The Success Principles Masterclass / 成功原則大師班
改革領導力委員會(TLC)的成員和朋友傑克-坎菲爾德(Jack Canfield)在這段視頻中與我討論了他的書《The Success Principles Workbook》,傑克邀請你參加他的成功原則大師班,他將於2020年4月2日(星期四)太平洋時間下午12:30,與傑克-坎菲爾德一起參加他的成功原則大師班的現場網絡研討會。大多數人在閱讀傑克的原著《The Success Principles》時,都需要某種指導。這也是傑克本週推出《 The Success Principles Workbook》的原因。
在The Success Principles Workbook網站上預購此工作手冊。
工作簿上的活動按照你需要做的準確順序進行,以獲得最佳效果。如果你在幾週的時間裡,一步一個腳印地走下去,你就可以實現你的職業和個人目標,創造一種令人興奮的新生活方式,提前退休,發展一個更好的人際關係網,或者實現你最深層的目標。另外,我還為《The Success Principles Workbook》第二版投稿,從第356頁開始。
購買《success principles》十週年紀念版的書。
The Success Principles Masterclass
Fellow Transformational Leadership Council (TLC) member and friend, Jack Canfield, discusses his book, “The Success Principles Workbook” with me in this video and Jack invites you to join him on his Success Principles Masterclass, a live webinar with Jack Canfield on Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 12:30 pm Pacific Time.
Most people need some kind of guidance when reading Jack’s original book, “The Success Principles“. That is why Jack is releasing his “The Success Principles Workbook” this week.
The Success Principles Workbook
This workbook contains 17 core principles of success. Plus, Jack provides weekly activities with step-by-step instructions, self-discovery exercises, and worksheets to keep you on a path to success.
You’ll discover:
- The 7 major areas of life where planning will give you the most joy, the greatest prosperity, and the highest impact for good.
- The one thing that will bring YOU success where others have failed
- Why believing what you want is critical — and how to create this belief
- The actual plan you need to follow — with the book as your guide
- Plus, there are other bonuses, too, which you can read on Jack’s website
The workbook activities fall in the exact order you need to do to get the best results. If you take it one step at a time, over a number of weeks, you can fulfill your professional and personal goals, create an exciting new lifestyle, retire early, develop a better network, or achieve your deepest purpose, This indispensable book will provide the clarity and activities you’ve been seeking to give you the future you’ve always wanted. Plus, I have a contribution to the second edition of The Success Principles Workbook, starting on page 356.
This Workbook is an amazing tool to help you get where you want to be. Whether you are looking to increase your confidence, build your business, discover your passion and purpose, or simply get clear on your dreams and goals, anyone who wants to achieve their success principles in life must read this book.