Circle, I want to thank you personally because it does go to support charitable causes like children and education- which is what the BNI Foundation does. Thank you to everybody that is participating!

Alright, let’s jump in! Let me tell you what his topic is. I touched upon it briefly but before your time on the podcasts, Priscilla, and you jumped on to these podcasts early on in the process. This is episode 11 and I briefly touched on this topic but I want to go into more detail. It was towards the end of 1985, I had opened about 20 chapters in BNI and I was involved in inviting people to those twenty chapters. I did to one fo the members in a chapter, “I’ve invited everybody I know. I’ve got nobody else.” And I have to tell you, this woman schooled me on whether I had actually invited everyone I know. She took me to school.


How did she do that?


It was great because she really blew me away. She said, “Oh, Ivan. Really? You have not invited everyone you know.” I said, “Yes, I have!”  She said, “Okay. Have you gone through your rolodex card by card?” Of course you and I know what rolodex is but there are a lot of millennials who might think I’m talking about an expensive watch, but I’m talking about this little device that you would turn and it had all of these cards that you would turn over and hand write the name, address, phone number and contact information of people that you have. There was even some where you slip business cards into the card and use the rolodex that way. So again, she said, “Have you gone through your rolodex card by card?” I said, “Well, no not card by card.” She said, “Have you gone through your card box?” Now in the 80’s we kept most of our contacts on a rolodex or copies of their business cards in a card box- like many chapters use the pass around to get cards out of there. Let’s put it in 21st century terms, today I would say, “Have you gone through your database name by name?” 

So I said to her on both of those questions, “No, I haven’t gone through my business card box and I didn’t go through my rolodex card by card.” She said, “Well, do that and then tell me that you invited anyone.” And the. She gave me a third suggestion that I thought was absolutely brilliant. Had I really been thinking about it, I would’ve come up with the first two, but it one was a BFO for me. Have I talked about BFO’s with you, Priscilla? 


I don’t know.


BFO = Blinding Flash of the Obvious. It was a BFO and I hadn’t thought of this. She said, “Go through your checkbook register. Who are you paying?” Now, I’m the Founder of BNI and she was a member! She totally took me to school. “Because the people you are paying would be great BNI members.” I was like oh my goodness, that is so obvious! Although, I would’ve thought bout the rolodex and card box, I’m not sure I would thought about a checkbook register. Now today, you might not have a physical checkbook register. Today, everything I have is online. I pay my bills online. So go through your online register or if you’re still paying on a manual check register, look through your checkbook register. Who are you paying money to? There’s services that people are rendering and these are the perfect people to invite to BNI. 

So she recommended those three things to me and I was like, “Okay. I haven’t actually done that.” And I went back and went through my rolodex card by card. I went through my card box card by card. Today I would go through my Outlook Contacts or if you have Sales Force or some database management like [inaudible] that handles Ivan’s Inner Circle. Go through your contacts on your database person by person. And I went through my check register, and Priscilla I found bunch of people I had not invited. I thought, “Oh my goodness, how could I not have thought of this person?” You know if could’ve been six months to a years since I talked to this person, but I have a relationship with these people. I know these people. They would take my call and I can invite them. After go through everything, I had a bunch of people that I go to and invite- and I did! I went back with my tail in between my legs and told this member, “Thank you. That was great advice! I found all kinds of people that I had not invited in the past.” 


Oh, that’s good. I do write checks, so I could look in my checkbook and find people.


I think it’s such a simple concept. Look, one of the ways that we invite people to go to organizations, a chamber event or some business event and you’re talking to somebody but you don’t really know them that well, that’s not the best invitation for a visitor because you don’t know if they are honest and ethical. But if you’ve done business with somebody or know somebody and have their contact information and just haven’t connected with them recently then those are the best people to invite to BNI because there is a relationship. And when there is a relationship, there is a force multiplier in a chapter because you can say to people, “I know this person and have done business with them /  I’ve known them for a long time, you can trust them and I think they would make a great member.” I think that’s far better than doing that with somebody you’ve just met. Although, I do that too, but I still think this is the best approach. And this member, I wish I could remember her name because I would call her out by name but it was almost 35 years ago when she gave me this advice. “‘Look at your rolodex… Look at your card box… Look at your checkbook register.”

It’s great advice and that’s what I recommend everyone that’s in BNI go back and do.


Okay. I just want to Insert here that having some visitors in the room makes all of the difference. 


It is, isn’t it? It’s very important to always have some visitors in the room. It keeps everybody on their toes no they are making sure they follow the program properly. Visitors are the lifeblood of the chapter. They are what helps a chapter grow. So take this concept that we are talking about today and take it to the 21st century, I know I’m a old guy with grey hair over here talking about rolodex’s, but this is a completely effective technique in the 21st by changing out the rolodex for your database and your checkbook register to online. It’s the same concept. 

That’s everything I’ve got for today, Priscilla.


Okay! That’s terrific, Ivan. Thank you so much!

This podcast has a new sponsor! Go check out the great content available over at www.IvansInnerCircle.com where Ivan has created a wide array of topics and you’re invited to participate!

Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to you joining us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.




Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。