Episode 632: Maximizing Your Professional Image / 第632集:最大限度地提升你的專業形象


來自BNI Overachievers (Land O' Lakes)分會的形象和禮儀顧問Tia Young與Misner博士一起分享如何在BNI中最大限度地提升你的職業形象。

  • 穿著打扮,就像你在和你最好的客戶見面一樣。 (請聽第577集,了解當你不這樣做時,會發生什麼事情。)穿得比你的聽眾水平高或略高於聽眾的水平。
  • 你在會議中的表現,就是別人認為你在業務上的表現。在會議中要集中精力,在開放的交流會中要平易近人、友好。
  • 要真實、專業。不要講不恰當的笑話。
  • 永遠要考慮你的著裝、行為和態度(DBA)。如果Misner博士明天來你們的分會,你還會像以前一樣穿著打扮、行為舉止一樣嗎?



Ivan's Inner Circle


大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客。我是Priscilla Rice,我從加州伯克利市的Live Oak錄音室為大家帶來了。我今天在電話裡加入了BNI的創始人 Dr. Ivan Misner

嗨 Ivan 你今天好嗎 ?

我很好 這週我在德克薩斯州的奧斯汀。我正準備去參加國際BNI大會,這總是一個驚人的經歷,我下週就會去。

這週又來了一位客人 她的名字是,Tia Young。 Tia是Tia Young形象與禮儀公司的創始人,自2002年以來,她通過提供專業的禮儀培訓,幫助客戶學習成功的軟技能。她是佛羅里達州蘭德奧湖區BNI Overachievers分會的成員,並在佛羅里達州的核心地區之一擔任董事顧問。

她剛剛出版了她的第一本書-Tia,祝賀或我們的慰問,以適當的順序為準。 我表示慰問,因為輕鬆的部分是在寫書,而困難的部分是在賣書,這就是辛勤工作的源頭。Tia剛寫了一本書,名為“如何自信地導航優質體驗:對社會成功的指導”。 ”


非常感謝Misner博士。 很高興來到這裡。

很高興見到你,還有Tia請叫我 Ivan 。很高興有你在這裡。有幾個談話點,我將會由你運行,我們很樂意聽到這一點。第一點是關於服裝和服飾的問題。我敢肯定,這是關於你穿的衣服,你穿什麼,你穿什麼去開會,以及如何關係到別人對你的職業精神的看法,告訴我們關於這一點。

是的,我真心認為,你的著裝和著裝以及你在會議上的穿著打扮,直接關係到別人如何看待你在業務上的專業性。你要穿得像見到你最好的客戶一樣。我喜歡這句話,"你永遠沒有第二次機會給人留下第一印象。" 所以,我們不僅要在會議上穿得專業,還要讓分會給人的第一印像是熱情好客。有合適的著裝,也就是要看起來很在意自己的穿著。我們要確保自己的穿著得體。對於男士來說,可能是一件鈕扣羽絨服,或者是帶有旗幟的polo衫。對女士來說,要穿裙子或休閒褲,適當的髮型、化妝和首飾。

所以,我們做了一集,與這一集577有關,叫做“I wasn’t referable”,是Meaghan Chitwood的故事,你聽過了嗎,Tia

是的 我聽過 我很喜歡



我記得第一次去夏威夷的時候,我穿著三件套衣服,他們穿著夏威夷襯衫,我可能比他們高兩級。這可能是太多了,但你知道,我發現,去BNI在一些地區,像這樣的,你不想穿得比他們高太多。然而,如果你是一個主題演講者 或者像我一樣代表一個組織,你想穿得至少在他們之上。我想這是個好建議。





是的,這一點很重要。我總是對人說,"感知就是現實。它可能不是你的現實,但我的感知就是我的現實。" 所以,我對你的行為的看法就是我的現實,我認為在BNI中人們需要更多地認識到這一點,因為他們會根據你在會議上實際做的事情來看待你的行為,而不僅僅是你在會議之外的人,他們必鬚根據他們在會議上看到的東西來看待你的行為。






是的 聽著,不當笑話從一開始就是一個問題。 您會聚集一群人,而人們有時只是做這種事情。 在BNI或任何業務環境中,您都必須避免這種情況。 這是雙輸的行為。 實際上,這是中立的負面行為。 沒有人喜歡它,人們實際上會對此感到不高興。


我喜歡縮寫,我喜歡能幫助你記住的東西,所以我想出了D.B.A.它代表著 "服飾,行為和態度"。就像支票賬戶裡的DBA,如果你想檢查一下自己--除了Maeghen Chitwood做播客的時候,其他人是如何幫助她看清自己的形象並改善她的形象,但我希望人們能審視自己,看看如何改善。如果我們說:"你要來他們的分會做一個訪問。" 他們改變了什麼呢?他們還是會像以前一樣穿著一樣,行為舉止一樣,形像也一樣,如果你來參加他們的會議,他們會不會也是這樣?所以,他們要確保他們走在最前面,並在任何時候都是最好的。John Maxwell韋有一句話,"人們可能會聽到你的話,但他們會感受到你的態度。" 你要確保你有一個積極的態度,當然這也是核心價值觀之一,就是要有一個積極的態度。所以D.B.A.你的著裝、你的行為和你的態度,都是你應該問自己的東西,是否為你的職業和你的形象服務好。

這是個好東西。而John Maxwell絕對是世界上領先的世界領導力專家 我們和John Maxwell組織有很好的關係。我很高興你引用了他的話,這句話是他的名言。

在我們結束前,我有最後一個問題要問你。這是個棘手的問題,Tia。你如何有禮貌地告訴別人 他們的穿著、行為或個人形象可能會損害他們的商業形象?


好吧!現在我要把你放在這裡,因為我們之前沒有談過這個問題; Maeghan的播客,在那裡的成員坐在她的播客,在會議外和她坐在一起,並提出了這個問題,你認為,如果有一個關係,如果這個人真的關心你,是可以的,那麼 ,也許在某些情況下提出來?

絕對! 但是您必須在與他們的關係中處於可信度階段。 他們必須處於一種他們知道,喜歡和信任您的關係,他們可以在其中吸收這些信息並進行必要的更改,而這正是Maeghan所做的。






這個播客有了一個新的讚助商! 請到 www.IvansInnerCircle.com 查看更多精彩的內容,Ivan已經創造了一系列的話題,我們邀請您參與其中!

非常感謝您的收聽。這裡是Priscilla Rice,我們期待著您下週再次加入我們的官方播客,為您帶來另一個精彩的節目。

Episode 632: Maximizing Your Professional Image

Image and etiquette consultant Tia Young from the BNI Overachievers (Land O’ Lakes) chapter joins Dr. Misner to share her tips for maximizing your professional image in BNI.

  • Dress as if you’re meeting with your best client. (Listen to Episode 577 to find out what happens when you don’t.) Dress at or slightly above the level of your audience.
  • The way you behave at the meeting is the way others believe you behave in your business. Focus during the meeting and be approachable and friendly during open networking.
  • Be authentic and professional. Don’t tell inappropriate jokes.
  • Always consider your Dress, Behavior, and Attitudes (DBA). If Dr. Misner were to visit your chapter tomorrow, would you still dress the same and act the same?

Don’t give other members unsolicited advice about how their Dress, Behavior, and Attitudes are affecting their professional image, especially during a meeting. If another member asks, or you’ve reached a stage of trust, be tactful.

For more tips on etiquette and image, visit Tia’s website at https://www.tampaetiquette.com/.

Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 632


Hello and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. 

Hello, Ivan. How are you today?


I’m doing fantastic. I’m in Austin, TX this week. I’m preparing to go to the International BNI Convention, which is always an amazing experience, and I’ll be there next week. 

I have another guest this week. Her name is, Tia Young. Tia is the Founder of Tia Young Image and Etiquette and since 2002 she’s helped clients learn soft skills for success by providing professional development in etiquette training. She’s a member of the BNI Overachievers Chapter in Land O’Lakes, FL and serves as a Director Consultant in one of the Florida core regions. She just published her first book- Tia, congratulations or our condolences, whichever are in order. I say condolences because the easy part is writing the book, but the hard part is selling the book and that’s where the hard work comes in. Tia just did a book called “How To Navigate Premium Experiences With Confidence: Your Guidance to Social Success.” 

Tia, welcome to BNI Podcast.


Thank you so much, Dr. Misner. I’m so happy to be here.


It’s a pleasure having you, and Tia, please call me Ivan. It is great to have you here. There’s a few talking points that I’m going to run by you and we’d love to hear this. The first point is regarding dress and attire. I’m sure that that’s regarding the dress that you wear and what you wear to a meeting and how that relates to a perception that other people have about your professionalism, tell us about that. 


Yes, I truly believe that your dress and attire and the way you dress at a meeting is directly related to how others perceive your professionalism in your business. You want to dress as if you’re meeting your best client. I love the quote “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” So not only do we want to dress professionally at the meetings, but we want the chapter to have that first impression of being welcoming, also. Having appropriate attire, meaning look like you care about what you’re wearing. We want to make sure that we’re appropriately dressed. For men, that might be a button down shirt or a polo shirt with flags. For a lady, a dress or slacks, appropriate hair, makeup and jewelry. 


So we did an episode on this, related to this episode 577 called “I wasn’t referable” and it was Meaghan Chitwood’s story, did you hear that one, Tia?


Yes, I did. I loved it!


It’s a great story and I recommend that if you have t heard it, that you go back and listen to it after this podcast because this is exactly what Tia is talking about. Somebody who attends a meeting and wasn’t dressed as professionally as she should’ve been for a BNI group. You certainly don’t have too be in a tux to come to a BNI meeting, but you do need to dress appropriately. You know, Tia, I have a plan/belief that when I speak to an audience I dress at or just above my audience, never below my audience. So if I am doing a large event, I may dress in a suit and tie which would be at the level of above the level as most of my audience. If I’m at a more casual event like if I’m speaking at BNI in Hawaii or certain Latin American areas, I might wear just a sport coat with no tie and that’s at or above my audience. So would you agree that that’s kind of what you need to do in BNI?


Absolutely. You have to know your audience. I’m a former international flight attendant and I’ve traveled all over the world, but when I’d go to different cities and cultures around the world, it might be cold in one area and they might dress differently or I might go to another country where they are more relaxed, so you have to read the audience to know exactly what level to dress at but never lower than what they are dressing. 


I remember going to Hawaii for the first time and I was in a three piece suit and they were in Hawaiian shirts, I was probably 2 steps above them. That’s was probably too much, but you know I found that going to BNI in some areas like that, you don’t want to dress too far above them. Yet, if you’re a keynote speaker or representing an organization like I am, you want to dress at least at or above them. I think that’s good advice.

Let’s talk about behavior. The way you behave in a meeting and who it impresses people. Talk to me about that. 


I truly believe the way you behave at the meeting is directly related to how others perceive you will behave in your business. Your focus and attention in a meeting is very important. If you’re in the corner joking around or making a comment on everything that’s said at the meeting or playing on your phone-


Yes! That’s a big one.


Yes it is. I think being approachable, friendly and inviting when it’s open networking time that you’re actually up networking and not just talking to your best friend in the meeting.


Yeah, that’s important. I’ve always said to people, “Perception is reality. It may not be your reality, but my perception is my reality.” So my perception o f your behavior is my reality and I think people need to be more cognizant of that in BNI because they will perceive your behavior based on the things that you are actually doing in the meeting, not just who you are outside that meeting but they have to base it on what they see at the meeting. 

When you mentioned people on their telephone, that’s a big one. Would you pull out a telephone and start texting an important client in the middle of the meeting? Of course not. 


Right. That gives the wrong impression.


It does give the wrong impression in a BNI meeting as well. 

So image. What image are you trying to convey? That’s an important topic as well. 


Absolutely. You want to ask yourself what kind of image are you trying to convey at the meeting and is it working for you? You want to be authentic and professional. So if you’re always on the phone, you could convey that the meeting isn’t important to you. Inappropriate jokes, grammar, your slang or if you’re tired, all of those things are your image. Combined with your behavior, your dress, it all becomes part of your image. 


Yeah. Listen, inappropriate jokes have been an issue from day one. You get a group of people together and people just sometimes do that kind of thing. You’ve got to steer away from that in a BNI context or in any business context. It’s a lose-lose behavior. In fact, it’s a neutral-negative behavior. Nobody loves it and people will actually get upset about it. 

So how can a member maximize their professional image in BNI?


Well, I love acronyms and I loves things that help you remember, so I come up with D.B.A. And it stands for Dress, Behavior and Attitude. Just like a DBA in a checking account, if you want to check yourself- other than when Maeghen Chitwood did the podcast on how other people helped her see her image and improve it, but I want people to look at themselves to see how they can improve. If we were to say, “You’re coming to do a pop-up visit at their chapter.” What what they change?would they still dress the same, behave the same and have the the same image if you were coming to their meeting? So they want to make sure they go that extra mile and be on their best at all times. John Maxwell has a quote, “People May hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” You want to make sure you have a positive attitude, and of course that’s one of the Core Values is having a positive attitude. So D.B.A. Your Dress, your Behavior and your Attitude are the things you should ask yourself if they are serving your profession and your image well. 


That’s good stuff. And John Maxwell is absolutely the world’s leading expert on world leadership and we have a good relationship with the Maxwell Organization. I’m glad you quoted him and that’s a great quote from him. 

So here’s the last question I have for you before we wrap up. This is a a tough one, Tia. How do you politely tell someone that their attire, behavior or personal image may be hurting their business image?


That’s a great question! It’s a tricky one, too, because you don’t tell them. You never want to give unwanted advice. Now, if they ask, then you can give them some advice but make it a criticism sandwich. Things that they are doing well and something they can work on and then finish off with something they are doing well on, also. Just so it’s not too much negativity.


Right! Now I’m going to put you on the spot here because we didn’t talk about this before; Maeghan’s podcast where members sat down with her outside of a meeting and brought the subject up to her, do you think that if there is a relationship and if the person really cares for you, is it okay then that maybe under certain circumstances bring it up?


Absolutely! But you have to be at that credibility stage with them in the relationship. They have to be at a relationship where they know, like and trust you to where they can take in that information and make those necessary changes and that’s what Maeghan did.


Yeah, unsolicited advice is rarely welcome, but if there’s a relationship then it’s possible. I think you hit the nail on the head. 

Anyone who wants more information on Tia and what she does, go to TampaEtiquette.com. Tia, thank you so much for being on the podcast today. 


Thank you so much for having me, it’s been a pleasure!


Over to you, Priscilla.


That’s it for this week. Thank you so much for the information! 

This podcast has a new sponsor! Go check out the great content available over at www.IvansInnerCircle.com where Ivan has created a wide array of topics and you’re invited to participate!

Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to you joining us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast.




Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。