Jordan Adler shares “Why BNI” / Jordan Adler分享 "為什麼是BNI"

Jordan Adler分享 "為什麼是BNI"

Send Out Cards的超級明星Jordan Adler與我分享了他加入BNI的原因。 [看看視頻中的名人 "photo bomb. "的原因]。
大約在15年前,我基本上剛剛與 "Send Out Cards "簽約,我被邀請參加了一個BNI的會議。當時只有12人,因為那是美國最小的分會之一。當我們繞到房間裡做自我介紹的時候,我只是舉起一張賀卡,解釋了一下我是做什麼的。我看到BNI是一個很好的參與機會,就加入了。 . .

看視頻了解整個故事的來龍去脈和名人 "photo bomb."


多年來,我在我的很多書中都推薦過送出感謝卡。 Send Out Cards 是一個很好的方式來跟進你的引薦人。手寫的感謝卡總是一個很好的姿態,特別是在這個電子通訊時代,手寫的感謝卡會給人留下很好的印象。一定要寫上個性化的字條,寫上您感謝您的推薦人的內容。  Send Out Cards 是這方面的一個很好的資源。喬丹-阿德勒絕對是一個超級明星,我們很高興有他和其他所有在BNI的Send Out Cards顧問。了解更多關於 Send Out Cards 的信息,請訪問


Jordan Adler shares “Why BNI”

Jordan Adler, a superstar from Send Out Cards, shares with me why he joined BNI. [Look for the celebrity that “photo bombs” us in the video].
About 15 years ago, I had just basically signed up with Send Out Cards and I was invited to a BNI meeting. There were only 12 people in the meeting as it was one of the smallest chapters in the United States. When we went around the room to introduce ourselves, I just held up a greeting card and explained what I did. I saw that BNI was a great opportunity to get involved and I joined. . .
Watch the video for the whole story and the celebrity “photo bomb.”

Send a thank-you card

I have recommended Send Out Cards for many years in many of my books. Sending a thank-you card is a great way to follow up with your referral sources.  Always a nice gesture, a handwritten thank-you card makes a great impression, especially in this age of electronic communication. Be sure to write a personalized note that mentions what you’re thanking your referral source for. SendOutCards is a great resource for this. Jordan Adler is absolutely a superstar and we are really pleased to have him and all the other Send Out Cards consultants in BNI. Learn more about Send Out Cards at
Every now and then we get to hang out in amazing places, with interesting people walking by.



Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。