Business Travel Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs / 忙碌的創業者的商務旅行建議
- 研究你的目的地:在網上查詢該地區的總體佈局以及當地的文化、生活方式和風俗習慣。閱讀當地的新聞,並了解可能導致行程延誤的任何事件。
- 兌換貨幣:您可以在出發前一周向當地銀行或信用社訂購外幣,以獲得更好的匯率。研究一下簽證的要求,因為有些國家對進入本國的貨幣有最低要求。這就是波蘭的 "zloty"。
- 護照:在旅行前要有足夠的時間來申請護照;辦理護照通常需要4至6週(加急服務需要3週)。所有到波蘭的遊客都需要持有有效期至少6個月以上的護照。
- Visa:來自美國、加拿大和澳大利亞的護照持有者可免簽證進入波蘭並在波蘭停留90天。來自歐盟成員國(包括英國)的護照持有者不需要簽證。請確保攜帶最低貨幣要求進入其國家。
- 醫療方面的要求:去波蘭旅遊沒有什麼異常的健康問題,遊客不需要進行特殊的接種,也不需要出示醫療文件就可以入境。不過,出國旅遊時,每年都要打一次流感疫苗。
- 手機:請聯繫您的服務提供商,申請國際旅行計劃,以獲得國際漫遊服務。波蘭手機使用的是900/1800MHz的GSM頻段。這是在整個歐洲使用的相同標準,但與美國使用的標準不同。美國的手機在這裡也可以使用,只要是三頻手機(不是所有的手機都是三頻)
- 天氣:11月3日至10日波蘭華沙天氣預報(截至10/27/19),11月3日至10日波蘭華沙天氣預報為多雲,氣溫在1°C至11°C/34°F至52° F之間。
- 筆記本電腦:除了在國外時查看電子郵件,你的筆記本電腦還可以讓你從相機中上傳照片。此外,你還可以在社交媒體頁面上分享旅行中的照片和故事。
- 手機行動電源:在機場裡的行動電源的價格是很驚人的。帶上一個可以讓你在沒有電的時候遠程給手機充電的行動電源。
- 電源適配器/轉換器:波蘭共和國的壁裝電源插座為C型(CEE 7/16 Europlug)和E型(CEE 7/5 Schuko),並以230伏交流電/ 50赫茲的頻率供電。
- 電池:攜帶備用的AA和AAA電池包裝。
- 能量棒:在飢餓的時候,帶一盒蛋白質餐條,給你補充能量。從美國參加的人將會經歷6-9小時的時差。因此,需要調整睡眠和用餐時間。再加上盡可能多補充水分。
Today’s entrepreneur will spend time traveling for business meetings, trade shows, or industry conventions. Business Travel has become a key part of the job description. Here are some tips for a successful business trip.
Things to do before business travel:
- Research your destination: Look up online the general layout of the area plus the local culture, lifestyle, and customs. Read the local news and be informed regarding any events that could cause delays during your trip.
- Exchange Currency: You can get better rates by ordering foreign currency from your local bank or credit union a week before leaving. Research the visa requirements as some counties have a minimum currency requirement to enter their country. It is the “zloty” in Poland.
- Passport: Allow plenty of time before your trip to apply for a passport; processing normally takes 4 to 6 weeks (3 weeks for expedited service). All visitors to Poland are required to hold a passport that is valid for at least 6 months beyond the date of entry into the country.
- Visa: Passport holders from the U.S., Canada, and Australia can enter Poland without a visa and stay for 90 days. Passport holders from EU member countries, including the U.K., do not need a visa. Make sure to carry the minimum currency requirement to enter their country.
- Medical Requirements: There are no unusual health concerns for visiting Poland, and visitors are not required to get any special inoculations or show medical documents to enter the country. However, getting your annual flu shot is always a good idea when traveling abroad.
- Cellphones: Contact your service provider to sign up for an international travel plan that will allow for international roaming. Polish cellphones operate on a GSM band of 900/1800MHz. This is the same standard in use throughout Europe but different from the one used in the United States. U.S. mobiles will work here, provided they are tri-band phones (not all phones are tri-band) Keep calls to a minimum, however, since roaming charges can be steep.
- Weather. The weather forecast (as of 10/27/19) for Warsaw Poland for November 3-10 is for cloudy skies with temperatures ranging from 1°C to 11°C/ 34°F to 52° F
Remember to pack these for business travel…
Please read my blog article, “My Must-Remember Items When Packing for a Business Trip“, published last year on my website with a list of items to pack that can certainly come in handy on a business trip. There are certainly more items to include, but these can certainly make or break an important business trip. So you definitely do not want to forget them. Here are some additional items to remember.
- Laptop Computer: Besides checking your email while abroad, your laptop will allow you to upload photos from your camera. Plus you can share photos and stories from your trip on your social media pages.
- Phone battery power bank. It is amazing how much power banks cost at an airport. Bring a power bank that will allow you to recharge your phone remotely when electricity is not available.
- Power adapter/converter. Wall outlets in the Republic of Poland are Type C (CEE 7/16 Europlug) and Type E (CEE 7/5 Schuko) and supply electricity at 230 volts AC / 50 Hz frequency.
- Batteries: Bring a spare package of AA and AAA batteries for your devices.
- Energy Bars: Pack a box of protein meal bars to give you a boost of energy and when feeling hungry. Those attending from the USA will be experiencing a 6-9 hour time zone difference. Therefore, Sleep and mealtime schedules will need to be adjusted. Plus hydrate as much as possible.
I’m extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel extensively for both business and pleasure. Over the years, Bob and I have accumulated numerous tips to help aid overseas business travel. It is also important to know the role that cultural differences play in global networking and how understanding those differences becomes very important as we do business around the world.