Episode 639: How to Bring a Visitor into the Room / 第639集:如何將訪客帶入房間


來自BNI大利沃尼亞地區的Madeleine Dechy本週加入了Misner博士的播客。在過去3年半的時間裡,她每週都會給BNI帶來一位訪客,在42個月的時間裡,她帶來了43位新會員。以下是她是如何做到的。


在我們的身邊,有很多人都在追求企業的發展。 (請聽第404期節目,了解更多相關內容)。








在每次談話結束時,問 「你能推荐一個很好的_________(該分會要找的專業)嗎?」如果他們說是,就給那個人打電話,說「這樣強烈推薦你。你願意在商務會議上做我的客人嗎?我想給你介紹一些人。」



Ivan's Inner Circle



你好,歡迎回到官方的BNI播客。我是Priscilla Rice,來自加州伯克利市的Live Oak錄音室。我今天在電話中加入了BNI的創始人和首席願景官 Dr. Ivan Misner




是啊,應該很好玩,今天我請到了一位嘉賓她在密歇根地區非常活躍而且很受導演們的尊重我非常敬佩她,就是Madeleine Derchy 她已經結婚了,她有5個孩子,是的,5個孩子,11歲到19歲。她在BNI7年裡,她資助了兩個成員。讓我再說一遍。在BNI的7年裡,她資助了兩個會員,然後她就把重點放在了帶訪客上。那之後的第一學期,她帶了55個訪客來了,下一學期,她帶了100個訪客,之後的3年半里,她一直堅持每週帶一個訪客,3年半里每個月都有一個以上的新會員。前7年有兩個新會員,過去42個月又有43個新會員。 Madeleine,我太佩服了。做得很好 歡迎收看BNI播客


我有幾件事我絕對想談。 其中之一始於睜大你的眼睛和耳朵。

謝謝。 當我談論將訪客帶入會議室時,我們只需要稍微改變一下思路,這樣人們就可以知道有些人正在尋求發展我們不了解的業務。

我們都是站在某種引薦的中間。對於那些沒有聽過這一集的人來說,請到404集,叫做 "站在引薦的中間"。它講述了Madeleine在這裡提到的是你的體表激活系統,你必須打開你的心扉,讓她要講的這些東西進入你的腦海。這是個很好的開場白>看看那一集吧,繼續,Madeleine。

謝謝你,所以伸出你的眼睛和耳朵。第一步是把你認識的人帶進會議。帶上你的辦公室經理,帶上你的配偶,帶上你的員工。我帶了我的治療師。我把我的辦公室經理也帶來了 這很好。她能看到發生了什麼事 現在,當她在電話里和客戶見面時,她會問他們,你是做什麼的?當她聽到有什麼業務相關的時候,她就會說,哦,你是在找業務嗎?當他們說是的時候,她會說,"Madeleine想和你見面,把你介紹給當地的其他一些商業專家,看看我們是否能為你爭取到更多的生意。"


這是一個很好的建議,將它們納入了一個分會。 還有什麼?

是的,我們接到很多電話,有很多人要求直接和我見面。我過去總是說不。我是一個治療師。我不感興趣。不不不不 。現在,我們不再對冷冰冰的電話說“不”了。我們說“是”。

「我可以和Madeleine談談嗎?」「是的,她很想在週五7點與您見面。此外,她還將向您介紹其他幾位業務專業人員。」 哦,天哪,這已經吸引了許多訪客,他們非常感激。

我絕對喜歡 這真是太好了。



好的。其他的交流活動,特別是商會,我發現在我的經驗中。當你去參加一個商會的活動就像一個漁夫去池塘里捕魚一樣每個人都在那裡。他們都在一個房間裡 。他們已經享受聯網。他們已經看到了好處。他們是在那裡增長他們的業務。只要和某人交談,問:“你願意在另一個活動中做我的客人嗎? 我想把你介紹給更多的本地商業專家。”




這就造成了這麼多的訪客和新會員。社交媒體,我用的是Facebook,然後我們會接觸到LinkedIn。 ,所以你可以要求在你的分會區域內的鄰里群里聯系。通常情況下,這一點已經會有了。如果你去搜索欄裡直接放出尋找推薦哪個專業,你應該會看到它在feed歷史記錄里拉出來。所有你的朋友和他們的朋友。你會看到一整張專業的名單,被這麼多人強烈推薦的專業。你能看出來我很興奮嗎?太讚了。

我必須告訴你,在這個問題上,你把我帶到了學校,因為你給了我一個我沒有想到的想法。人們問我關於社交媒體的事情,我總是告訴他們我是個大粉絲。我很喜歡社交醫療,但它是一個品牌建設者,而不是獲取新會員的方式。但你剛才描述了一種方式,我認為是一種獲得潛在訪客,然後會員到一個分會的方式,那就是說你要找的是什麼專業。那就是在社交媒體上說某個專業。 '你知道一個好的ˍˍ什麼的。並邀請他們到一個分會。真是個好主意。我要改變我對每個問這個問題的人的回答,因為這個討論,Madeleine。這是一個非常好的建議。

我很高興,謝謝你。我叫他 "Dackday on a platter"。所以我們要做的就是把這一整張名單拿出來,裡面有很多同行業的專業人士。我按了一下,讓他們看到我,然後我給他們發信息,說:"你好,你是被..... ... "然後我寫上推薦人的名字。然後我就邀請他們。這樣一來,就會有幾個同行業的人在同一天來到你的群裡。這樣一來,提交申請的人的比例就會比較高。




謝謝。 因此,您要先增加一個專業,然後再添加到分會中。 現在,無論是面對面的還是在電話中的每一次對話,您都可以在離開前結束對話,“哦,在我掛斷電話之前,您能推荐一個很棒的———— ??” 如果他們回答“是”,則說明您有熱情。 您打電話給那個人,說:“因此,強烈推薦您。 你會成為我的商務會議客人嗎? 我想向您介紹一些當地人。”

現在,關鍵是,我認為你還必須要知道這個人的名字是誰在做引薦。所以無論你和誰說話,在那一刻,得到他們的名字,這樣你就可以告訴這個人,“所以 這仍然是一種冷冰冰的引薦,但它是直接引薦,這比起冷冰冰的人要好一點。




聽著,Madeleine。這是我做的最好的播客之一。你有真正的實實在在的技巧 你和大家分享了一些技巧。基於結果,他們顯然是有效的。在前7年裡有兩個新的人 在過去的42個月裡又增加了43個 這真是太神奇了 幹得好 謝謝你今天上BNI播客節目





我想這週就到此為止了。非常感謝你提供了這麼好的信息。這個播客有一個新的讚助商。去查看一下www.ivansinnercircle.com,有很多精彩的內容。伊万已經收集了一系列廣泛的主題,邀請你參與其中。非常感謝您的收聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待您下週再次加入我們的官方BNI播客的另一集精彩節目

Episode 639: How to Bring a Visitor into the Room

Madeleine Dechy from BNI Greater Livonia joins Dr. Misner on the podcast this week. She has brought a visitor to BNI every week for the past 3.5 years, which has resulted in 43 new members in 42 months. Here’s how she does it.

Extending Your Eyes and Ears

There are people all around us who are looking to grow their businesses. (Listen to Episode 404 to hear more about this.)
Bring someone you know to the BNI meeting: your therapist, your office manager, your spouse. Teach them to ask the people they meet whether they want to grow their businesses.
Accept cold calls. Tell the people who call offering services to meet you at the BNI meeting and bring business cards.

Go to Other Networking Events

Chamber of commerce meetings and trade shows are especially good because everyone there is already looking for business.

Social Media: Stack Day on a Platter

Join neighborhood groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and ask for recommendations for professions your BNI chapter needs. Send private messages to each of the people who were recommended and invite them to come to the BNI meeting on the same day. Your chapter gets its choice of new members, and you can send the others to neighboring BNI chapters.

Before I Hang Up

Finish every conversation by asking “Can you recommend a great __________ (profession the chapter is looking for)”? If they say yes, call that person and say “So and so highly recommended you. Would you be my guest at a business meeting? I’d like to introduce you to some local people.”

Follow Up

Not everyone is ready to join right away, but they might still be interested. Follow up with every visitor.
Ivan's Inner Circle
This episode is sponsored by Ivan’s Inner Circle. Become a founding member today!

Complete Transcript of Episode 639

Hello and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founde$r and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner.
Hello, Ivan. How are you and where are you today?
Right now, I am in Austin but I am going up in the snow to enjoy the holidays. I am taking my bride of 35 years there and we are not connected to any BNI event on this particular trip. So it should-be fun. 
I hope you have a great time.
Yeah,it should be fun. I have a guest today. She is very active in the Michigan region and very respected by the directors there,and I have enormous respect for.that would be Madeleine Derchy. She is married.she has five children- yes count them, five children- from 11 to 19. In her first 7 years of BNI she sponsored two members. Let me repeat that. Inner first 7 years with BNI she sponsored two members,and then she made it her focus to bring visitors. That first term after that, she brought in55 visitors. The next term she brought in 100 visitors,and she has consistently after that brought inonevisitor a week for the last 3.5 years which has resulted in over one new member  every month for 3.5 years. She has brought in more than one new member every month, two new members in the first seven years and 43 more in the last 42 months. Madeleine, I am so impressed. Well-done. Welcome to BNI Podcast.
Thank you, it is an honor to be here with you.[02:29]
I have a few things that I definitely want to talk about. One of them begins with extending your eyes and ears.talk to me about that.
Thank  you. When I talk about bringing a visitor into the room, we start with just a little bit of a mind shift so that people can be aware that there are people who are looking to grow their business who we are just not aware of.
We are all standing in the middle of some sort of referral. For those of you who have not listened to the episode,go to episode 404 called Standing in the Middle of Referrals. It talks about what Madeleine is referring to here which is your verticular  activating system,that you have to open your mind to allowing these things that she is going to be talking about to go into your mind.  It’s a great opening>take a look at that episode.go ahead, Madeleine. 
Thank you, so extending your eyes and ears. The first step is bringing someone you know into the meeting. Bring your office manager. Bring your spouse, bring your employees. I brought my therapist. I brought my office manager. That has been neat. She came. She was in the room. She got to see what was going on. Now when she is on he phone meeting clients,she will ask them what do you do? When she hears of any kind of business related, she will say oh,are you looking for more business? When they say yes, she says, “Madeleine would like to meet with you and introduce you to some other local business professionals to see if we can get you more business for you.”
That has been a huge influence on reaching out for connections, other people being your eyes and ears for you.
That is a great suggestion, bringing them into a chapter. Love it.  What else?
Yes, so the office manager, she she is on the phone- we get a lot of phone calls with people asking to meet with me directly. I used to always say no. I am a therapist. I am not interested. No no no. Now, we no longer say no to cold calls. We say yes.
‘Can I talk with Madeleine?’ “Yes,she would love to meet with you Friday at 7.in addition, she is going to introduce you to several other business professionals.”  Oh my gosh, this has generated so many visitors and they are so thankful because they hear no no no and now they hear yes.
I absolutely love it. That is fantastic.
In addition,when we get something in the mail, which isn’t all the time but we still do. Now they don’t go in the circular file. Now we open them,read them and we respond. This has resulted in visitors and members.
You also talk about other networking events. Tell me about that. 
Okay. Other networking events, especially chambers I have found in my experience. When you go to a chamber event,it is like a fisherman going to a pond teeming with fish. Everyone is there. They are in a room. They already enjoy networking. They already see the benefit.  They are there to grow their business. Boom boom boom boom. Just talk to someone.ask, “Would you like to be my guest at another event. I would like to introduce you to more local business professionals.”
When I was a member,  Madeline, which was a long time ago, that was one of the best ways for me to bring in new members or visitors. Through chambers. I went to chamber meetings and I brought in a lot of visitors. I think that is still a great technique today.
Yes. Yes. On that same idea, business expos or vendor events. Anytime you hear of one, everyone there is the same. They are there. They are spending the time looking for more business. Of course they would like to be introduced to more people.  
Another great technique. I used to go to chamber events or trade shows and other organizational trade shows. I went around and invited the people who were running the booths because they were looking for business. I invited them to the local chapters. Great techniques. So what about social media? Talk to me about that.
This is one of- well I guess they are all really good. This has resulted in so many visitors and new members. Social media, I use Facebook and then we will touch on LinkedIn. Facebook has groups in the neighborhood so you can ask to be connected to a neighborhood group in your chapter area. Even if not just go and put out, “I am looking for a recommendation for ——-“ name a profession that you are looking for. Often, this will already have been done. If you go in your search bar and just put in looking for recommendation for which profession, you should see it pull up in the feed history. All of your friends and their friends,boom boom boom boom boom. You will see a whole list of professionals that were highly recommended from so many people. Can you tell I am excited about it? It’s awesome.
I have to tell you that you have taken me to school on this one because you have given me a spin on the idea that I haven’t thought of. People ask me about social media and I always tell them I am a big fan. I love social medic but it is a brand-builder and not a way to get new members. But you just described a way that I think is a way to get potential visitors and then members to a chapter and that is to say what profession you are looking for. That is get on social media and say a certain profession. ‘Do you know a good ——-“ whatever. And the invite them to a chapter. What a brilliant idea. I am going to change my answer to everybody who asks that question because of this discussion, Madeleine. That is a really good suggestion.
I am so happy about that, thank you. I call this one, Dr. Misner, dackday on a platter. So then what we do is get this whole list of many professionals in that same profession. I press like so they can see me and then I prove message them and say, “Hello, you were highly recommended by ———“ and then I put the name of the person that recommended them. And then I invite them. This results in several people of the same profession coming to your group on the same day. This results in higher percentage rate of people submitting an application.
It always does because when they see their competitors in the the room, it gives them motivation to submit an application.the worst thing is you get to pick which person will be the best fit, which is a great problem to have.
It is. Then guess what you get to do – help surrounding chapter with the other people.
You bring up a really good point, Madeleine. A lot of chapters at this point let the person fall by they wayside,but if you help other chapters nearby, they are going to do the same for you which builds your chapter. That is a really, really good point. Everyone, make a note of what Madeleine just said. That is a really important point.
I think we have time for one more. I really like this. The phrase you use is, “Before I hang up.” Tell me about that one.
Thank you. So have one profession top of your mind that you want to add to your chapter. Now every single conversation that you find yourself in, in-person or on the phone, you finish up your conversation just before you leave, “Oh, before I hang up, could you recommend a great ———-?”  If they say yes, you have a warm lead. You call that person and say, “So and so highly recommended you. Would you be my guest at a business meeting? I would like to introduce you to some local people.”
Now, the key there I think is you also have to get the person’s name who is making the recommendation. So whoever you arsenal talking to at that moment, get their name so you can tell the person, “So and so I met at ———— recommended you personally.” So it is still kind of a lukewarm referral, but it is till a referral,which is better than cold calling people by far. 
Great suggestion. I have never heard that one, Madeleine. That is a good one. 
So you have given some great ideas here for extending your eyes and ears. Going to other networking events like chambers and trade shows, social media, stack down on a platter, and before I hang up concept. Is there any last thought before I wrap up today?
Yes thank you. The last thought is to make sure to follow up. Following up has been a huge part in the success of bringing all these people into the room because some of these people are interested but it’s not quite a good time now. So making sure that I keep track and follow up later for the ones who are interested has been part of the fruitful results.
Listen, Madeleine. This is one of the better podcasts that I have done. You have some really tangible techniques that you have shared with people. Based on results,they clearly work. Two new people in the first seven years. 43 more in the last 42 months- that is truly amazing. Well done. Thanks for being on BNI Podcast today.
Thank you, too, and you are welcome.
Over to you, Priscilla.
Thank you Madeleine. I am going to listen s carefully and bring into my chapter. As educational coordinator I have to do a little lesson on exactly this so thank you so much.  
You are welcome.
I think that is it for this week. Thank you so much for the great information. This podcast has a new sponsor. Go checkout the great content available at www.ivansinnercircle.com. Ivan has assembled a wide array of topics and you are invited to participate. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of the Official BNI Podcast. 



Episode 663: Membership Committees Are Critical /第663集 會員委員會是關鍵

Episode 640: The BNI Origin Story / 第640集:BNI的起源故事

Episode 666: The 5 Levels of a Referral (Classic Podcast) / 第666集 引薦人的5個級別(經典播客)。