Dream Big / 遠大的夢想


我們的2019年BNI全球大會剛剛結束。我想花點時間感謝每一位來自世界各地的朋友,在波蘭華沙參加這個激動人心的盛會。DziękujęCi。今年大會的主題是我們的主題-“Dream Big.“。因此,我想為那些不在BNI的人分享一些想法,當你有夢想,相信,並實現你的目標時,你可以達到你的目標.....



夢想大學CEO、創始人Marcia Wieder是我們2019年全球大會的主題演講嘉賓。她講述了創業者的創業心態,即對自己的企業有一個夢想,以及如何成功實現這個夢想。我通過我們都是轉型領導力理事會的成員,我認識了Marcia,讓我告訴你,Marcia確實是最優秀的精英,當她對企業的這一方面的理解。請觀看這段視頻了解更多信息。




在麥克斯韋·馬爾茨博士(Maxwell Maltz)撰寫的《Psycho-Cybernetics》一書中,他建議“將您的思想引導到一個富有成效的,有用的目標,以便您可以安心到達世界上最大的港口”。 如果您相信自己並相信自己可以實現自己的目標。 你會。 但是,您需要執行下一步。

“吸引力法則”是一種信念,認為積極或消極的想法會給人的生活帶來積極或消極的體驗。這種信念是基於這樣的觀念,即人和他們的思想是由純粹的能量構成 的,存在著一種類似能量吸引類似能量的過程,通過這個過程,一個人可以改善自己的健康,財富和人際關係。


吸引力法則是很強大的。然而,“行動”是吸引力法則的一部分。因此,你必須採取行動來實現你的夢想。我堅信採取行動(除了簡單地表現出來之外)是實現真正的結果的 關鍵。如果你不轉向行動,制定計劃是沒有意義的。你不可能僅僅通過思考就能得到改善。你也可以通過這六個最簡單的行動開始實現你的夢想。


Dream Big

Our 2019 BNI Global Convention just wrapped up. I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who joined us from around the world at this exciting event in Warsaw, Poland.  Dziękuję Ci. This year’s convention is all about our theme, Dream Big. Therefore, I want to share a few thoughts for those of you not in BNI on how you can reach your goals when you dream, believe, and achieve…

Dream Big

Do you dare to dream? If so, you are a results-oriented person. Dream big to help you transform your own life, both personally and professionally, and contribute to making the world a better place.

Marcia Wieder, CEO, and Founder of Dream University was our keynote speaker at our 2019 Global Convention. She spoke about the entrepreneurial mindset of having a dream for your business and how to successfully realize that dream.  I met Marcia through the Transformational Leadership Council which we are both members of and, let me tell you, Marcia is truly the best of the best of when it comes to understanding this facet of your business. Please watch this video to learn more.

Marcia explains that in business, dreaming is serious business; it’s the driving force for transformation and without vision, many companies fail.

Make a plan.

A dream without a plan is just a fantasy. It is your thoughts about believing in your dream which will lead to achieving your dreams.

In the book, “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, he recommends “steering your mind to a productive, useful goal so you can reach the greatest port in the world, peace of mind”. If you believe in yourself and believe that you can achieve your goals. you will. However, you need to take the next step.

The “Law of Attraction” is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. This belief is based on the ideas that people and their thoughts are made from pure energy, and that a process of like energy attracting like energy exists through which a person can improve their health, wealth, and personal relationships.

Take action.

The Law of Attraction is powerful. However, “action” is part of the word attraction. Therefore, you must take action to achieve your dreams. I firmly believe taking action (beyond simply showing up) is key to achieve real results. Making a plan is meaningless if you don’t shift toward action. You can’t make improvements through thought alone. You can also start to achieve your dreams with these six simplest actions you can take.

Reach your goals and create a better life when you dream, believe, and achieve…



Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。